William/Grissom HOTT Pic Thread #6

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Too many talented people here. Not only does alot of the links display a pic at each word, but you know what pics everyone wants to see. One big and happily drooling family here ;)

Nuts, I missed the holiday stories. I guess that is the price you pay working in retail during the holidays :(
I hope everyone had an outstanding holiday season, and you received what you asked for ;)

After the Jan 4th ep, I would like to start a big hug session for all of us here. Reading the posts up to this point, I would like to start off with Grissoms Gurl <<big bear hug >> :D

Here is an idea which may be interesting to you all. Out of all the episodes of CSI, which scene holds THE favorite Grissom pic for you? Mine just so happens to take place at the end of "Little Murder". While everyone is leaving the convention, Grissom is just lurking inside a doorway. Has the look of 'the brooding bird of prey'. I wish I could post the pic here, but I am not as good as all of you when it comes to such things.

Sweet Grissom Dreams :devil:
thanks for the hugs... I'm sure we'll all miss him while he is gone

but, that is why we have the wonderful picture thread to cheer us up :D

Welcome MissKraft!
Here is a picture from Leaving Las Vegas
to help us through our "grissom withdrawls"

Welcome MissKraft gald you're here.. and have great taste.. I';m sure one of our great girls, will in fact find that pic. from "Little Murder' maybe even me ;)as far as favs. that's a tough call, too many :p

this is a good one from S/6 "TOYD"

and this one

IN HIS TRAILER anyone want to sit on his lap? or next to him :p
desertwind, where did you get that? I'll say it again
you are one of his biggest fans aren't you?

and of course I'd like to sit on his lap (keeping it pg keeping it pg keeping it pg keeping it pg) :D
I try ;).. I fell for him in "LHB" S/3.. he blew me away, when he touched her face, I'd never seem him like that before, and I was a goner.. and the pic. is from days gone by when they were filming in Santa Clarita, his trailer, and I know some one will correct me if I'm wrong. :(and MissKraft this is one from "A Little Murder", and from what you described, this comes as close as I can find.. is this it?

desertwind...OMG...Love that pic....it is now my fav...I'll sit next to him (so i can secretly stare at him), then maybe on his lap :devil: I'm speechless...i would have more to say...my mind is stuck..oh and im drooling *drip *drip *drip. Im gonna make that my desktop when i get to work :D That made my night.... :D :D :D :D :D :D I'm with hhunter....(keep it pg keep it pg :lol: )
Her's some from a dinner they all attended last May.. so cool, that they all hang out together. even though, as Grissom stated to Greg, in "BRTI" pertaining to Brass "We don't hang out" :lol:but in real life they do!!


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