William/Grissom Perfect 10 Picture thread!

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We're having a few problems with the wpap website today, so if you usually link directly to the albums, etc, they won't work for the timebeing. :)

ETA : Problem fixed for the timebeing.
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GGgirl ! glad to see you are back :D.
I saw that moive not to long ago either. He doesn't play a very nice person, but BOY he looks good!!!
wow that is a lot of beard goodness right there WPRMW :drool:

He seriously looks lovely. And the beard he has right now, is as good as it gets. The only beard look I didn't like was when it was trimmed too much. This one is perfect.
great pics everyone!
i was thinking recently that in the begining of the show it was all around Grissom! this is the reason i like the old seasons more then the new ones! and now in season 8 it's about everything else but him! thank god of the GSR so there can be something interesting around the charecter :(
and also a question - i just watched season 1 episode 23 and we saw grissom's appartment there! i think it's a different from the one we've just seen in the last episode. did he changed it, because i haven't seen all the seasons yet? thanks :)
the one in Strip Strangler is his townhouse. It's seen in a couple episodes I think, that one, and another one where Catherine is round having dinner with him. And it's refered to as well in season one as his 'hermetically sealed condo' - which Grissom corrects to 'townhouse'

This one in Grissom's Divine Comedy is a different place, cos it's like some sort of a large studio/loft apartment. I presume that's supposed to be the same place as we see him in with Sara last season as well.

Theres no mention of him moving, but then I don't spose it's a huge deal, people move :D
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yeah, i thought so :) but i just wondered :). i thought (no idea why) that this is the first time they show his appartment (without Sara). ok, thanks :)
I prefer his beard now too, I think his hair was lovely in Grissom's Divine Comedy. Rough and ready suits him, The grisly look is perfection!
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