William/Grissom HOTT Picture Thread #4

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I succeeded in bypassing a part of my comp problem (the Present Tense... pics (jpeg) are wonderful! :D), but the pics in HTML format still don't work... :( :( :(
Question-? what is Present Tense? never heard of it- and when was this-/ let me know-thank's ;)and he look's gorgeous- those eyes Rocky :p


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Present Tense, Past Perfect is a great short film, unless it's changed recently, it's only available in the UK, but like that stops anyone when it comes to Billy things :)

It's part of a collection which also has a short film starring Marg called Partners.

It was finally released last year. For many, their Billy collections are now complete with this becoming available :) It was made in 1995.

Another one from PTPP

synopsis from IMDB.com
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