Why Lindsay REALLY Must Go (Pt. 2)

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But ugh, that means she'll be in the field for that episode. Will there be a dead kid or a grieving mother so she can make it OMG-SO-PERSONAL? *headdesk*
Psh, I bet the writers have forgotten her issue with mothers. It's like it never happened. It took them a whole season to remember Louie, didn't it?

Hell, even her supposed blank expressions don't work. Remember when she's moping that they couldn't lend a hand to Stella in "All Access".

"How can something like that happen?" -- bland as tepid tea.
CrimeShark said:
Twinkletoes said:
in order to make her more fun she smiles continually in a demented way while carrying out her experiments.

YES! What is up with that? It's creepy.

It's another example of how she doesn't really inhabit the character. She's so awkward--I can see her "acting" in every scene she's in. Skilled actors make it seem natural, but she doesn't seem able to do that.
Top41 said:
She's so awkward--I can see her "acting" in every scene she's in. Skilled actors make it seem natural, but she doesn't seem able to do that.

I just watched the "I rock" scene by mistake (!) and that sequence perfectly illustrates what you say here Top.

Anna has an idea of how her character should behave but, as an actress, just can't pull it off. Everything she does seems so forced, so unnatural and stilted. It doesn't help that's she's surrounded by a superb cast, all of whom completely and (apparently) effortlessly inhabit their characters. Her inadequacies as an actress are really highlighted when placed alongside such talentented performers.
Top41 said:
She's so awkward--I can see her "acting" in every scene she's in. Skilled actors make it seem natural, but she doesn't seem able to do that.

I think she bypassed acting natural and went straigh for awkward overacting. She seems to have trouble finding that natural medium.
In one of the DVD reviews that's mentioned in the CSI Files article about the release of S3, I saw something that I think is interesting.

The reviewer mentioned that she had never seen NY prior to doing the review. She couldn't compare S3 to the previous seasons, and she was basically starting from scratch.

In other words, I am coming into season three without any baggage and the only expectations I have is that the series have interesting characters and compelling story lines.
I agreed with some of her comments and disagreed with some, but one thing that stood out to me was this part:

I could do without some of the other characters, especially Detective Lindsay Monroe (Anna Belknap) as I found her one dimensional and her stand offish behavior throughout the season grew tiresome. I know she has a secret that is haunting her but still!
This is someone who had never seen the show before and who (presumably) couldn't have had any preconceived notions about the characters. I find this very interesting.
not to mention relevant to this thread
Hence posting it here. ;)

Really, though, it's always interesting to me to find people who aren't running in the same fandom circles that I am (that I know of, of course, I don't know anything about this woman) whose opinions are similar to my own.
I could do without some of the other characters, especially Detective Lindsay Monroe (Anna Belknap) as I found her one dimensional and her stand offish behavior throughout the season grew tiresome. I know she has a secret that is haunting her but still!

Well, now.

There goes the theories that people who dislike Lindsay feel that way because of Aiden leaving or that we prefer season one / pre-Lindsay seasons. :lol:
^^Exactly, it definitely gives strength to the idea that Lindsay herself is a divisive character without taking anything else into account. I've watched the show since the beginning and been on TalkCSI since the beginning of season 2, so there's always the possibility that my opinions are highly dependent on the interaction with other board members and influenced by seeing the earlier seasons--but here is a person who started with a blank slate and came to similar conclusions.

That doesn't mean my opinions don't have anything to do with fandom interaction, but it's nice to know that I might actually be thinking for myself. ;) :lol:
I have the same article in my email. It's from a newsletter. There's something about Flack -- something quite negative actually -- in there too. But I was surprised to see the Lindsey bit. I mean, even in other reviews I've seen... she's just mentioned in passing and/or nothing (positive or negative) was said about her.

And take note, this is a review of the WHOLE SEASON. Not just one episode.
There's something about Flack -- something quite negative actually -- in there too.
Mainly that he seems to be nothing but set dressing, and a lot of people here have expressed the opinion that he's underused as well. I didn't think it was terribly negative--certainly not like calling someone 'one dimensional' and 'stand offish'.

In any case, I copied the part that I thought was relevant to the discussion at hand because it stood out to me that this person (who is only one person, yes, and not an indicator of every reviewer out there), who has never watched the show or (presumably) participated in discussion about it, would form an opinion so similar to people who discuss this show and this specific character on a regular basis--very different paths to arrive at the same conclusion.
Ok! Here r my thoughts re. Lindsay. I was actually fine with her in Season 2. I'm not that particular abt talent as long as the character does not grate on my nerves. & to be truthful, she didnt.

I was actually ok until after "not what it looks like". To me, the interaction was cute & flirty with undertones of it being serious for Danny. Lindsay NEVER came off as being interested in him. Just a girl putting up with a smartass' wisecracks. & trying to hold her own at the same time. I could take that.

Then "love run cold" happened. Even there, though her storyline bugged the hell out of me, I still figured it was the storyline. She's doing what the writers want her to do, pretty much like Carmine going along with his storyline even though he was not very happy with parts of it.

Dont know how much say these actors have in the potrayal of their characters, but I was still willing to give her the benefit of doubt.

But, man, did it take a downward plunge from there. Her very portrayal of the character started bugging the hell out of me & I then realised that one & half season into the series & she still had not made Lindsay a definite character. There was nothing that actually characterised her as her.

On a sidenote, her rendering of that poem to Stella, Flack & Hawk in "What Schemes May Come" really really made me cringe.

By herself, she was.......well...an extremely confusing character. With her, I realised I had to make excuses & come up with my own explanations for why she was behaving the way she was. I NEVER have that problem with any of the other actors. Whether the scene is humorous or dramatic or tragic or sad, Melina, Gary, Carmine, Hill, Eddie, Robert Joy, or AJ, each & everyone of them pull it off so effortlessly.

Unfortunately, my dislike for this character has gone so far, that I admit I am now completely biased. I DONT care how perfectly she now pulls off a scene, I am never going to like her much.

Though to be fair, I have to say that this season, she's been ok so far.......except for the "I Rock" scene. That was bad!

To summarize, I'll say that as long as they keep her character light hearted & leave the emoting to Danny & the others, I'm fine with her. Lets face it, they r not going to kick her out just because we want them to. Now, maybe if she were to ask for a payraise.................. ;)
I'm glad to see I'm not the only reviewer who finds Lindsay "one-dimensional" and "stand-offish." ;)

Rad, I was on and off about the character in season two. I disliked her initially, was okay with her midway through the season and then really got to dislike her at the end of it. I actually saw the thing with Danny as the opposite: he was wisecracking with her, and she had something of a crush on him. In season three, I saw it as a complete reversal.

But I agree with you completely that she's never really found her footing with the character. That's why Lindsay comes off as "one dimensional"--there's no depth to her. Unlike all the other characters on the show, it really doesn't seem like Anna puts a lot of thought into Lindsay and her feelings and motivations. When contrasted with actors like Carmine or Eddie or Hill who obviously do put so much so much thought into the characters they're playing, she sticks out.

I agree that she's been better this season, though interestingly I've noticed it does seem like her screentime has been cut. With the exception of the upcoming Amityville episode, Lindsay really isn't much of a factor this season. With less screentime and less emoting, I can definitely deal with Lindsay. She's a weak link, and the show would be better off without her, but what's happening now seems like a compromise, and that I can live with.
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