William/Grissom: The Hottness Of - Page 11

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No no no no hhunter! The straw hat has to stay! It is the love. Shooting Stars, hat *and* the beard. Hawt.

Sunglasses, now that is something we do agree on :8 shades are kewl. Wonder what he'd look like with a suit and sunglasses? Ooh I bet that a zexy combo.

His Grissom wardrobe is usually nice, (the jeans, the tux, the suits!) in the Pilot it was nice, that black short sleved shirt is loverly, but in Face Lift, that polo shirt and cadigan combination is just plain wrong lmao.
OOoohh!! Very tres bon! A new thread! Congratulations, my fellow Billy/Grissom worshippers! A job well done!

I may put CSI on in the background so Billy can talk me to sleep LOL.

So do I! He has such a lovely accent and voice, I just love dozing off to his dulcet Chicagoan (?) tones! It's the nearest I'll get to sleeping with the real thing, I fear! :lol:

Yeah, I watched the 50 films to see before you die too. I was pretty impressed that Manhunter made it. There were some shockers in there - Apocalypse Now was number one. Eh?! Manhunter was so much better!

(OT - I was gutted Dirty Dancing wasn't there!)

I was fuming when poppylvsgriss texted - Brian Cox, Tom Doonhan and Michael Mann were all captioned or mentioned - but not Billy! What's that all about?! But his brooding little face was greatly appreciated - and there is a lick mark on my TV - where I just couldn't help myself! :lol:

And to follow on from the last post -

Shades a definite YEEEEESSSS!

The bloody hat - No, no way and never... in that order! It may be stupidly hot in Vegas (I nearly melted into a little pool last summer) but there have to be better hats - like the ball cap on backwards... rowr!
on the NEW THREAD, to Mr. extraordinary
and here's an interesting tid-bit.. a while back this jerkface Walter Scott, from PARADE magazine said that "David Caruso was a better actor and more attractive" than WP, or some such nonense, I wrote a letter complaining that he must have gotten the two mixed up, and other choice words, well, in yesterdays paper here's a repsonse on that issue :D

Q How did readers react to your opinion that CSI/Miami's David Caruso is a better actor than CSI's William Petersen

A By a margin of 20 to 1, they disagreed.. Typical comments were "You must be kidding"? and, if William Petersen left CSI, I'd quit watching" [I'm sure mine was in that bunch he recieved].. guess that'll teach this guy to think before he prints something so sacrilegious! :devil:
and there is a lick mark on my TV - where I just couldn't help myself!
LOL, you bladdy loon! Not that i've ever done anything of the sort, that would just be lunacy. And damn right, I woulda been gutted if Dirty Dancing & Pretty Woman weren't there, two cinematic pieces of gold.

Ok, lets do a little bit of simple mathematics. Baseball cap + Billy + beard + backwards = THUD/Amy dying of hotness overload. Now children, this is what we call, the four Bs of hotness. Baseball cap, Billy, Backwards & Beard. Remember this basic rule of life and you can't go far wrong.

Windy to say something like David Caruso is hawter than Billy is just utter poppycock! Ludosy! I like H, but c'mon Grissom is LE MAN!
the four Bs of hotness. Baseball cap, Billy, Backwards & Beard. Remember this basic rule of life and you can't go far wrong.

Surely, drop the B for beard for B for bi-facial then we are all happy! And B for bloody good actor too!

Well done Windy! The Ginger One scares me :eek: It's like when I watch Dr Who and penalty shoot outs involving England or Liverpool- I have to watch from behind the settee! :lol: :lol: :lol: Arrgghh! Run away from Horatio!! (But I do like his car though!)

How can anyone say he is a better actor than our Billykins? Did he have a film in the 50 films to see before you die?? Erm... no! Therefore, Billy is better! Ner ner de ner ner!!
The Ginger One scares me
LOL LOL! Thats just racist BF, me and Chris Evens are coming to getcha! (even though I ain't ginger)

Therefore, Billy is better! Ner ner de ner ner!!
The level of maturity never seizes to amaze me. :p But alas, it is true. Billy is the best actor in the world to exsist ever ever ever ever, soon he will be nominated for every Oscar going (including Best Actress!) and he will win. Then he'll take over the world. Realistic dontcha think? Ahem, and it was me who was talking about maturity :D
*pats head* course you are. You're probs revising just as much as i'm annotating all of my sketchbook. *raises eyebrow*
Exactly. :rolleyes:

How weird is it that people don't seem to find him attactive at first sight? :lol: Did that happen for anyone else? My mum is coming around I've noticed. God you know what she said to me the other day, lol, I think she's cottoned on to my obsession, she said wait until you see him in the movies he's done you'll be really put off. :lol: I was all of course mother. :rolleyes:

Me too! Which song?
Big news peeps, I've now got Who are you as my ringtone!
:rolleyes: :lol: :p

Ooo how cool. Pfft, best places we get to go on 'vacation' while still in the UK is bloody Blackpool (which they're trying to turn into the new Vegas LMAO, yeah, right) or daaan saaaf (down south lol) *humph* can't wait to move I swear.
You know something? I've never been to Blackpool! :lol: It's almost a crime isn't it? Well I live in the second most touristy place in England, lol, so we go on holiday to non-touristy places, like the middle of nowhere sorts. You know something that must be great about being all famous and such is the holidays you get. Like Billy went to Italy with Gina, and he flies back and forth to Chicago like it's hoppin' on the bus. :lol: God imagine if you saw Billy on a plane! I know someone who got upgraded to first class by some fluke and got seated by Victoria Beckham, they had a chat and everything. :lol: If I was on the same plane as him he'd probably ask to move, I'm a very restless flyer, every bump freaks me out. :rolleyes:

I watched Face Lift last night from the early seasons (can't remember which one) and Billy's wardrobe was awful for that ep. He wears this polo top which normally is fine, but he had all the buttons done up, and a cardigan.
Not good is it, but to be fair people attire has changed quite a lot recently, like if you watch the early seasons of friends it's dreadful, all the bosom high trousers. :lol:

Wonder what he'd look like with a suit and sunglasses?
God yeah. I can't think of a movie where he does either...maybe at the beginning of KtS. I can't look at the beginning, or I'll end up watching the entire movie. :lol:

I don't think I know anyone who's even seen Apocalypse Now, wait I'll ask my mum...no she has, and she says quote: "It's quite violent and wierd." :lol: There's a synopsis for you. :rolleyes:

I'm sure mine was in that bunch he recieved
:lol: Go Windy! 20 to 1 isn't as high as I would have thought it would have been though. I've only seen Cross Jurisdictions, and he wasn't as good as Billy in that, not in the slightest. :confused: Well I suppose it's peoples (strange :lol:) opinions. :rolleyes:
Surely, drop the B for beard for B for bi-facial then we are all happy! And B for bloody good actor too!
Yeah, we can drop the B for Beard for B for Beardless as well! :lol: :rolleyes:

including Best Actress!
Like in my dream? :eek:
From the new TV Guide. May 28..June 3rd.. a poll! [ and little pic. of him]

Where would you rather work?

CSI lab..28%

Grey's Anatomy..Seattle Grace..24%

The Office..Dunder Mifflin.. 23%

Ugly Betty's Mode..23%

"24"'s CTU..8%
wow...page 11 already? didnt you guys just start page 10? maybe im thinkin of the pics page...oh well, i guess it just means theres lots to say about billy!
desertwind said:
on the NEW THREAD, to Mr. extraordinary
and here's an interesting tid-bit.. a while back this jerkface Walter Scott, from PARADE magazine said that "David Caruso was a better actor and more attractive" than WP, or some such nonense, I wrote a letter complaining that he must have gotten the two mixed up, and other choice words, well, in yesterdays paper here's a repsonse on that issue :D

Q How did readers react to your opinion that CSI/Miami's David Caruso is a better actor than CSI's William Petersen

A By a margin of 20 to 1, they disagreed.. Typical comments were "You must be kidding"? and, if William Petersen left CSI, I'd quit watching" [I'm sure mine was in that bunch he recieved].. guess that'll teach this guy to think before he prints something so sacrilegious! :devil:
Damn right!! :devil:

Gawwd. I can't believe he said that :eek:
Don't get me started on David Caruso/Horatio :rolleyes:

Our Grissom is DA MAN :p
It has been way to long my friends i have been away doing exams and revision and even though there are still more to come i just can't be bothered doing work all the time like they say "all work and no griss make me a sad girl" lol

And just for the record
I love Griss
Griss is great
and its good to be back
desertwind said:
From the new TV Guide. May 28..June 3rd.. a poll! [ and little pic. of him]

Where would you rather work?

CSI lab..28%

Grey's Anatomy..Seattle Grace..24%

The Office..Dunder Mifflin.. 23%

Ugly Betty's Mode..23%

"24"'s CTU..8%

Oooh! I'd love to work in the CSI Crime Lab! I do anything to swab DNA with Grissom! :lol: But would I have to resit GCSE Science again? Urgh! I got an F! I just don't get it! I'm with Billy on that... didn't he get a criminal science grade at school too? With you all the way on that, chuck!

I'd love to work at CTU too, but I fear I would be either gassed or shot within the first hour! :lol: Health and Safety at Work does not operate in that place!

Whenever he leaves CSI, I would love to see Billy play the evil genius in 24... two hotties for the price of one! Keifer and Billy! *drool* *swoon* *thud*

*Goes of in search of Bauer CTU tee shirt from laundry pile...*
You know something? I've never been to Blackpool! It's almost a crime isn't it?
Almost? The holiday police squadran are on there way to get you. *nenaw nenaw nenaw* lol :p

Welcome back Grssom89 nice to have ya back.

Whenever he leaves CSI, I would love to see Billy play the evil genius in 24... two hotties for the price of one! Keifer and Billy! *drool* *swoon* *thud*
With you all the way there, Keifer is loverly. :D Now alls we need is David Duchovny and all would be good in the world. :D

But would I have to resit GCSE Science again?
We'll have to take nightclasses together BF, maybe we could get Grissom to teach us?! :D
With you all the way there, Keifer is loverly. Now alls we need is David Duchovny and all would be good in the world.
Can we shove Elizabeth Mitchell amongst all that lot? :lol:
:eek: OMG! *explodes*

It has been way to long my friends i have been away doing exams and revision and even though there are still more to come i just can't be bothered doing work all the time like they say "all work and no griss make me a sad girl" lol
Yeah, that revision would be a good idea. I have my first exam in a week. :rolleyes: Well I wish I had your will power to get away from the Billy discussion. :rolleyes:

Wow short post.
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