William/Grissom HOTT Pic Thread #6

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Nice bearded pics. Rocky and those are primo :p

Here's one going back to "SSL" where he's pretty darn drool worthy :p


And one with his sexy beard!!! have you girls seen his full on "grey" beard from his play :eek: so grizzled.... so will he dye it black, or shave it off?

I doubt the beard will stay... if for no other reason than continuity. I think it was strictly for the play.

Was going to watch Spellbound before LLV, but WTG is on Spike. :)
Well, I hope your right to some degree. and the continuity is correct, but he's a hard man to figure out? he does grow such a narly beard, and it's fantastic for his play, showing he can do "character roles, but in saying that, he's too handsome to stay looking like that, time will tell ;)and once again, congratulations on seeing this extrodinary man in person, bet you'll never forget this expierence..maybe I'll see him here ;) before his run is done

Grissom was so hott - and funny - in tonights episode!! It was amazing... and sad.. and now I need to start the therapy!! Quick! Someone hold me!.. I need a bearded picture :(
MacsGirlMel said:
I'm confused, what's SSL?

:D It's "Sex Lies and Larvae" from S/1..soo long ago..here's another from that ep. the blanket scene ;)

Rocky you are killing us with the beard pictures!

he was cute last night though :) I'm sorta still getting used to the no beard Grissom
I'm gonna be here a lot until he comes back....*begins singing* Bring back,bring back, bring back my Billy to me, to me...*
Yes indeed.. bring him back.. here's how he look's now.. do you like the "greyness" or do you want him to do it black? or shave it off.. like he looked last night.. he was incredible.. the hug with Nick :lol: so funny


"Double Cross"
desertwind said:
... do you like the "greyness" or do you want him to do it black? or shave it off.. like he looked last night.. he was incredible.
Please keep in mind that this is just my personal opinion:
I've just been getting used to seeing him beardless, and I do like seeing that dimple again. Also, they're actually beginning to get the haircolor right... not so dark and more natural for Billy's complexion. He really has quite fair skin and the black hair/beard tend to look harsh, especially in pics.

I know many don't like the grey beard, but his natural hair is beautiful and it kills me to see it colored. Check out some of the pics fans have posted of him in the Dublin Carol thread at YTDaW. The combination of that white hair and blue eyes will stop you dead in your tracks. :eek: I guess what I'm trying to say is that even with the hair color, manipulated photos, clever camera tricks and magazine covers, he is lightyears better looking in real life. I like him best as plain ol' Billy, silver hair and all. He really doesn't need to be tampered with, but I understand that his appearance will change for different roles, just as it did for Dublin Carol.

And now, just how am I going to survive Grissomless CSI for several weeks? :(
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