Will the REAL Horatio Caine Please Stand Up? *SPOILERS*

Re: Will the REAL Horatio Caine Please Stand Up?

Y'all have said it so perfectly that I can only add my agreement. I've just about given up watching, and this was My Show! I am tired of H as Angsty Emo-Boy. I am tired of the dark shirts. (I can't believe how excited I got to see a bright blue shirt in the crossover! Sheesh.)

I thought I was going to be happy that the Yelina story line was gone. I was wrong. This new H - suddenly with a NYC past that we didn't hear about in NYC/MIA Nonstop - is a caracture of the old H. Instead of cheddar, we've got Cheez Whiz.
Re: Will the REAL Horatio Caine Please Stand Up?

Interesting topic, I've enjoyed reading all of your thoughts on this.

I've only seen the third season, so I can't really make an opinion, I'm just used to the third season-Horatio. But as you said, they try to make him serious but the things he says.. isssch.
Re: Will the REAL Horatio Caine Please Stand Up?

I think you've got it - there's an impostor on the loose! Wasn't there an episode in S3 called Identity where someone was stealing them? Perhaps that's what's going on. Our heroes should investigate! :lol:

I'm only seeing S4 via videos coming in from a friend in America a few weeks late, and missing a few eps, but I'm tending to do what I always do with this sort of thing. I take what I like and leave what I don't. We all have favourite episodes we'll watch to death (I loved the Broken / Body Count sequence in S1 for example) and that is what we have to do. Choose your Horatio and stand up for him. Yes, even I have gone over into Fan Fiction (and am writing something) and its my way of protesting.

What I do think the problem with S4 is quite literally "Season Four Syndrome". I came to Miami from a far older Fandom (British, 1970s) where they had four seasons, less episodes per Season but got stuck in the same rut. To keep the punters happy for some reason the producers and writers (who need slapping with a wet kipper IMHO) think its time to up the ante and throw a great deal of things at the characters rather than developing interesing plots like they started with. We are so busy going what the **** when they throw something in our direction that they think we will miss the holes they are leaveing. Not So!!!

I loved the calm way the team behaved in S1/2 and the lack of fuss. Everyone was professional, Horatio and Yelina had a sad time over Raymond's death but they were dignified and got on with things. Calleigh did her best with her father. Eric was trying to mke his way by helping with victims. I liked H because he **did** just get on with things despite everything.

Now Season Three and Season Four "syndrome" are not new to me as I have said. In my previous fandom I saw other favoured characters start behaving in really odd ways and doing things that made you wonder what on earth they were on - and no it wasn't Bathtub Meth. That was purely bad writing and lack of control on the part of the producers. Same thing here I think. Has anyone said we are missing lovely Steve Maeda?

What we had in our British fandom to explain the S4 syndrome was quite simply a leader who got hit over the head a few too many times. We blamed it on concussion and then we got 10-7 in a different form (there was no making up or going away to live another day in Britian in the pre Thatcher years) and that was the end of that.

Perhaps they **should** thump H on the head a few times. Might slow him down a bit and might even bash a bit of some sense into his head. He used to CARE for his people. Now he's so wrapped up in himself he seems to have forgotten.

These writers also need a bump on the head! Stop trying to do rewrites of original episodes (Prey was Spring Break in all but name). Stop doing nasty things to our characters. Give everyone a bit of self dignity again.

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Re: Will the REAL Horatio Caine Please Stand Up?

You know, I used to be such a Horatio fan. I loved him, adored him, wrote fanfiction about him. That was the Season 1-3 Horatio. I was all about the H, always on the front row in the Holy Church of Horatio. And now.... Not only am I not on the front row, I have completely left the building.

Why? Because Season 4 Horatio is just plain wrong to me. He seems so....lifeless. That's not really the right word, I know. It's impossible to be lifeless when you're that dramatic about everything. But it was the best I could come up with. He just seems to have lost that spark that made Horatio.....well, Horatio.

I blame it on the writers. I don't know what they have done with the real Horatio, but this guy isn't him. It's like they've kidnapped the real Horatio, and replaced him with some sort of Robot Caine.

I want the old Horatio back. So I can love him again.
Re: Will the REAL Horatio Caine Please Stand Up?

Robot Caine
Hmm..I've always thought, on several occasions when he put his hands on hips, he looked a tad robotic. Apart from that, I haven't watched Season 4 and I seem to dread it. The image of a 'lifeless' Horatio really strikes a chord. Rather scary if you think about it. Even more frightening if this change in Horatio could be due to David. I don't want him to lose his wide fan-base! :(
Re: Will the REAL Horatio Caine Please Stand Up?

I really don't think it is due to David. As GoodLittleWench mentioned, I think it's largely due to the writing. His character does seem rather lacklustre in Season 4, I agree. :(
Re: Will the REAL Horatio Caine Please Stand Up?

I'm glad it isn't! :). I knew a person with his talent couldn't have somehow cause a change in the character, which I have considered quite drastic. What I can't grasp is, why? Why would the writers produce a Robot Caine? When all this while, David has been doing a great job at creating a warm and caring Horatio. Another exceptional move by them. *sighs*
Re: Will the REAL Horatio Caine Please Stand Up?

I miss the old Horatio, I really do. I suppose I should just suck it up, and embrace this new Horatio; robotic or not. Still, I do wish that the writers would stop screwing around with a good thing, and go back to what used to make this show great.
Re: Will the REAL Horatio Caine Please Stand Up?

Well, not only has Horatio changed drastically, but the whole team has. -well thats for another thread- I just want my saint H back, full force with his sunnies, ready to kick some criminal...behinds.
Re: Will the REAL Horatio Caine Please Stand Up?

I totally agree on the robot Caine but GoodLittleWench is right. It's mostly the writers doing, or 'Writer's Syndrome' as I like to call it. I mean, when you get a bunch of people together and say "Write a script." Everyone's gonna have their own wants and needs. Say someone's particularily happy. Then the script may lean more into bright scenes, jokes, and yes. Smiles. If someone's feeling dark, out comes a script with a dark, night scene. Evil people and a stonic feel to it.
What I say happened on Miami is probably a bunch of writers got around and said "Let's draw random stuff out of this here Bowler's Hat and write a script out of it." Hence Calleigh being all "God, I hate everyone." Horatio being all "Bag a woman but after the parts that make me happy, I will become distant and unattached to everything, making me look like a robot *end transmission*."
Delko... oh Delko. "Pot, Sex, and Lies. Wow, I'm moving up in the world." And Ryan's just Ryan but with a South Beach Attitude. (And everybody! Let's get that evidence! I'm right, your wrong! Don't give me that snark!)
The only one who hasn't changed is Alexx, who still stays in her Coroner's office talking to the only things that never change. Dead bodies.
I think the only justice they give to Horatio is when they let him stand there and not say anything.
Fans: Omg! Horatio!
Horatio: *opens mouth*
Fans: Awww....

I mean, I really don't understand how else our beloved characters turned into... whatever they are today. I mean, angsty lust drama is for things like The Bold and the Beautiful (You slept with my sister? AGAIN? Oh the ANGST!), not for Miami. I mean, soon it'll be all..
Annoncer: Next time on MIAMI... DELKO's Pregnant! And you'll never guess who's baby it is..
Delko: Aleeeexx... Im pregnant! *tear*
Alexx: ...what?
Annoncer: And Horatio ends his 2 minute relationship with Valera...
Horatio: I love you..
Valera: I love you..
*2 minutes*
Horatio: ...whore!
Valera: ...prostitute!
Annoncer: PLUS! Will Calleigh ever smile?!?!
Calleigh: ...Must refrain... be.. full of.. DRAMA!
Annoncer: Don't Miss it!

I mean, note to the writers. Do you know WHY Miss Marple is so beloved by a lot of people? She never changes! (omg, seriously?) *shake fist* Take a hint!

..yeah, done my rant. let's sing Christmas Carols! La la la la...
Re: Will the REAL Horatio Caine Please Stand Up?

:lol: oh Palm you completly floored me with the last thing about the characters.

Announcer: next on Miami...DELKO'S PREGNANT! that one took the cake..I mean it's getting so ridiculous, that it might actually happen.
Re: Will the REAL Horatio Caine Please Stand Up?

It probably will during the March-May sweeps. Knowing the writers.
God...Miami needs saving... can you do something about that?
Re: Will the REAL Horatio Caine Please Stand Up?

Maybe there is an imposter of Horatio - the real one has gone to brail with yelina :D
Re: Will the REAL Horatio Caine Please Stand Up?

:lol: Palm! Hilarious and a very good point made! About Miami being 'Angsty', I don't think I'll enjoy everyone being angsty. And it would be a very weird mix. What with the bright and sunny atmosphere, and then all the people are moving around like zombies. :lol:
Re: Will the REAL Horatio Caine Please Stand Up?

Maybe there is an imposter of Horatio - the real one has gone to brail with yelina :D

Now I could live with having an episode of Miami set in Brazil with the REAL H! ;)