Re: Will the REAL Horatio Caine Please Stand Up?

I totally agree on the robot Caine but GoodLittleWench is right. It's mostly the writers doing, or 'Writer's Syndrome' as I like to call it. I mean, when you get a bunch of people together and say "Write a script." Everyone's gonna have their own wants and needs. Say someone's particularily happy. Then the script may lean more into bright scenes, jokes, and yes. Smiles. If someone's feeling dark, out comes a script with a dark, night scene. Evil people and a stonic feel to it.
What I say happened on Miami is probably a bunch of writers got around and said "Let's draw random stuff out of this here Bowler's Hat and write a script out of it." Hence Calleigh being all "God, I hate everyone." Horatio being all "Bag a woman but after the parts that make me happy, I will become distant and unattached to everything, making me look like a robot *end transmission*."
Delko... oh Delko. "Pot, Sex, and Lies. Wow, I'm moving up in the world." And Ryan's just Ryan but with a South Beach Attitude. (And everybody! Let's get that evidence! I'm right, your wrong! Don't give me that snark!)
The only one who hasn't changed is Alexx, who still stays in her Coroner's office talking to the only things that never change. Dead bodies.
I think the only justice they give to Horatio is when they let him stand there and not say anything.
Fans: Omg! Horatio!
Horatio: *opens mouth*
Fans: Awww....
I mean, I really don't understand how else our beloved characters turned into... whatever they are today. I mean, angsty lust drama is for things like The Bold and the Beautiful (You slept with my sister? AGAIN? Oh the ANGST!), not for Miami. I mean, soon it'll be all..
Annoncer: Next time on MIAMI... DELKO's Pregnant! And you'll never guess who's baby it is..
Delko: Aleeeexx... Im pregnant! *tear*
Alexx: ...what?
Annoncer: And Horatio ends his 2 minute relationship with Valera...
Horatio: I love you..
Valera: I love you..
*2 minutes*
Horatio: ...whore!
Valera: ...prostitute!
Annoncer: PLUS! Will Calleigh ever smile?!?!
Calleigh: ...Must refrain... be.. full of.. DRAMA!
Annoncer: Don't Miss it!
I mean, note to the writers. Do you know WHY Miss Marple is so beloved by a lot of people? She never changes! (omg, seriously?) *shake fist* Take a hint!
..yeah, done my rant. let's sing Christmas Carols! La la la la...