William/Grissom: The Hottness of Lucky #13

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to all you lovely fans who actually be in his presence, how fantastic, try to get his pic. or at least a autograph:bolian: here's an history of Chicago that fabulous town, and some photos. He lives in Hyde Park, an affluent neighborhood of Chicago. enjoy~


http://chicagouncommon.com/ photos:cool:
i just read Blackbird and wow, it's a hell of a powerful play. a really intense and interesting read. i'm kind of jealous of those of you who are going to Chicago. ;) i'm very interested in the reviews and darn, what a pity plays are not recorded and put on youtube, lol.

Sorry.....July 12th is creeping up SO fast....and my $900 credit card bill is still looming over my blonde head....*sigh* I have to make it go away before the 11th.

Anyways, I'm EXCITED to see that man! And yeah, I didn't know what Blackbird was about until I finally found the synopsis thing to read- and wow I'm SO psyched...it sounds really complex & raw & emotional and I'm EXCITED to see how far Billy is going to go with this- congratulations love!
I decided to buy the book of the play and to those that are going to see him (Lucky You!), the whole play is very dark and maybe he won't be very happy afterwards or seeing all the fans will get him out of the dark place he's been in during the play.

Yes, the play is very dark and very controversial. The character that Billy plays is morally damaged, which is just what Billy lives for. I'm hoping that Billy will need lots of fangirl adoration after doing the play...and I'm willing to sacrifice myself to give that to him... :p

i just read Blackbird and wow, it's a hell of a powerful play. a really intense and interesting read. i'm kind of jealous of those of you who are going to Chicago. ;) i'm very interested in the reviews and darn, what a pity plays are not recorded and put on youtube, lol.

I really can't wait to see what Billy does with this part. I think he'll be amazing. I also wish sometimes that plays were recorded. I think we've missed so many great performances because there is no real record of the event other than the reviews given.

I promise to post any pics we manage to get with Billy. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that we see him after the play :)


Sorry.....July 12th is creeping up SO fast....and my $900 credit card bill is still looming over my blonde head....*sigh* I have to make it go away before the 11th.

Anyways, I'm EXCITED to see that man! And yeah, I didn't know what Blackbird was about until I finally found the synopsis thing to read- and wow I'm SO psyched...it sounds really complex & raw & emotional and I'm EXCITED to see how far Billy is going to go with this- congratulations love!

Time is flying Crim!!!! I'm excited for you...and I'm excited for me, even though I have to wait until the beginning of Aug before I see him.

You're going to have a wonderful time. :bolian::)
I really can't wait to see what Billy does with this part. I think he'll be amazing. I also wish sometimes that plays were recorded. I think we've missed so many great performances because there is no real record of the event other than the reviews given.

I promise to post any pics we manage to get with Billy. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that we see him after the play

i mean, Blackbird includes Ray making out (twice) with Una so i'm positively sure i'd just DIE to see him live. and from the sounds of what i've read in the play there will be some undressing. Ray is gonna be only in a dress shirt so i'm sure a few buttons are gonna get undone. so yeah, pretty much the best play you can go to. ;)
You're all so lucky and I'm envious, next time. He's done so many different roles, from a baseball player to Joe Kennedy, to a fisherman, to an angel etc, not to mention, his varied personailty changes on CSI. Maybe eventually he'll do this on Broadway. Crim you'll be fine, its the angst of waiting:(

Thyank you everyone, for your concern in making sure I don't wee myself in Billy's presence. I will try very hard to clench... if not, Tena Lady are a good back up!!

Crim86 - read the play. It's bloody good. There are so many different interpretations or ways to play both parts. Either could be at fault by the end. It depends how the empathy card is played by the director. His role is probably the biggest as his thoughts as to guilt and innocence will be stamped all over the performance.

I never thought I'd care about a dirty old man! :lol: Or is he...??
I just recently was commenting on him and being at the "Public Enemies" premiere in Chicago with Johnny Depp, and though he'd be great in that role, as John Dillinger, when lo-and-behold I found this bio. and surprise, he did portray him way back in 1979, when he was a wee young man 26:eek: this is a extensive bio. of him [from 2002] going all the way back to his birth in 1953. The guys been around and done many amazing things in his life..so far~ENJOY:p

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was there a pre-preview of Blackbird yesterday? anybody knows how it went?

I think there was an open rehersal where they did the first few mins of the play in front of those who went. There's a comment on VG Facebook page about it, says it was great :cool:
gotcha. thanks. :) i bet he's gonna be great in the whole thing as well. and i'm sure he's less nervous than when he first got out to do Dublin Carol in 2007.
Actually being nervous is perfectly natural, it's like that old saying if something you love to do does not give you butterflies (or make you nervous) then either your not doing it right, or the time has come that you shouldn't be doing it anymore.
Oh, I'm sure he has the 'jitters' all celebrities do for sure. I just meant he comes across as a very confident sure of himself guy, and this is old hat to him, he's done it for years.. Here's a brief clip of the play:p

Nerves can affect the best actors however 'old hat' it is for them.
Heck, if it got to the point where he didn't feel the nerves and didn't get a rush from it, he'd probably not do it ;)
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