William/Grissom HOTT picture thread #5

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nice icons, Ad :)

he definately looks fuller in the face now...but he ages very well...kinda like fine wine :)
britfan you are going to get us all in trouble :devil:
and Adzix, great work I'll have to snag a few myself :D
personally I like the Pilot pic better :eek:
but I need the beard!!!
*Words appear on the screen* Don't make us come in here and do the reminders. *Words fade out* ;)
desertwind said:
britfan you're funny :lol: and "naughty" here's a pic. from the "Pilot" without his beard, and one from "BTK" looking at that "minature kitchen" so what's your take-?



*Goes cross eyed in attempts not to be suggestive or rip gag off...*

Mfflfmmmmmmfmf mfflfmffm ffmfffmfmf :lol: :D

*Removes gag for one second* I think you're great too, desertwind. Think I can put the gag away now? So much Grissom Hotness in here and you lot are determined to lead me astray, so I'll just polish my halo and think pure thoughts... yeah, right! :devil:
awww, thank you everybody :D i'm so happy y'all like them! of course y'all can snag whichever, just credit when use ;)
Aww, that's gorgeous, GGgirl! And look, my halo is still perfectly shiney! You will not taint it despite your naughty pictures! I am a very good girl! :lol:
Yeah, stiffle your naughty thoughts, or PM one of us with them :devil: here's a pic from Billy's movie "COUSINS" 17 years ago, with Sean Young, who was the mom, of the kid who fainted when he saw blood, in "BTK" amazing, she look's pretty much the same- :eek: and bet they caught up on old times- he's had a few co-stars on CSI, that he was in movies with- nice, that he keeps in touch with former co-stars ;)



that sly grin :p

For some un-known reason my PB account put these in as thumbnails-so here's a little bigger pic of her, and him!!!

Thank the lord Billy is as hot as he is... the 1980's were hideous for fashion! Such a Miami Vice look! :lol:
The 1980's were cool then :cool: they thought :lol: here's another pic. of him with Sean Young, from "COUSINS" this is him in all his glory- that gorgeous curly hair, wouldn't you love to run your fingers through that-? :p he's cut it so short now, to me, it's a shame, because that's one of his greatest attributes/features :p

desertwind, don't even get me started about running my fingers through his hair :devil:
that's all I can say...
nice... :D
Going back a ways- some pics without the beard, it's hard to pick, :( maybe if he came on here- and read all these comments, he's see what the majority of his fans like, and decide to grow it back-or not ;) his hair is also longer back then, which look's better :p


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