William/Grissom HOTT Pic Thread #6

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Oh Dear Me!! I didn't realize how many people were without 'I heart Billy' drool cloths!!! *passes out clothes to GGgirl, hhunter. cathwillows, desertwind.. anybody else need one?!
That is SO not fair, GGgirl!! My 'I heart Billy' cloth is already saturated from the jeans pics... ohh, look! It's everywhere now! Oh, man...!
Here's another, britfan... I snagged a few more ;)

And cathwillows, he's soooooo FWROAR in that pic! :devil: Thanks for posting it! :D

And now, to make you drool some more... ;)
OOOH MY GOOOOD !!!!!! :devil: i can't stand it anymore!!! i'm just going up in flames!!
:eek: see how hot it's right in front of my computer?! :eek: that's me... what are you doing to us?!!
but...please don't stop ;)
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