Windows Vista.


Windows Vista is gonna be on sale on January 30th.
Do you think is a big improvement or that it's just as current XP?
Well I'm not totally sure it will be that much better than XP. But lord knows there will be bugs in it. As with all Microsoft. I won't be getting it anytime soon as I will need a new computer to run with that system.
There are still a whole lot of bugs with XP as well! That's why they invented Auto Update!

I think it is to bad it uses a lot of capacity so in order to work with a computer each day and work with a lot of application you also need to upgrade to Dual Core processor and Motherboard that supports that!

On the other side I am wondering about the new feautures... But I wish microsoft would invent a way to really adjust windows that there is a tool that makes you choose which parts of windows you want. And then I really mean all the extra's that isn't needed for the OS itself!
I have no confident in Vista at all. LOL. See, how many years has XP been there? And they're still fixing bugs for it! I think I'll just wait until I HAVE TO update to Vista. :D
I am a real computer geek. And I just know that no OS as big as Windows cannot be without bugs in it. it is just not possible.

I am a real Microsoft user and the only thing I dislike from MS is that everything is to expensive... But other than that I really am curious about Vista!
BlueCurl, expanding on that, I don't think most of the other operating systems are prepared for any bug that may enter their system. Windows is quite safe for the amount of people that use it. I've been using Microsoft since I was born ... its one of my only brand loyalties.
I have always used Windows, until I recently bought a mac laptop. I use both computers equally (and I even downloaded windows onto my mac, so I have an option of switching between OSs) and I find that thought mac is easier to navigate and has less viruses, windows has many more programs (true..many more bugs) but if you want to use certain programs, you can only use microsoft.

I think Vista will target some major downfalls of XP, but I also think that it will have tons of bugs. It seems that the only programs I have trouble with on my computer is the programs made by microsoft, so I'm interested to see if they update the bugs in Windows Movie Maker and programs like that.
HELL, I've got enough trouble & confusion with my XP and Microsoft as it is, let alone trying a new version ~~~screams~~~ :( I'll wait.. unless they want to send it to me free!! I saw Bill Gates on the Jon Stewart show last night talking about it ;)
I haven't heard much (or, actually, anything) about Windows Vista, but I have seens comercials for it. I'll stick with my Mac, thanks ;)
Vista has speech recognition hole.(BBC).

Microsoft has admitted that speech recognition features in Vista could be hijacked so that a PC tells itself to delete files or folders.
Vista can respond to vocal commands and concern has been raised about malicious audio on websites or sent via e-mail.
In one scenario outlined by users an MP3 file of voice instructions was used to tell the PC to delete documents.
I'll never be first buyers (not even with farm machines) because first products usuall have all funny problems and bugs.

I have to say XP was wonderful step forward and if Vista is the same - perhaps some day. But my XP is sweet at the moment :p