William/Grissom: The Hottness Of - Page 11

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This is an interesting article about our CSI's and are they like the real ones? about Grissoms wit :Dand kinda of a dig on Marg/Cath's character :(from E-online! NO SPOILERS!

Thanks hhunter. :)
HA! I love that article. It's so bloody true, all of it. :lol: But who would watch a show about what they really do? Funny stuff. :p

Random thought of the day: I hope G wears the hat again. I won't be able to go the whole season without it. Although it is his happy hat, is it not? So if they do kill off Sara then I guess he won't be wearing it. :(
aaaerrr, sorry ladies, I'll pass on the straw hat.
I like the baseball cap but that straw hat has to GO
And NOW Cath is wearing it :rolleyes:
ARGGG, as well, on the silly straw hat, I also like him in the baseball cap :p it doesn't fit his sexy image, and it's way too big :eek: and Cath look's silly in it too :lol:eek:nly tourists can get away with these :mad:
Oh i've got major love for the hat. It's so cute imo. Baseball cap, backwards with the beard is just perfect but the straw hat is, I dunno, just damn cute. I rekon Marg actually suits it, Grissom the trend setter, who knew!
Hmm out of straw hat and backwards baseball cap, i'd go for the cap, that's better. :D wootwoot. And oi! AMS! I'm not a whippersnapper, i'm only a year younger than you!! :p

That artical is true, law and order is more accurate, but y'know, it would be boring without all the drama and stuff our fav CSIs go through, really. :p
it doesn't fit his sexy image, and it's way too big
It is too sexy! :eek: You must not have read that smut fic. (that I must go and find because I haven't read it in ages... :rolleyes:)

No way, teh hat is more zexy than the baseball cap. Eggy is teh hat's No.1 fan. :p
Personally, I think Billy looks great in ANY hat.

Think about the hat in KTS, or the cowboy hat in KTC and HP. Yummy!

Baseball cap worn properly or backwards in CSI or LG. Yum!

Gil's straw hat...love it! It's so very Grissom not to care what anyone else thinks about his head gear. ;)

I think this calls for a hat theme in the picture thread...lol!

BTW: Ams and LemonJelly- I feel so old. My eldest son is 18! :eek:
^^ Agreed. Hats + Griss are love, but my fave remains the cap :D

britfan said:
He looked even more freaked when I stroked the TV screen when Pat Garrett came on! :lol: I then had to dust the screen as it was filthy except for my fingerprints! :lol:

My dad now thinks I am deeply disturbed!
LOL Everybody thinks we're disturbed, right? We're not. They're just blind, or insensitive to BP's exTREEEEEEme hotttness :eek:
It takes all kinds to make a world ;)
gilsgal said:

BTW: Ams and LemonJelly- I feel so old. My eldest son is 18! :eek:

Ha, call me lemsip, everyone else does. :p Don't feel old! :D Just remember, ams is teh oldest, cos I say so, no matter anyone else's age. :devil: fwaha. i think my typin is ok considerin ive had some drinks tonight. :D wootwoot. I think i might head over to the pic thread i f everyone is postin pics of billy and his hats. :)
Age is a state of mind ;)how old was he, when some of you were born?... my neighbor is 70, and loves Billy and CSI.. I just lent her all my tapes of the MCSK, S/7 and she's thrilled, and after all our Billy is 54 :eek: ~~more news about our man~~

Eggy, i'll let you have teh hat if I can have the backwards baseball cap with the beard? Deal, or no deal?

Hell yeah, you're as old as you act, so, i'm about 6. And oi Lemsip, shut it! *slaps* :D And I *KNOW* you're hungover today, you couldne type last neet. Good eff.

I just like the guy in any hat, a lotta people didn't like him in the most recent pics of him and Gina, but I happen to think that hat was a stroke of genius.
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