William/Grissom: The Hottness of Lucky #13

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I decided to buy the book of the play and to those that are going to see him (Lucky You!), the whole play is very dark and maybe he won't be very happy afterwards or seeing all the fans will get him out of the dark place he's been in during the play.

Yeah, I think you're right on about how it can go both ways. I hope he can put his dark character aside quickly after the play and be glad to see the fans, especially for all of you lucky birds who are going, and those who must travel really far to see Billy! But don't accost him, eh? That won't help his post-character mood, I think! :guffaw:
ya know the funny thing is, I think the accosting method would work better. I tried the polite, keeping respectful distance, making sure I wasn't disturbing him when he was with friends / family method, and he gave me the brush off :lol:

Yet I've read of people approaching him when he's with other people, and even once when he was with friends at a bar, and he was responsive. Go figure LOL.
Cool! That's our Billy! Ever the unique one!

At the risk of stepping on wafer-thin ice here, I would also suggest dressing up and well, just looking nice in general.

Cos, well, Billy is a hot-blooded heterosexual male, so... yeah.

Let's give more tips and advice to those who are going!

Start working out now! (teehee, not to be taken too seriously!)
Chipper: Oh I have...I'm tanning a lot, and trying to find the PERFECT dress to wear to see Billy..I'm definitley trying to WOW the guy :)
haha, that is some thin ice!

I'll always dress smart enough for a play anyway, but there isn't anything I can do to make me into some pretty girl alas :D

Following the after show talk, someone else, who was a pretty young gal, asked him for an autograph and he turned her down too, although I could see why then - there where a lot of people about!

I think 99.9% of the time he is absolutely cool with people :)

Also of course it'll depend on the sort of access to him after the play. As I am going to one of the first previews, I will see what the deal is at the theatre, although, I'm keeping my distance this time :lol:
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I hope you all get a pic. or his autograph, but the reality of this is he goes off-stage, & that's it and then goes out with his wife Gina and friends. But at his Hollywood "Star" event, he did actually go down in the audience and sign autographs. So who knows:confused: a play is different then an outdoor event. Also depending on how many are in the audience, besides ya' all :cool: good luck, and I hope you all get what you want while in Chicago~
I'll always dress smart enough for a play anyway, but there isn't anything I can do to make me into some pretty girl alas :D

Me neither, GF! Never mind, I'll wow him with my Yorkshire charm and intellect! Bwahaha!!

I'm kitted up for the play. Lovely white linen tunic shirt, waistcoat, jeans and sandals. Tres chic! PLG has shopped for England by all accounts. The straw hat though has been mocked! :lol:

GF - as you're the first one of us in to see the play, can you let me know what the leg room in the theatre is like? Weird request I know, but I'm tall and I don't want my knees crushed into the seat in front!! Need to prepare for it... so as not to annoy PLG or stand up at the end and let out a groan cos my knees kill! Not very rock and roll!!

Cheers, chuck!
Me neither, GF! Never mind, I'll wow him with my Yorkshire charm and intellect! Bwahaha!!

I'm kitted up for the play. Lovely white linen tunic shirt, waistcoat, jeans and sandals. Tres chic! PLG has shopped for England by all accounts. The straw hat though has been mocked! :lol:

GF - as you're the first one of us in to see the play, can you let me know what the leg room in the theatre is like? Weird request I know, but I'm tall and I don't want my knees crushed into the seat in front!! Need to prepare for it... so as not to annoy PLG or stand up at the end and let out a groan cos my knees kill! Not very rock and roll!!

Cheers, chuck!

I will indeed! Where are you going to be sitting? I'm in one of the side sections, so in case the middle rows are differently spaced I'd check out a row there if you are sat in the centre.

I really need to start packing LOL.

PLG has a straw hat? :hugegrin:
Mine & CSI's spots are in my signature :p I'm VERY VERY happy I ordered tickets when I did; way back on my 23rd birthday in February :p It was SO spur of the moment & I was on the phone with my bestie (she's going with me ;p as ya'll know) and I was like "Should I buy them?" and she went "Go for it! Do it!" so I did...and just that "easy" we had tickets to go see the most gorgeous, amazing man ever in REAL LIFE!

I've been watching the SPIKE CSI marathons and every single time Billy is on camera I'm like "OMG I'm going to be breathing the SAME freaking air as that, that perfect specimen of the male species, I'm going to be in the FRONT ROW!!!!!!!!" I flip out....lol

I still need a dress...and more of a tan...which I'm working on (the tan part) today. Wish me luck- Billy is TWO weeks away!!!
I'm kitted up for the play. Lovely white linen tunic shirt, waistcoat, jeans and sandals. Tres chic! PLG has shopped for England by all accounts. The straw hat though has been mocked! :lol:

GF - as you're the first one of us in to see the play, can you let me know what the leg room in the theatre is like? Weird request I know, but I'm tall and I don't want my knees crushed into the seat in front!! Need to prepare for it... so as not to annoy PLG or stand up at the end and let out a groan cos my knees kill! Not very rock and roll!!

Cheers, chuck!

yes i have shopped for england. topshop doesn't know whats hit it!

GF we're all just generally gonna need an in depth account of everything in the theatre! soz mate!! :lol: can you let us know if u can see his back bumps through his shirt, cos if u can, i need to be prepared! :devil:

PLG has a straw hat? :hugegrin:

it's more a fedora straw hat type thing.....ahem....i need to keep the sun off my face - i don't want another facial trauma like i had on hol last year! and i don't do baseball hats or anything like that! :rolleyes:
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PLG has a straw hat? :hugegrin:

She does. Yes. Yes she does. :hugegrin: Indeed. She does...

My biggest worry was her turning up at the airport with a huge Grissom style straw hat. I would have weed myself laughing and made her take it back in the house when I picked her up! And she has single handedly ended the UK credit crunch with her spending in Topshop! :lol:

We are Centre, Row D. Take a tape measure!
Here's a list of all the theater plays he's been in, quite a resume, second nature to his whole persona


Courtesy of WPAP~
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Isn't today the first preview??

Bet his pants are a bit brown! :lol:

And Gameface is there isn't she? Go on girl! Get the goss! And good luck Billy! Yay!
Here's a great interview with Billy pertaining to BLACKBIRD and he does mention his anxiety, and how he misses his CSI peeps, good luck to you Billy and hope all your reviews are #1 A OK. Can't wait to hear all of your comments, about his performance after you who are going to see him give you own personal reviews:bolian:

Thanks for posting the link to the interview Des. I love that Billy is nervous...means that he cares about his craft and he'll give a riveting performance.:thumbsup:

I'm anxious to hear reviews from britfan, GameFace, Crim86 and CSIz_4 . I have to wait until Aug1 to see for myself....:(

I too have been out dress shopping. Still haven't found what I'm looking for...but I have almost 4 weeks left, so there is hope for me yet...lol!!! I'm really getting excited about the whole trip.

P.S: I totally understand what you're feeling Crim. I have to pinch myself every so often to make sure that I'm not dreaming and that I'm actually going to see Billy "in the flesh" !!! :luvlove:
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