William/Grissom HOTT Pic Thread #6

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What I wouldn't give to find those eyes starting at me!!
I'd consider taping that pic on my rear view mirror.. but I don't think the public would appreciate it :lol:
Never mind the public, when you can have those babies staring at you evertime you look, signal move! :lol:

Love the cowboy hat pic, des! I bought one in Vegas last year... hilarious at 2 in the morning after a few beers and winning $10 on the slots... not so funny after a 10 hour flight and being stuck having to wear it at 7 am in Manchester train station in the rain, because it doesn't fit in your case! :lol:
Tongue Porn!! Tee hee! What happened to that fantastic collage of tongue porn you posted a while back? That was awesome! Time to re-post? *hint hint!*
I adore you GGgirl!!!
I'll have to start making 'I heart Billy' bibs.. cause these little cloths aren't catching all the drool! :lol:
That collage was DELICIOUS!!!
*jumps up and down, clapping furously* Love that! Thank you! He clearly sticks his tongue out to concentrate, as clever *cough* Britfan *cough* does when she is working hard!

You are such a boff to be able to do stuff like that, GGgirl!
i have had such a crappy week with exams and what not i knew you guys could cheer me up :D All this billy hottness is just what the doctor ordered
you gals r amazing always upbeat and full of billy goodness to share luv ya'll :D
Glad you all love it! :D I think I need to make another one, though, with more recent pics. What do you think?

Glad you joined the party, grssom89! :D Feel free to contribute as much as you like!
Yay!! More late night Brits!! Welcome to the staying up late to play on the Billy threads party!! Grissoms gurl made cinnamon buns, GGgirl made tongue porn!! :lol:

Exams? Ewwww? AS Levels? Hope they went well!
there's no question! you have to do it without one single doubt!!!!
we need stuff like that! that's what makes a bad day a much better day!
that collage is just hilarious
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