William/Grissom: The Hottness of Lucky #13

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I have to pinch myself every so often to make sure that I'm not dreaming and that I'm actually going to see Billy "in the flesh" !!! :luvlove:
I'm with you. I still can't believe I'm going. It really hasn't kicked in yet and I'm thinking it probably won't until I'm setting there in the same room, looking at him.:lol: Just the thought is kind of surreal to me. Needless to say, I'm excited about it.:D

Thanks for the interview, DW.:)
So, Blackbird!

I's really pretty good!

Important bit for Britters - no need to bring ice hockey knee pads, the seating is fine :thumbsup: The theater is tiny! But the seating is well spaced. It's a really nice theater, and the alleyway outside to the right is where John Dillinger was murdered, nice touch!

They make a big thing by the way about the fact there is no late seating, and no re-entry if you leave, so go wee for England before hand :lol: But the play actually is only about 1hr 15mins (even though the publicity says 1hr and a half). And the time flies past.

I was stunned as to how polished the performance was, if Billy was nervous, he hid it well. His wife was there, and oh my, did she look nervous! Kept checking her watch every few seconds for ages before it started, and looked generally rather tense bless her!

They have Americanized the script by the way, so no Brit accents, probably just as well.

PLG - back bumps you say? Well, put it this way, sitting as I was last night to the left of the stage, there where spells in the play when WP had his back to that side, so a very unobstructed rear view of lets say a bloke who's in good nick for his age ;) And as he doesn't wear a jacket over his tucked in shirt, and has rather well fitting suit pants on, well mmmm and indeed mmmm :lol:

Few bits below, not so much the actual story, but if you haven't read the play, or don't want to know how they interpret it, don't read!

The 'make out' scene - holy schmoly - not many holds barred! And yeah, the shirt gets rather undone ;)

The scene where she throws a chair at him - I don't know if they have got it down to perfection, but fec me she got it close to him LOL, I was sure it'd hit him, in fact, maybe it did!

Lots of talk before as to how people would think of the character WP plays, but to be honest, I think it's dealt with quite sympathetically, and it wasn't anywhere near as heavy or as horrible as I thought. Maybe not enough actually.

It's a very good play, although I think the hype makes it seem like it's going to be really 'out there' in terms of subject matter, and yeah, it ain't nice, but it isn't anywhere near as 'dangerous' as I expected.

WP though is very very good, such a fine stage presence. His performance put into perspective what a gentle stroll in the park 'Dublin Carol' was. This performance is still typical of him - natural and not hammed up for a single second, but it's intense, and physical.
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thank SO MUCH for that GF!!!!! exactly what we wanted.........back bumps, rather undone shirt and well fitting pants......oh boy, am I in so much trouble........:devil:
I have to pinch myself every so often to make sure that I'm not dreaming and that I'm actually going to see Billy "in the flesh" !!! :luvlove:
I'm with you. I still can't believe I'm going. It really hasn't kicked in yet and I'm thinking it probably won't until I'm setting there in the same room, looking at him.:lol: Just the thought is kind of surreal to me. Needless to say, I'm excited about it.:D

I know what you mean about it being surreal. Just about letting myself get excited now. Less than three weeks away!!! Yay!!

Done the toiletries shopping with PLG this morning so I smell all nice and clean for him! :lol:


Thanks for the knee room info - PLG, I won't need to moan now! Get in!!

alleyway outside to the right is where John Dillinger was murdered, nice touch!

It's also the lace where I would have been murdered if I had complained to PLG about lack of knee room! :lol:

PLG - back bumps you say? Well, put it this way, sitting as I was last night to the left of the stage, there where spells in the play when WP had his back to that side, so a very unobstructed rear view of lets say a bloke who's in good nick for his age ;) And as he doesn't wear a jacket over his tucked in shirt, and has rather well fitting suit pants on, well mmmm and indeed mmmm :lol:

Oh. My. God. Do you know what this has started in Rotherham????? When PLG texted me this, I was in a pub with my mother and when PLG explained what you had said in the spoiler, I growled. In front of her. My mother... shameful...

So we are talking excellent bum shape on permanent view? And strong back muscles? Oh god!! Save me!! Growl..... :devil: :devil: :devil:
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hey GameFace, thanks for the review! :) man i wish i could go and see the play. it sounds like it was a great show but i never doubted it would be. i'm glad he wasn't showing his nervousness and i'm positive he is enjoying the play's run just as much as all the people who come to see him. ;)

hoping to hear more reviews from the rest of y'all who are going later!

yeah about that scene with the shirt. details please? haha.
Oh. My. God. Do you know what this has started in Rotherham????? When PLG texted me this, I was in a pub with my mother and when PLG explained what you had said in the spoiler, I growled. In front of her. My mother... shameful...

So we are talking excellent bum shape on permanent view? And strong back muscles? Oh god!! Save me!! Growl..... :devil: :devil: :devil:

very excellent shape, front and back :eek: aherrrm, LOL!

Adzix, just for you ;)

I was like: :eek: Basically they kiss pretty passionately, then she flings herself at him, legs round his waist, he throws her on a table, and starts undressing her, he's sort of crouched down between her legs :eek: At some point in the proceedings she's taking off his tie and starting to undo his shirt when they are disturbed. It was pretty amazing, and very well done by both of 'em, must have been pretty damn nerve wracking doing that for the first show :D

Anyway, off out in a bit, just came back from the Cubs game (they got SPANKED!!! But it was such a fun game I'll let them off, and they did win yesterday when I was there),
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omg. like, omg. remind me why am i not in Chicago right now? damn. thanks so much GF. now i only wish there was a short promo vid released. with that scene enclosed ... :p

not to mention he is wearing something other than black t-shirt and his black suit. i always found him a lot yummier in dress shirts, especially those long sleeved ones, and a tie. add nice fitted pants and i'm sold. ;)
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I had a heart attack upon reading those spoilers, ladies...THANKS! 23 years old and a heart attack....lol
Anyway, I'm EXTREMELY excited to see that gorgeous man onstage in almost 7 days!!! Thank you for such a huge honour, Billy :)
I got my new totally-for-Billy's-sheer-happiness-dress today :) Found it after shopping about 20 minutes in my haven, Forever 21. It's got everything I wanted (I had a dream about that very dress, & I'm not kidding.); lowcut but tastefully so, short, but again, tastefully so, an open back with some like, twisting pieces (kinda hard to describe) & very air-y not heavy at all...very summery & should show off my tan pretty well :p
The eyes will wander to the front row, my friends....bwahahaha.

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you go Crim! he'll def be looking on the front row wi that dress on! lol!!:bolian: :lol: I myself have also been carefully picking out my outfits for when we go and see him.......;)

gameface - what are you trying to do us all?!! I'm literally going to die watching this play aren't i? oh. god!!! ;)
Oh Billy...
Thank you, Gameface...

My insides are churning with nerves! And it's still three weeks!

Poppylvsgrss? PLG? Poppsicle!! What are we going to do?????? :eek: :drool: :eek:

Crim, read the last GF spoiler... when he sees that dress of yours... He'll grab you for that bit of the script! :lol: :devil:

Thank the lord I was spared from the clothes shopping bit with PLG! She's like a heat seeking torpedo in slingbacks for the Billy Bargains!
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O...M....G!!!! I thought I was psyched for this play before, but after reading those spoilers GameFace, I think I'm in need of a continuous cold shower for the next 4 weeks....arrrrrg!!!!! :drool: Thank you so much for feeding the obsession GF....lol!!!

Why the heck I thought it would be a good idea to have my husband come and see this play with me and my friend, I have no idea. Think there is a way to disguise copious amounts of drool...and loud growling without looking too obvious? :devil:

45 year old women should not squeal, but with that much Billy hotness to be seen up close and in person, to heck with it.... *SQUEE*!!!!!!!!!! :angel::luvlove:
Think there is a way to disguise copious amounts of drool...and loud growling without looking too obvious?

Gilsgal, if you find a way to disguise this, please let me know! I just know I'm gonna growl! I just know it! GROWL!!!!!!!!! :devil:

Gameface, I absolutely love you for all this!!
Gee gals, you think Billy has time to squeeze in the Cubs games while his play is running?

Also, don't fret if you don't get a one-on-one Billy experience! Go enjoy Chicago! It's a great foodie city and, since Billy loves it so much, Chicago is Billy-town, by association!
Thank's for the great review GameFace how awesome:bolian: So he looked pretty good eh? was his hair grey and curly? and how did his body look? and was the play sensational? How long did it last? Gina being there, she's everywhere he is.. wouldn't you be? And of course he goes to all the CUBS games, he loves them and he lives there;) Nice job for you and how fabulous
Wait wait, hold it...Gina attends all of the performances? Oh jeeze...I'd best keep myself under control then, yes? :p
Thanks for the warnings, GF, God only knows how big of an idiot I'd make of myself! Or will...will make of myself ;) By the way, what'd you wear? Not that I don't have a dress (see link ;p) but I was just curious...Did you go to the open rehearsal or whatever? I'm so glad someone else went before me...I'm not english major (hey, SOMEONE has to be the next CSI around here & get the badguys ;p) so I'm sure I won't be talking much about the play itself, except to blaaaaaaah blaaaaaaaah about Mr. Gorgeous up there...and oooh, those pants are giving me bad ideas :devil:
Thanks for posting your review though- it's quite helpful to hear from someone who, apparently (or should I say, allegedly ;p) kept themselves under control in the presence of Mr. Gorgeous himself. GAWD I'm going to DIE...I'm going to seriously lose it.....*sigh*

Thanks for the compliments on the dress, ladies :) I will try to get some pictures & post them with my review ;) I'm SO SO SO SO SO EXCITED to see him...I can hardly stand waiting til Saturday...AHHH! *SQUEE* And I get to see CSIz_4, my bestest friend!! Oh I am SO SO happy. And Chicago...God I love Chicago- this is my 4th time going there and I can't get enough of it.

britfan: I would SO volunteer for that bit of script! :devil: The dress (which I will post a picture of if I can find on Forever 21's website) would only help my case ;) Perhaps I should notify the 'big bosses' that if there happens to be a problem with the female lead in that particular scene that makes it impossible for her to be onstage smooching him, I'm a willing & very, very able volunteer. :devil:

I will have a review up most likely Sunday night or Monday night depending on whether I bring my laptop to Chicago or not. GOOD LUCK BILLY! Love you & am cheering you on :) See you in 7 days, love. :) ENJOY your freedom without me ;)


The above is a link to my dress :) I got it in more of a kind of pastel-ish colour...I don't know exactly what it's called..it's almost a purple-y colour...Anyway, this is in black but it's the same one :)
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