First of all, let me welcome you to the Billy madness
If you're dying to talk about the man, this is the place to do it. I can guarantee you that we're all crazy about Billy here and we understand how intense that feeling can be. You'll never be told that you need an intervention
Out of curiosity, what is it that you like most about Billy?
Wow, this is a really good question. I have to admit that in the beginning my love for Billy was purely hormonal, but as I've read more about him over the years, I have acquired a deep admiration for the man and everything he stands for. So here are the top 5 things I love about Billy:
1) His integrity. This is a man who gives his word and then keeps it.
2) He never forgets his roots and he's remained down to earth.
3) Never bought into the whole Hollywood scene.
4) Worked on his own terms. He's always done what he's wanted to artistically. He's never sold out and he's remained true to himself. Even with CSI...had they not let Billy be Executive Producer, he would have walked away from the part.
5) He's one of the few celebrities around that no one has anything bad to say about. It really seems like what you see is what you get with him.
I could go on and on about the man, but let me just end off with one last reason...
6) He HOT, HOT, HOT.....:drool: LOL!!!!