William/Grissom HOTT Pic Thread #6

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I want to live in Canada and have a few more days off! Can I introduce you to your new science teacher by the way, grissoms gurl? If he worked with me, I'd definitely spend more time in the staffroom!
man, i have to go to school tomorrow. ugh. do you have to go to 13th grade? cause my mom's from canada, and school went up to 13 grades
britfan, are you trying to kill me?!?! Gil Grissom, my new science teacher?! I'd die!!... well, except for the fact that I don't take science in college :lol: but.. he's free to homeschool me anytime!

moose we may be strange, but Canada only has 12 grades.. er.. as far as I know. Well, in Alberta, there's only 12 grades!! And, shockingly enough, I've passed every single one of them!! I'm in my second year of college ;)

tongue porn before bed? That'd be nice! :devil:
I had to go 13 years (I'm in the US)'cause I had to repeat a darn grade once.

*drool* Thanks for all those before bed yummies...maybe they'll induce lovely dreams *grin*
Nice one of him for this Thursday morning ^^^ Rocky11
thanks :D

I need to dust off my photobucket again ;)
close-up beard

Rocky! You bad girl! :lol: How am I expected to sleep now, with the hotness of the second close up beardiness?! My mind is... well, you don't want to know and I don't want to gt thrown off the forum! :devil:

Loving your work!
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