William/Grissom Picture Thread 3

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I've seen "MANHUNTER so many times- and the thing is -for me- he's too intense- to serious- :( it takes away from his charm-that oozes naturally :p like he supresses it- :cool: and I don't like that- -have you seen "GUNSHY"" now he's really charming but intense as well- he's a great actor- and "HARD PROMISES" really charming- funny and sweet- :) ;)-

I thought it was a good movie. He was so hot. I thought he was a younger grissom. He sounded like him when he used termanology. Heheh
I agree he was 'HOTT" just so serious-I realize it was the part he was playing- ;) and here's one from "HARD PROMISES" now this is the Biily I like-- so funny so animated so beyond "CUTE'and so young :p Oh, he was 40 here- OMG he look's 25-from 1993

Do you have the picture when he's asleep in Hard Promises. I think he's so cute when he's asleep.He looks like a puppy. I think that is. ANd yes Manhunter was hot. I understand your point Desertwind. But I think he was just fine. I thought he played the character well. The movie was serious so that's why he had to stick to serious mode. But I would take Hard Promises Billy over Manhunter Billy anyday. But I'd say Cousins Billy was the hottest. Sorry I have a thing for Bad Guys.
Which One looks better:
80's Billy

90's Billy

Billy Now

It's hard to choose.
basing on the pictures i would marry the 80's billy anytime :D the 90's billy is SOOO cute (!!!) and the present one is also hot, but i would say i like the youngest one the most :D (but i would marry the "formalities" billy anytime too :lol: ). he's just great all the time ;)
newflame13 I don't but I love doing research- I'll look for it- OK- and I'm a little bit older- so I'll take him now- I look for him where ever I go- beings I live in Las Vegas- maybe someday he'll walk into a place I'm at- one lady saw him at a "Starbucks" and one at a local drug store when they were filming- DRATS :( never me- crapola- I've got my camera ready- so maybe baby :phere'sd another one from "KEEP THE CHANGE' those juicy senusous lips :p :p :pfor you young girls-- :p

Click Here

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I like 80's Billy he's such a bad boy. (I'd marry 80's Billy)
90's Billy was cute.
And Billy Now is Hotter then my kitchen stove and a ferarri with 20"inch rims.
But Formalities Billy Is Freaken off the ricther scale and out of this world. HEHEhe. I said when he appeared on screen with the Tux The women in this world had a relaps and fainted. The they were revived then we fell again.

Damn it Desertwind why must you punish me with these stories and that picture. OMG His lips.GAWD Help me.
I almost meet him. I was at the cubs games when he went last time.I had to lie to my dad and tell him I would be at my friends house. I was on the roof in the field and I saw him. OMG hawt. I love shorts. Anyways After the game I was gonna go Billy hunting with my cousin but My friend told us she had to leave cause of school and so did my cousin. I was so :mad: Damn it I was so close. So close to meeting him. I hate School.
OMG newflame13!!!!!!!! wwwwoooowww!!!! you SAW him in live!!!!!! OMG!!! you are SO LUCKY!! :) when was it??? how did he look like???
desertwind do you want to give us a heart attack with these kissing pics?? *gives an angry look* :lol:

newflame great avi! Hot Billy! :D

I am for the new and improved WP of today ;). The look in his eyes is just...yummieee :p! He knows he's hot (always knew), but he has also lost the arrogance of his younger days, in other words he's grown from the cute guy to the mature handsome Man no woman could resist.... :rolleyes:

There's the pic to prove it
Two sides of perfection GG/WP
All I can say, FallenforGrissom, is WOW the man is just smoking! I also prefer older Billy to his younger days. I think there is an allure and wisdom to him that makes him even more irresistable now, if that's even possible. :D
Fallen4Grissom I so agree with you on Desertwind. She has too many tempting pix.
Thanks for the avi compliment I actually was gonna add another pic from TLADILA but I knew I would get in trouble.LOL. Yes I like Billy when he has no shirt. lol.
Okay I understand everybodies point on the Now or then Billy. But my view point since I'm only 14 I would go for the younger version. If I were older than I so go for Billy Now. Billy is freakin hot.Since I'm so young I think he's way out of my league.
FallenforGrissom nce long gone avi. Awesome-o. I love that movie too. I.E. He's pretty good in baseball maybe one of these days I might play against him.(If only that were to happen in real life. sadly it's only in my Dreams)

Nextly I almost met him. I've only seen him in person. Not actually talked to him.
anyone from here ever talked to the guy??i know i would be to excited to say a word :lol:
There is a story about a fan who did meet and talk to him- I think it was posted on NEWS BULLETS" here- (Destiny, correct if I'm wrong) and on WPAP- another fan who talked to him- :p and the one in Vegas said "he was smoking"-- bad boy :( and thank's girls for the compliments on the pics- yours are all great as well :cool:and I'm excited, I just ordered 'GUNSHY" from on-line- can't wait on DVD- my daughter borrowed the VHS one and never gave it back- so I'm sick of waiting and just re-ordered it-


And one from "JACKPOT" :p

OOOPS-sorry Destiny- I didn't mean to post this- a mistake- so you can delete it or put in "click here"
~Edited: As asked Pic made into clickable URL.~ :)
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