William/Grissom HOTT Pic Thread #6

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grissoms_gurl, the first fire pic is so amazing that it is now my wallpaper, lol. gotta make an icon out of that. love the rest of the pics guys too!
With his come hither look

poppylvsgriss said:
i now have home net access again and i can actually see everyones photobucket photos! whoop whoop whoop!! :D you have no idea what torture it is not to be able to see them!

now, how many pages is this thread??.......... :D

Get in, poppylvsgriss!! Yorkshire birds can rule the thread now! Hee Hee!!
Big Middle was GREAT! talk about true 'fannysmakin'
(no disrespect to the episode where Greg gets beat up)

Grissom is such a character, no wonder the ladies love him :)
ams it is SO not wrong that you found the wink so attractive!! :lol: I loved that part! I always watch Big Middle and have to rewind and watch that scene again!! btw who loves my banner?! :lol: I'm am SO excited about it!! much credit to 4ENSIX :D
I swear I fell apart when I saw that wink. Oh daaaamn. I wasn't expecting it so it was a fantabulous suprise! I was pretty shocked how flirty he was in this episode. Oh I want him to flirt with me, its not fair!
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