William/Grissom: The Hottness Of - Page 11

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19ams87 said:
Grave Danger is a classic. Definatly a fav of mine. I cried my eyes out first time I watched it when Nick's recording his 'goodbyes' to people and Griss lip reads him. *blubs* I'm so pissed he (GE) didn't get any recognition for that ep. Grrrrr.

Me too! I was so close to crying the first time I watched it. My all time favourite scene is where he's got his hand on the box being all dad like. :D wootwoot!
^^ Lemsip, thats another scene that gets me too. But jeezus the one with GE saying his goodbyes and Griss goes 'You never did Nicky.' *wails*

It's best not to talk about Billy in jeans around me, i'm liable to explode and no bugger wants to clean *that* up. Amy juice, yum...

He wore jeans in Leapin' Lizards?! *slaps wrist* NAUGHTY AMY, NAUGHTY! I totally forgot lol.
Gilsgal - that pic you posted has made me blind! :devil: Those jeans are so tight you can see him change his mind!! GGRRRRRRRR!! SSS!!!

GrissomFREAK, I want a FULL synposis of 'The Scene.' And don't even try and scrimp on details... or I will fill your PM box with poo if you try that one!! :lol:

Got to love Grave Danger! SuperGriss!
britfan said:
GrissomFREAK, I want a FULL synposis of 'The Scene.' And don't even try and scrimp on details... or I will fill your PM box with poo if you try that one!! :lol:
AHAH! lol ok ok, I will :D EVERY single crunchy detail :p :p

Ya. Grave Danger was the best season finale ever.
I particularly enjoyed watching Grissom act like a surrogate father figure to Nick. Also gave the viewers better understanding as to how the team functions like a big family. It was a very interesting episode. Seeing how, despite appearances, despite what we might think -that these guys only work together, that the connection between them is deeper than that.
AHAH! lol ok ok, I will :D EVERY single crunchy detail

Yes a frame by frame synopsis would be great GrissomFreak! I really envy you seeing *THAT* on the big screen. :devil:

Britfan, glad you approve of the picture. I was a whimpering pile of goo watching TLADILA. The jeans, the jeans!!!! *gasp* And yes they are tight enough that you can see him change his mind... :devil:

*valiently trying to pull mind out of gutter to say something cerebral* Not likely!!!

Grave Danger. Great episode... Gil is wonderful. *mind wanders off to painted on jeans again*

I give up!
I agree GrissomFREAK "Grave Danger" was probably the not only best finale, but the best episode ever on CSI, the whole team were extrodinary, due to Quentin Tarantino, hopefully he will return and direct them again.. Grissom was so riveting, and once again we saw his amazing acting, but I am still miffed that Nick/George didn't get an Emmy nod for his performance :eek:
Gentle Reminder for all:

Easy on the you-know-what (having a Harry Potter moment) imagery, ya? Minors on board and all that implies.

Thank you.
Wow, desertwind. That was good, it wasn't harsh. I agree with you about put WP down the gutter. Guys, respect Billy Petersen and his acting. He is a good actor.
Aww, come on, guys. Nobody ever downplayed his role in TLADILA -without a doubt one of his finest performances -if not the finest of his career.

The Scene in question happens to be part of the movie, whether we like it or not -and hey really who doesn't like it? :D

And he's hot in this film, right? Who's gonna say the contrary?

Also -correct me if I'm wrong- but the title of this thread is "William/Grissom: The Hottness Of". So, if we can't discuss this kind of scenes -all the while doing our best to stay out of the gutter, then what can we talk about here? ;)

His acting. Sure. But come to think of it, do you think there would be a "hottness" thread in the first place if we didn't respect him hugely as an actor? We wouldn't even be talking about him if we didn't recognize his acting skills.
Personally, the first time I saw him on screen was when CSI arrived on TV. And back then, it wasn't his looks that drew me in, it's his character -and consequently the actor behind the character.
So before I started drooling all over Grissom/William's good looks, it's his work as a talented actor that kept me hooked to CSI, and eventually led me to explore his career further --> TLADILA, Manhunter ...

Plus, you know, it's the summer, and summer months are usually lonely and hot, and the gutter is a pretty cool place to hang around -thank god season 8 will soon hit our screens :cool:

This said, I promise ya I'll try to stick my head out of the gutter from time to time (to tell you the truth, it's pretty dark in there :lol:) and talk a little more about Billy's undeniably good acting skills -I WILL however post a full and detailed review of TLADILA next week :D
Maybe the best way to solve this is for someone to start a Bill Petersen Film Discussion thread. Then those that want to discuss his movies in depth may do so, and the Hotness thread remains as it is.

You have to understand that some of us, even though we've been watching CSI since it's inception, have only just recently been hit with WPHS. We are just now discovering his older movies etc. We (I) need a place where I can drool without fear of people thinking I'm insane or getting upset with me. That's why I joined this board.

So, I'm sorry that I happen to like Billy's jeans, that I like him in TLADILA and that I felt I had to voice that. I'm with GrissomFreak. It's kind of a ironic that we are getting in trouble for talking about how HOT Billy is, in the Hotness thread.

Don't worry, it won't happen again.
Bye.... :(
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