William/Grissom: The Hottness of Lucky #13

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That's a REALLY good point...It IS always different to see the actors take on a play that is lifeless in a book/on a page. And I'm sure Billy will have a totally unique and amazing take on Beckett and 'Hamm' (or is it H-a-a-m?) and I'm excited to see it, even though I SUCK at metaphores like nobody's business and I have never read 'Endgame'. Regardless, I'm PSYCHED to see Billy's take on everything I'm excited!! Oh, I'm glad you said the sitting v standing is a metaphore...I was kinda worried about going to play written by a guy who had two characters who were either so OCD they couldn't sit or too whatever they couldn't stand up...God that'd be bad...I think I'd probably either be totally confused at the end, or laughing hysterically and NOBODY would have a clue why....*sigh* My small theater mind....

heh. yeah. i've just read a few interpretations of Endgame and boy, there is a lot of meaning crammed into it. what is even more interesting is that directors can have a lot of takes on the play and accentuate completely different aspects of it.

minor interpretation of the play...
for example, 'Endgame' is a state in chess at the end of the game where there is no winner. the situation of the characters in the play resembles that a lot. they are so used to the same thing day after day and nothing changes. and after one of the characters dies and the servant leaves Hamm, it makes the old man even more miserable and unable to move. is he dead? maybe he is just left to suffer. or maybe he is unaffected.

the fact that the Earth seems to have been destroyed but the death of one of them confirms that they are not in Hell yet, seems to say they are stuck in between. no winner, no loser. Endgame. and then there are like a gazillion interpretations of how it relates to people's lives.

a different side of Endgame shows how people can be cruel to the ones they are the closest to, just b/c they can. then there is a question of Hamm's parents and what does their tragic love story relate to. and why is Hamm blind? and so on.

... which is why theaters show Endgame a lot. it's flexible and allows the director the freedom of creating his own interpretation, focusing on different things, while the actors crafting the play's personas also have a tough challenge.
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^That's interesting...sounds like there are a lot of possibilities on how one can interpret it.

Ha, he is just the cutest thing, I swear.:adore: Hey, in his defense, the boats are fun to watch.:lol:

I agree with gilsgal. If at all possible, go to the play. If for nothing else, just to see Billy again. I'm sure, regardless of your take on the play, he'd make it interesting for you. And you know it'd be worth it.;) I'm hoping, Lord willing, that I'll get to go and I'm going to try my best.

So, Amb, twice huh? You plan on going to see him without me?!
Bestie: I'm not going without you, eesh! I just wanna go twice...I regret very much not going twice with Blackbird so that I could actually have a better grip on the play the 2nd time, and also so we could have possibly met Billy....I just wanna wait and see what ticket prices are & such and try & see if we can't afford to go twice.

Adzix: Thanks for the info :) Both interpretations are very interesting....I'd love to discuss it with Billy afterwards ;p I'm sure he could explain it very well to me...and I think it'd THRILL him to ;) We should keep talking about the play on here or via PM :) ANY info you can give me would rock...
yeah you definately need to go twice!!! Start saving now! :lol: Its true, you take in the play more and you should try and get in as much live Billy as you can on your trip! ;)

The play itself looks like it'll be a very different experience. He'll be ace in it. I can just see him pouring over texts about it! :D

i myself am now obsessed by Gunshy again. I love him in it! :drool::drool::drool:
The going twice thing is something I definitely have learned the hard way....I really really regret not going to 'Blackbird' twice :( Oh well...
I'm hoping to watch 'Manhunter' tonight....I think I'm going to wear that DVD out! Is it not just absolutely adorable how Billy goes on and on about Chicago/theater in that interview!? I LOVE it when he talks about Chicago...That goofy accent...ROFL "Chicaaaahgooo" LOL SOO CUTE.

Oh, someone screencapped the interview & the caps are available for download on WPAP :)
Ok, Amb..I was just checking.:p I've already started saving.:thumbsup:

Gah, Billy in Gunshy is so freakin' hot!!:drool: I need to go watch my copy now. I watched Manhunter yesterday...oh that beard is just so yummy, even back then.:drool: I like to think that's what a younger Grissom looked like. I just love his intensity in that movie...not to mention he's just flat out hot through the whole thing.:devil:
Gah, Billy in Gunshy is so freakin' hot!!:drool: I need to go watch my copy now. I watched Manhunter yesterday...oh that beard is just so yummy, even back then.:drool: I like to think that's what a younger Grissom looked like. I just love his intensity in that movie...not to mention he's just flat out hot through the whole thing.:devil:

Manhunter Billy..........:drool::drool::drool::drool: Good LORD!!!! It's definately his intensity that notches the whole film up to hot hot hot!!!! (in addition to other 'things'....ahem:rolleyes:). He's so brooding and focused. I love it when he's brooding in films. He does it so well, the little tease!!!! :drool: The beard is fantastic in it.......sigh. Plus, he gets his legs out (god, i love love his legs)- never has a man looked so attractive in a pair of tiny pink shorts!:D:devil:
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He's so young in Manhunter though! :shifty: I like him a bit older. Gunshy is beautiful Billy. But he's my absolute favourite in Long Gone. Good. Lord. :devil::devil::devil: The name Studmuffin was invented for him in that film!! :drool::drool::drool: Honestly, the thoughts I have when I watch that film... lordy! I have to ration it to a few times a year, cos as Stud Cantrell says, ' I hear my hormones talking to me!' when I see it! ROFL!!!

Definitely save up and see Billy twice. Victory Gardens had a play pass scheme. Buy a five play pass and use the tickets when you want them. So we did and saw him twice. Do Steppenwolf do something similar? I spent the whole of the first time watching just him. Stunned by his performance and how much younger he looked! And his curly hair! I loved his curly hair! :lol:
Billy in Gunshy is awesome. One of my favorite movies of his. :D

was awesome too, but I dug the storyline along with all the Billy hotness. ;)

You ladies are so lucky to get to see Billy on stage. If I had a chance I'd see him twice too.
I totally agree. Manhunter has an ace storyline. A bit different from the book though (which is also excellent). I've seen the Red Dragon film, which admittedly is true to the book, but it's rubbish. Edward Norton ain't a patch on Billy as Will Graham either. He's a bit too... meh, and a bit weedy...... and isn't all brooding like billys version. I demand Will Graham to be brooding! :lol:
He's so young in Manhunter though! :shifty: I like him a bit older. Gunshy is beautiful Billy. But he's my absolute favourite in Long Gone. Good. Lord. :devil::devil::devil: The name Studmuffin was invented for him in that film!! :drool::drool::drool: Honestly, the thoughts I have when I watch that film... lordy! I have to ration it to a few times a year, cos as Stud Cantrell says, ' I hear my hormones talking to me!' when I see it! ROFL!!!

Definitely save up and see Billy twice. Victory Gardens had a play pass scheme. Buy a five play pass and use the tickets when you want them. So we did and saw him twice. Do Steppenwolf do something similar? I spent the whole of the first time watching just him. Stunned by his performance and how much younger he looked! And his curly hair! I loved his curly hair! :lol:

I loooooooooooooooove his curly hair. :drool: I think, no, I know, I love EVERY part of that man :) :devil::drool:
I have no clue what Steppenwolf does..From what I've read on their site (I also follow 'em on Twitter) , you have to pay like, $100 for their pre-sale ticket package or something...I have no idea, and I guess I need to do a better job checking on it ;p If anyone knows, PM me, cos I AM getting pre-sale tickets...there's just no other way to do it ;p

And yeah, I wanna go twice so I can spend one play just staring at him...Oh God...*heaven* :thumbsup: I think I spent most of the time just gazing at him at Blackbird but certainly not nearly enough time :)
I have to agree with everyone about needing to see any play that Billy is in twice. I had the opportunity to see Blackbird only once and let's just say it's a real pain to have to try to divide your time between drooling over Billy and trying to pay attention to the play. :devil::rolleyes:

I'm still trying to find a copy of Gunshy that will play on my DVD player. My sister got me a brand new copy of it when she was in California. She tested it out down there and it worked fine. I pop it in mine last night...and nothing *Grrrrrrrr* :scream::confused:

Now "Manhunter"....mmmm, mmmm,yummy!!!! Will Graham...scruffy, intense, brooding...and yes those pink shorts :drool: And yes, I love his curly hair too :)

I just watched "Passed Away" last night. Another of my recent purchases. Billy plays Bob Hoskins' cute, but dumber than a brick, brother. Passable story...but Billy is ADORABLE.:thumbsup:

I think tomorrow night Christine and I are going to watch "The Beast". More of Billy with a delectable beard!!:luvlove:
GG Hope you & Christine thoroughly enjoy "The Beast" :) I haven't seen that one, but I have heard LOTS of GOOD things about it.... If you get my drift :devil: heehee
And wow, great description of Will Graham...I think my fave part in that movie is when he slams that guy against the hood of the car...The intense anger is SO stinking sexy. GOD..... <3

I had the most graphic dream last night about Endgame but I totally don't remember any of it..how very convenient & disappointing :( I think I just remember sitting in the front row of Steppenwolf and just gazing happily (my mouth slightly open, eyes sparkling) at Mr. Sexy onstage...Pure. Bliss. People....seriously.
for thread #13, "HOTTNESS" perfect~~~ continuity is the key, why mess with a good thing? "Gunshy" is a good flick with him and Diane Lane, they sizzled on screen. And then there's "FEAR":wtf: and for pure extrodinary acting "The Young Kennedy's of Mass." Where he plays the dad Joe Sr. A stupendous performance;)They straightned his curly hair and he wore horn-rimmed glasses, not his best look, but his best performance~And I Love "LONG GONE' YUMMY, but not a fan of his with the white hair, in those films where he has that~

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OH MY GOD and 'The Skulls'!!!! HOLY GOD him in that tuxedo and Mr. Smug!?!? Oh. My. God....I TOTALLY forgot about that! I watched it with a dialysis patient I had at UofM, (first time I had ever seen it or realized it existed) and I about fell over with joy & pure evil :devil: lust standing there next to the patient's bed watching it!!! She laughed at me for thinking that Billy is so gorgeous! :p

I'll have to find/post some Skulls caps on the Pic Thread....yummy.
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