William/Grissom: The Hottness Of - Page 11

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Now that would just be dang terrible. If they got so wet, we'd have to take them off because you just end up getting so cold keeping them on right? Well, that'd be my excuse. I bet he'd know how to make a fire too, wonder if he likes toasted marshmellows? If we were out long enough, his beard would grow back, and he'd have to wash somehow :devil:

I'm sure Egg woulda told me if she was going away :s i'm sure she'll be back sometime soon :(
19ams87 said:
Stuck in a lift, now ya talkin' ;) You'd have to talk to each other then, just to eliviate boredom.
No no no no no no. I'd find other MUCH MUCH more interesting ways to spend my time with him :p

He wouldn't even have time to sigh or say 'oh, yes please!', I'd be on him like white on rice :lol:

19ams87 said:I bet he'd know how to make a fire too, wonder if he likes toasted marshmellows?
Yeah, with peanut butter :D

If we were out long enough, his beard would grow back, and he'd have to wash somehow :devil:
AH! Love that thought.
I'd love to ask him about his career, and what his plans for the future are, theater..films, more CSI, all of the above ;) and if he likes the new location at Universal City Studios, vs where they did film in Santa Clarita!
This is where eggy has gone... first of all trapped in a lift and then stuck, probably against her will (yeah, right!) with Billy in a tent, all wet...

Either that or she is on holiday or her computer blew up! But I prefer my theory! ;)
Alas ladies, I have the answer to all of lifes mysteries...not really but I know where Eggy is! *waves to Egg* I know you're reading this hun lol. Anyways, basically her internet got cut off, shes changing provider and they're getting hooked up again on Wednesday so she'll be back. Hope that's right Egg! :D

I'd like to ask him what his fav episode of CSI is, which season is his fav and what he drinks! *wonders* Oh, and if he likes camping ;) lol. If I ever meet him, it's my misson to get a hug, I really really REALLY want a Billy hug. I love man hugs.

I watched Still Life last night for the first time and the bit when he's talking about his dad made me fill up. He needed a hug (LOL I wrote 'he needed a BUG' first), now ladies, form an "ordely line" behind me ;)

Oh, UK'ers, Manhunter was on last night, all be it rather late, I got in at 1(ish) and it finished at half 1. Might be repeated tonight so keep your eyes peeled
It is indeed, my little Blackburn chuckipoos! ITV2 at 10pm tonight! From 'Rome' to 'Manhunter' in the flick of a finger! Nice!

Will have to tape Criminal Minds... I'm getting a thing for Shemar Moore I think he's called! Not of Billy sized proportions, obviously, but he's on my radar now!
my little Blackburn chuckipoos
And the award for cutest name giverer goes to *drum roll* BRITFAAAAAN! :D

I watched the last half of Manhunter in a half drunken frenzy last night lol. I squeed rather loudly when I realised it was on, I was flicking through my channels and there was Mr Billy to please my eyes :D He's phenominal in MH. And the beard action :D

BF, what do you think about Mr Jack Bauer coming to save me, theres terrorists in Blackburn (and I ain't kiddin!) so he needs to come rescue me. Is he available?! :p
I found this fascinating article about Billy baby..

WP THE EARLY YEARS and cute photos when he was waaay young! and his LOVE for CHICAGO ;)

desertwind thanks for bringing me back to earth!! I really didn't think i had many chances of actually seeing Billy, but now i know i have none!!! :( Nevertheless, i'm planning a trip to Vegas (maybe i run into him at a drugstore or a shop, *crosses fingers*) :p

Great article btw, and soooooo cute pics (and sexyyy :D) only Billy could pull this off :cool:: being sweet and hott at the same time!! :) :)

Anyways, until the miracle happens ;), God Bless CSI and the internet (i have almost all the CSI epies- last week i found Jackpot- yeahhh-) :) :)

GrissomFreak was that you some posts ago, or my eyes fooled me??? Good to see you again!! :D :D
FallenforGrissom said:
desertwind thanks for bringing me back to earth!! I really didn't think i had many chances of actually seeing Billy, but now i know i have none!!! :( Nevertheless, i'm planning a trip to Vegas (maybe i run into him at a drugstore or a shop, *crosses fingers*) :p

That's so possible, a fan saw Kevin Spacey at a Starbucks, [posted on the Vegas thread] and it was in our paper, he had on a hat, sunglasses and jeans, & she got his autograph, he was very courteous it stated! and it was also reported that Billy was seen playing ther slots at the airport, waiting for his plane to depart! bet he doesn't play nickles :D so maybe, one never knows, the thing about me seeing them, I'm at work, and I did take that particular day off for nothing :( I wish you the best of luck.. and I'm sure you'll let us know!
And the award for cutest name giverer goes to *drum roll* BRITFAAAAAN!

*bows* Thank you! Thank you one and all. I'd like to thank...Wah wah wah!!

Aww windy! That artical! Billy was a bad boy! *crush inflates* Not done this for a while, but... FWOAR!

FallenforGrissom - I'll take up the standard bearer! You go to Vegas in September, I go in October... I just need ways to persuade my mate that he REALLY wants to look all over Vegas for Billy! :lol:
britfan said:
Not done this for a while, but... FWOAR!

:lol: there's the chuck that we all know! :lol:

Maybe one of you will come back from Vegas and have a wonderful "I met Billy" story for us!!! That'd be awesome! ..but when you meet him, don't forget to mention your friends on the files!! :lol:
Whoo Hoo!! The Chuck is back! :lol: That's making me laugh!

I really REALLY doubt we'll bump into him, but, worry not, grissoms gurl, I will take a pic should it happen! Windy lives that way, but hasn't grabbed him yet (can you imagine what she'd do to him if she did?? :eek: :lol: :lol: :devil:

I love ams idea - get a hug from him... but I'm a tall girl, he may need a step ladder! :D
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