William/Grissom Perfect Pics #9

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HIs sneakers are the expensive ones, ye he still wears that old Hawaiian shirt, what a guy :D here's a couple more, might be repeats.. can't get enough of Billy, he sure look's cute


He's handsome, I hadn't noticed :D yes indeed. thank's GameFace nice caps! here's one of the 3 CSI's it's in French, why I don't know, but if you can read their language, your in luck ;)

The whole time I was in France, I watched French CSI... les experts... that's all they really showed over there, Miami more than New York. Didn't see much Vegas though. Awesome pics though everyone. :D
"He's handsome, I hadn't noticed yes indeed. thank's GameFace nice caps! here's one of the 3 CSI's it's in French, why I don't know, but if you can read their language, your in luck "

Your right for stranger this is a hard language but well......this is mine :). Wathever this article discribe each of them (their characters): Who they are, what they like to do, their hobbies, Who they love(d) ...
Indeed not very interesting IMO.

"The whole time I was in France, I watched French CSI... les experts... that's all they really showed over there, Miami more than New York. Didn't see much Vegas though. Awesome pics though everyone. "

Well now they show only New york and not anymore Miami.
In france CSI (les experts) are on channel TF1 and they have a really really strange way to show us episode.
First they don't show all the episode (we are always waiting to see Time of your death tough we ever have seen Way to go :mad:), then when they schedule it on Tv at 9 PM the episode aired by their rating (first episode is the one who can be seen by most people than the third episode of the evening) that suck, and they sometimes stop aired the show just like that, I mean you look an episode and wait for the next week to see the next and finally nothing. :(
I look mostly CSI LV (indeed I used to, I'm a GSR Fan and totally Heartbreak right now) and personnally I look episode in english on internet but for those whom are fan in france it's really hard to follow arc story cause episode are totally aired at random.....

Well I'm gonna stop here cause this is a pictures thread and plus I'm not sure french chanel schedule interest lot of people here. :)

P.S.: Sorry for my english It's not always very good ;)
Welcome mana

Your english seems good. I'am French too, I don't post often because I find it hard to express myself clearly, but I read a lot. I enjoy being here, it's a good board with a lot of different opinions and tastes. I appreciate that.

Thanks for the pictures everyone :)

Blue eyes
desertwind said:
Big welcome mana Ms. France.. cool ;) glad your here and thank's for the explanation of the French pics. and your English is great!

thank you

Alienor I find it very difficult too to express myself in english in this Board cause I'm worry about all mistakes I could do writing why I want to say about CSI But I finally did and well this is a little strange to read something I wrote myself in english on a board :rolleyes:.
I would like to ask you something : aren't you a little frustrated by the way TF1 show us CSI and make us wait so long time for new episode? :mad:

Sorry this is totally Off Topic
Mana - you are always welcome in the Billy / Grissom threads on these boards!

I think it's great you write English so well. Cos I tell you right now, I wouldn't be brave enough to venture on other forums that aren't in my familiar language.

I only speak a couple words of French, but I speak a little Spanish, but I really wouldn't be brave enough to try and post on Spanish forums!

I hope you get to see all the episodes soon in France.
GameFace said:

I hope you get to see all the episodes soon in France.

I hope too.
Like we say (well I don't know the exact translation in englsih but translate word for word) Hope makes live.
Maybe one day let's say in 1 or even 2 year the channel gonna show us 1 or 2 episodes of the 8th season. :rolleyes:


This guy is really sexy but the shirt :confused:

edit to put the picture in the message
*Edited: To correct code took out the extra http://
Why did he hold 2 paper on the first pic?
The letter is not that long or we don't have heard all the letter!
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