William/Grissom HOTT picture thread #5

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I don't even need the scruff... loving it like this too! Yummy Scrummy! Now this is SMOOTH!

Many thanks, GGgirl! Is there nowt you can't do?!
Nah.. Sorry ladies, I can't agree. I think he's matured like a fine wine and is so much hotter now. He reminds me of the Village People in those previous photos!
Hah, hah, I *SO* agree with you britfan !!!
If my last pics didn't work for you, I put them in my photobucket so they should work now. But I don't know why they were forbidden, I tested the links before I posted. Oh well, I'll never inderstand computers.

And desertwind you're right, that picture is delicious!
Cute pic. hhunter with Greggie, and Det. Vartan- Greg so admires him, they crack me up together , like a comedy team, so different, yet, deep down Gissom has a soft spot for him ;)like a son-I loved "Viva Las Vegas" with them ;)

me too, I loved that picture because it has two of three of my favorite ( they are all good ;) ) People from CSI
and agreed about Greg and Grissom :)
I think that is from Big Middle, a very cute Grissom Ep :)
Heather, that was a cute ep. Big Middle.

Vartann, Grissom and Greg. :p

Thanks! :D

I have just drooled while watching 'Tog Tags' - I cannot wait for BP.com to put up the screenshots of Grissom in his office talking to Nick! Wow! :eek:

I never thought he'd effect me the same without beard! But Wow! (Have I said that already?!?) :eek:
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