Hey everyone please gather round and listen cause I do not want to have to repeat this.
One, This is a "Non-Spoiler" Thread, this means Current season photo's of unaired episodes as well. Which is why we have a specific thread for that and it has a spoiler warning on it.
Two, Not everyone is a member of YTDAW (Your Tax Dollars At Work) and therefore do not have access to their spoiler sections (which includes some pictures), this is why we urge you to upload the photo you wish to share to your own storage site and then link them over.
This does not in anyway encourage hotlinking, (ie posting a pic to show up that is posted on another site, which uses their bandwidth). But rather for you all to keep in mind that again not everyone is a member of certain sites. To remedy this you can either as I said upload it to your own site OR if url linking to the picture make sure to note the site it is located. If it is an unaired photo then see
Three, While I understand that you all get excited from time to time, there are times when the excitement is a bit out of control. Such as strecting the screen, which causes us to have to edit that post to unstretch it. So for example: "OOOOMMMMGGGG!!!! HHHHOOOOTTTT!!!!" Also doing it with so many words is really over the top. What would be better, such as "OMG!! HOTT!!". Though complete caps is consider shouting. Excitement is one thing, going overboard is another.
Okay thats it, everyone may continue their awe moments and discuss their fav actor/character's picture. Thank you.