William/Grissom : The Hotness of #12

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^^ Thanks girls :D

I was supposed to use one of the theories that we had studied in class -narrative theory, reader oriented criticism, audience ethnography criticism, semiotic criticism, rhetorical criticism, genre criticism.

You know, at first sight, this class seems easy, you think you're going to watch TV all the time. Well, not really.

Anyway, I used narrative criticism -supposedly the hardest to work with, adopting a traditional narative but dominantly visualist approach -looking at the storylines, dialogues, facial expressions, camera angles, shot depth, light/dark contrasts ... and interpreting what I was seeing.

Basically what narrative theory aims to do is re-tell the story, you can use metaphors and stuff like that, as long as you can back it up with elements from the TV text (the episode).

The title of my paper was
"CSI: ANATOMY OF AN EPISODE - Crime scene investigation under the microscope - A traditional narrative and visualist approach to television criticism"

Here's part of my introduction:

The narrative of this episode, which is incidentally called "Butterflied" (literally 'cut open and spread apart' as in a butterfly incision), revolves around the encompassing idea of dissection (both metaphorical and literal) and of anatomy, in an effort to present "gritty, realistic stories about humans and their societies" (Gronbeck, 2004, p.19), notably by focusing on details, whether it be about the crime (however gruesome), the art of investigating crime scenes, or the investigators themselves. First it is the anatomy of a murder/crime scene Finding the 'what' by focusing on the ‘how’, using special effects, close ups and graphic details, proving science to be the tool of choice to solve crimes. It is also the anatomy/dissection of a profession: how it works and what it is about. Ultimately, it is Grissom himself who is being symbolically anatomized when the case has an unexpected impact on him, impact that is reflected visually.

And that was my conclusion:

Approaching “Butterflied” from a visualist perspective allows to better appreciate the trademark narrative technique used on “CSI: Crime Scene Investigation”. From colors to lighting, camera angles, setting or props, virtually every element on the show has a visual significance and role in the narrative, to one end only: realism about the world that the show seeks to represent, about the crimes that are committed, and about the job and the people working it. A more traditional narrative approach (notably by looking at the storylines) leads to one conclusion only, the ultimate reality that the show strives to convey: the CSI’s, these shadow workers, are the ones breaking the cases and solving the crimes, not the police (represented by Captain Jim Brass and seen only twice during the episode, at the opening and closing of the case), contrary to common -but erroneous- knowledge.

The cool thing is I got to watch Butterflied over and over again ;) It wasn't easy but I loved writing that paper.
WOW, that's really impressive, have you thought of sending this to the writers? particulary Carol Mendolsohn? I think they'd be impressed, as well, go for it, this is a writers dream how this impacted you, maybe they'd post it on their board, and Billy would read it, and write you a fan letter ;) good job
^^ Thanks, grissoms_gurl and happy birthday

desertwind said:
WOW, that's really impressive, have you thought of sending this to the writers? particulary Carol Mendolsohn? I think they'd be impressed, as well, go for it, this is a writers dream how this impacted you
You think? :)

That's an idea, yeah. Why not? I have nothing to lose.

Do you know where I could find an address -I don't really know to whom I should send this though? The writer for this particular episode was David Rambo

That's a great idea, actually, des :D
David Rambo rocks.. he's e-mailed twice, I am very impressed with him. and his work, and on the addresses, I would think CBS would have all of them.. and maybe Destiny knows where you can find them ;) and all it would cost you would be postage, so if you have access to a Xerox machine, send one to all of them.. I'm sure they'd appreciate they are responsible for all these great eps. and don't get nearly enough thank's for this, & the fact that they inspired you to write an school essay from their works, and just think maybe Billy baby would read it ;)and send you a thank-you note.. AHHH, fantasies run wild :p
You could try for David Rambo his official site. They give his representation (ie agent) and a phone number, as well as an email.
I found Billy's address, courtesy of WPAP ;)

William Petersen
C.S.I. c/o CBS Television
7800 Beverly Blvd. Room 18
Los Angeles, CA. 90039-2615
Thanks for the article GameFace

I loved that bit too about Billy not getting the typical star treatment. And the part about them not saying very much to each other.
Is this the forum to ask.... just *how* does he do it? What? Just continue to look even HOTTER on each episode???

Please ladies tell me how is this possible??
Some men (a rare few!), just seem to get better with age. And Billy is the best example. He looked adorable in the episode on Thursday, especially in those overalls / coveralls / whatever people call em :devil:
And he was really handsome in last weeks episode, all in black. Wow!
Yeah, cheers Game Face! Excellent article. Excellent episode. OVERALL AND NECK ACTION!!! HELLO LADIES!!! :devil: :devil: :devil:

And Rocket... I am in total and utter agreement! *SIZZLE*


BTW - not had time to mention how much I enjoyed You Kill Me. Collar :eek: I positively GROWLED at the screen! And his giggling when Hodges got shot! :lol: Delish! Yummy!
Cool article GameFace Billy seems to keep in touch with so many of his cronies, and actors from his past, how cool is that? has had many actresses and actors he knows personally, and have guested on CSI! and Quentin Tarantino is a WP fan, and wanted to direct an ep. and he did, probably the best ever, and now W.Friedkin as well, does this guy have any enemies? I think not
Another article on USAToday.com suggests that Billy is gonna do a play in Chicago next November :eek: So we gonna have a forum outing? :lol:

Here's the bit from the article:

"As we all think in our jobs, 'I could be doing something else.' I think that's true for me and for Grissom. So we have to solve that somehow," he says.

He took a break last season to act in a play and plans to act in one in Chicago next November.

Full article here
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