William/Grissom: The Hottness Of - Page 11

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Head of the Swing Shift
Hello and Welcome to The "William/Grissom: The Hottness Of" Page 11

To those new to William or CSI here are links to past WP/Grissom threads:

Links Not Working Due To Board Clean Up:

Grissom: The Original Thread
The Hottness of William Petersen/Grissom (oh yeah)!!: Page 1

The Hottness of William/Grissom: Page 2
The Hottness of William/Grissom: Page 3
The Hottness of William/Grissom: Page 4
The Hottness of William/Grissom: Page 5
The Hottness of William/Grissom: Page 6
The Hottness of William/Grissom: Page 7
The Hottness of William/Grissom: Page 8
The Hottness of William/Grissom: Page 9
The Hottness of William/Grissom: Page 10

This thread is dedicated to William Petersen and Gil Grissom. Please feel free to talk about the Actor/Character.

Enjoy! :D
Congrads on the new thread. Thanks Tinks for taking the time to do this.
*stuffs cinny buns into her mouth*

Yeah! Thanks Tinky!
I'm liking the slight difference in the title, lol. :)

*brings convo over* :rolleyes:

manhunter was at 41. pretty low if you ask me, and hardly any billy on it! like i said to britfan - he IS the film!!!!!!
That's so cool though. Our buddy was mentioned in England! Shock horror, eh? :lol:

Umm. I need to carry on revising, but not after I watch a Billy clip. *runs to WPAP*

Ugh, if my hamster would stop chewing on the bars I would be able to listen to A sound file from the Michael Connelly´s "Blue Neon Night" DVD (which accompanied his book "The Narrows" featuring excerpts read by Billy) ;) Sadly I have to turn the volume up really loud, and have the room filled with the sound of Billy.

Such a shame.

*carries on revising*
congrats on the new thread everybody! i know i'm not around a lot anymore, but i still want to say that the man is hot and my crush on him is still huge, lol.

keep on posting, yo :)
YAY! New thread! Let's get on with The Hottness :D

eggbe4thechicken said:
Ugh, if my hamster would stop chewing on the bars I would be able to listen to A sound file from the Michael Connelly´s "Blue Neon Night" DVD (which accompanied his book "The Narrows" featuring excerpts read by Billy) ;) Sadly I have to turn the volume up really loud, and have the room filled with the sound of Billy.
Hmmmm that sexy voice of his :rolleyes:

grissoms_gurl said:
Cinny buns for everyone! :lol:
Awww, I'm a sucker for cinnamon buns! *hugs and takes 4* :lol:
Congratulations muchly on the new thread. D and I hope we can continue in the same broadly appreciative W/G vein as in the latter stages of thread Page 10.

Cheers. :)
Boo yeah new page! *high fives everyone* I've brought pizza! *hands it out*

Oooh I likeys the new wording. :D

Sadly I have to turn the volume up really loud, and have the room filled with the sound of Billy.
Such hard work to have to listen to that while you're "revising" right? Hard life eh? :p

I agree Egger, nice for him to be mentioned in ol' Blighty. Saying that, I think he's actually more well known than we think, most of my mates know him as 'that bloke off CSI with the beard' :D and the lads just call him Grissom. I tried teaching them his real name but to no avail. They all prefer Horatio which is just idiocy! I like H, but Gman is the original CSI dude!

congrats on the new thread everybody! i know i'm not around a lot anymore
Hey no worries Adzix, as long as Billy's still in the mind, s'all good! ;)
Such hard work to have to listen to that while you're "revising" right? Hard life eh?
Hey, what's with the '"'? I AM revising. *shuts down tetris* :rolleyes:

They all prefer Horatio which is just idiocy!
:eek: Seriously? Well I don't watch Miami, but he's just not zexy...although I used to think WP wasn't. :rolleyes:

Wow, 11th thread, that's as old as my brother! What can this thread do now it's 11? I don't think there is anything...

Big news peeps, I've now got Who are you as my ringtone! (The full length version of course. ;)) New smancy phone and it's getting pimped out. :lol:

ETA: Anyone noticed my new status? I'm a friggin' CSI, just like G! *is proud* :D
Tinkerbell thanks so much for not changing the title of this thread. :D

There can be one and only one HOTTNESS thread!!!

*starts celebrating*

Congrats on Page 11!!!

I had to post before I take off on my week long vacation. :lol:


Hey, what's with the '"'? I AM revising. *shuts down tetris*
*pats head* course you are. You're probs revising just as much as i'm annotating all of my sketchbook. *raises eyebrow*

Seriously? Well I don't watch Miami, but he's just not zexy...although I used to think WP wasn't.
Yup, the lads love a bitta Horatio. Brother adores him too, I can understand it to be honest, I think H is more of a mans man if you get me. I love Horatio but Grissom is the main man. I actually think Grissom is funnier too. Go Gman. And I never used to dig WP either, oh how times have changed :D Twas the beard that did it.

Big news peeps, I've now got Who are you as my ringtone!
Me too! Which song? I have Who Are You but thinking about changing it to Won't Get Fooled Again cuz it has THE ZEXIEST intro ever. So does Baba O Reilly, love Eminence Front too but takes ages to get into it dammit. Yes, I heart The Who. It's my Dads fault lol.

WPRMW Where art thou going my child? Have a grrrrreat time btw :D And I lurves your lil smileys, speshly the nana (aka banana) ones :D
19ams87 said:
Yup, the lads love a bitta Horatio. Brother adores him too, I can understand it to be honest, I think H is more of a mans man if you get me. I love Horatio but Grissom is the main man. I actually think Grissom is funnier too. Go Gman. And I never used to dig WP either, oh how times have changed :D Twas the beard that did it.

No offense, but I just can't stand D.C. and will not watch CSI: Miami. No thank you. :(

ITA ams twas the beard that hook me to WP.

WPRMW Where art thou going my child? Have a grrrrreat time btw :D And I lurves your lil smileys, speshly the nana (aka banana) ones :D

I am going to California tonight to visit relatives with a stop over in Vegas. :D
If only Grissom was real. :lol: :lol: :lol:

OT: To All the Women and Men who fought and died for Our Country..... I salute You.

Memorial Day 2007

No offense, but I just can't stand D.C. and will not watch CSI: Miami. No thank you.
None taken, life would be boring if we were all the same right?! :)

I am going to California tonight to visit relatives with a stop over in Vegas.
If only Grissom was real.
Ooo how cool. Pfft, best places we get to go on 'vacation' while still in the UK is bloody Blackpool (which they're trying to turn into the new Vegas LMAO, yeah, right) or daaan saaaf (down south lol) *humph* can't wait to move I swear.

OT - is it memorial day today? Forgive my ignorance, I barely know anything on American history.

I watched Face Lift last night from the early seasons (can't remember which one) and Billy's wardrobe was awful for that ep. He wears this polo top which normally is fine, but he had all the buttons done up, and a cardigan. :eek: *runs off screaming*
Have a great time WPRMW :cool:

The beard got me too, but he is very cute without it :)

and his wardrobe has improved some over the years
just get rid of that straw hat and we'll be fine

but I have to say I love the sunglasses :cool: :cool:
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