William/Grissom HOTT Picture Thread #4

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The wet hair one is yummy.

I only skimmed the cooking thumbnails 'cause sometimes doing too many windows makes this machine cranky but I'd love to, ummm cook/bake with him....:devil:
Hey Rocky long time no hear from- glad you back- ;) awesome pics. where is this? he looks so cute in a T-shirt and jeans- and the one with him and Jorja and his wife :eek: and who's is that standing next to him in the group pic - look's like Buddy Hackett the comedian :lol:good to see some new pICTURES of him and his little group look's like fun


OOOPS- sorry I saw where this was-why wasn't I invited :(
Guys, keep the beardless pics comin', cause I gotta get used to this ;)

Right now I suffer Da Beard Withdrawal Syndrome (hehe new word for our dictionary :D)

ETA: We have a tie in our poll (vote for season 3 hottest profile) between #3 and #6 ... anyone who hasn't voted yet ... GOOOOOOOOOOOOO! :D


Remember, tomorrow season 4 :devil:
Hey all there is a discussion thread regarding Beard or No Beard lets keep the discussion in regards to that in that thread, otherwise its just posting alot of same in two threads. Thanks.
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