Why Lindsay REALLY Must Go (Pt. 2)

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^^ Gary is the only actor whose shared scenes with Anna make some sense. He's the one who have to make her improve so his acting don't get perjudicated by her, and, even if they're all talking very good of her, maybe things behind the courtains aren't the same as they try to make us see.

He's a producer, that means he has some saying into the scenes, the dialogues and even the stories, so probably he's sick and tired of her and confined Lindsay to the lab so there isn't many scenes with her. Sure they have, because sh's still in the show, but there are less because she's not at the scenes, and most of the investigations where she is are made with music and effects.
I think you guys are all crazy but hear me out. I agree that Lindsay's character has not been very consistent. Part of that is because they made her character all weird and weepy when they had to figure in her pregnancy. She was NOT that way originally. She was more feisty. So give her a chance to prove herself this season now that the whole stupid "my friends were all killed" storyline is gone.

I don't think her acting is that bad. She at least provides contrast to some of the hardcore "New yorkers".

We all have our own opinions obviously but as far as acting ability goes here's how I rank it

1. Gary Sinise and Carmine Giovinazzo are great.
2. Eddie Cahill
3. Anna Belknap
4. Hill Harper **they make him SOOOOOOOO cheesy. All he says are corny one-liners.
5. Melina K---she's okay but she bugs me..she's always looking super weepy and pursing her lips.

I hope Lindsay stays.
She at least provides contrast to some of the hardcore "New yorkers".
What for? This is CSI:New York and I want to watch hardcore New Yorkers solving crimes in New York.

And without being preachy, I disagree with your acting ability 'ranking'. Hill Harper hasn't been given enough materials to work on but whenever he got the chance such as in 'Raising Shane', he shined. And I don't know where you see Melina being 'super weepy' - Stella is one of the toughest female characters on television, in my opinion. I'd like to see Anna take on that incredibly damaging 'All Access' and emerged as sympathetic and likeable as Melina did to Stella, before I can give Anna any acting credits. If anything, her crying scenes need to be improved (putting it nicely).
acrook1 said:
I agree that Lindsay's character has not been very consistent. Part of that is because they made her character all weird and weepy when they had to figure in her pregnancy. She was NOT that way originally. She was more feisty. So give her a chance to prove herself this season now that the whole stupid "my friends were all killed" storyline is gone.

I don't think it's just the fact that they made her character all "weird and weepy". So much as she couldn't pull off "weird and weepy". A decent actor is able to make whatever they're doing real. No matter how bad the writing may or may not be.
I'm not trying to start anything. I'm honestly curious about this and am looking for discussion.

4. Hill Harper **they make him SOOOOOOOO cheesy. All he says are corny one-liners.

I'm confused as to how the writers making Hawkes' character "cheesy" and giving him "corny one-liners" relates to Hill Harper's acting ability. ??

5. Melina K---she's okay but she bugs me..she's always looking super weepy and pursing her lips.

Again, how does that translate to acting ability? And when/where has Melina looked "super weepy?"

Part of that is because they made her character all weird and weepy when they had to figure in her pregnancy.

The writers didn't have to make Lindsay "weird and weepy" just because the actress was pregnant. I'd also argue that part of Lindsay coming across as "weird and weepy" was because Anna Belknap is not skilled enough as an actress to portray an appropriate range of emotion.

She was NOT that way originally. She was more feisty.

She was feisty for all of about two episodes. She's never had a real identity as a character, IMO.

So give her a chance to prove herself this season now that the whole stupid "my friends were all killed" storyline is gone.

Let's say I completely write off S3 as the writers fault for a bad story line and give Lindsay and Anna another chance, but I still don't like the character or the portrayal? What excuse will there be for why what I didn't like doesn't count and that now I'm really supposed to "give her a chance to prove herself?" She's had two seasons to prove herself, and to me she hasn't.
I think the writers finally got it -- that it won't work. So they're doing everything they can -- mentioning it in all interviews, stating the obvious, pictures and such -- so they can save their asses.

It is funny how they try so hard, her acting was jaw dropping, there's a perfect heart in the picture etc. If it's there, I'll see it. If it's not there, stop showing it down my throat already.

even if they're all talking very good of her,

Yeah, they all say she is very nice. :S Sooo.. maybe I read to much between the lines, but maybe not.

and most of the investigations where she is are made with music and effects.

looool That was hilarious. :lol:

... Must. Not feed the troll. ... ... Must. Not feed the troll. ...
Lorelai said:
... Must. Not feed the troll. ... ... Must. Not feed the troll. ...
*holds your hand and tries to resist the urge*


acrook1 said:
I think you guys are all crazy but hear me out.
Now what we have right here is the best way for a newbie to start out on the wrong foot. Insulting someone and then demanding that they listen to your opinion--sorry, but it ain't gonna work. It just makes you look like you're trying to be a troll.

However: Anna being a better actor than Hill?


(Sorry, the urge to macro overtook me and I was powerless to resist.)
WhosLaughingNow said:
Lorelai said:
her acting was jaw dropping, there's a perfect heart in the picture etc.

I thought her acting was jaw dropping. You know in a "wow, that's not a pretty car crash" way :rolleyes:

:lol: Maybe that's what AZ meant to say too.

*holds your hand and tries to resist the urge*


We have no self control. :(

Now what we have right here is the best way for a newbie to start out on the wrong foot. Insulting someone and then demanding that they listen to your opinion--sorry, but it ain't gonna work.

Yes, I know I am but, I don't appreciate being called that by people who are not family or friends. ;)

Stella is one of the toughest female characters on television

Exactly. Sometimes I feel she is stronger than Mac. Stella is the definition of what a woman should be : smart, independent, sexy, confident, funny, loyal.. And Melina had her fare share of bad writing, yet she managed to save the scene.

Hill Harper hasn't been given enough materials to work on but whenever he got the chance such as in 'Raising Shane', he shined.

Yup. Same as Eddie, Hill managed to make a character that gets close to nada, likeable. That says a lot.

I don't think it's just the fact that they made her character all "weird and weepy". So much as she couldn't pull off "weird and weepy". A decent actor is able to make whatever they're doing real. No matter how bad the writing may or may not be.

Lindsay Monroe is the perfect definition of what happens when bad writing meets worst acting.:lol: But if you look back, you'll see that the idea was not that bad, so maybe with a different actress. Besides, she been given a lot, both in story and in screen time, and I'm still not warming up to her.. :rolleyes:

She was NOT that way originally.

Nope, she was Summer Hamilton once. :lol:

She's had two seasons to prove herself, and to me she hasn't.

Same here, so no more chances. :rolleyes:

And now, the big, painful question. Why is it that in order to defend Lindsay, people need to attack some other actor/character? A couple of weeks ago was AJ/Adam, now Hill and Melina. You really think that trying to drag them down will lift her? :rolleyes:
Why is it that in order to defend Lindsay, people need to attack some other actor/character?
Probably because one of the big ways to show that Anna is less than superb is to compare her to the other actors, so obviously the reverse must be true...only not. B- for effort, though.

(AJ/Adam has committed the sin of being good, popular, memorable, and having been in the hostage situation with Danny instead of Lindsay in "Snow Day". As for Hill and Melina...Hill doesn't get much screentime and Melina...has a vagina?)
^^ If they really want to make her look better by comparisons, they fail miserably. If you want to say some woman passing as an actress has some strong points, just say what they are. The problem they seem to have is that they can't find any moment she did great in screen.

All actors and actres have theyr good and bad points, saying someone is perfect is pretty difficult (sorry, studied cinema and I look things maybe another ones wouldn't), but the problem Anna has and everybody here is commenting is she hasn't what you really expect from an actress in a show like CSI NY.
She at least provides contrast to some of the hardcore "New yorkers".
CrimeShark said:
What for? This is CSI:New York and I want to watch hardcore New Yorkers solving crimes in New York.
I agree that there should be New Yorkers solving crimes in NY and I would have no problem with a cast of hardcore New Yorkers.

I just have to say though that to me, only Danny and Flack really come across as "hardcore" New Yorkers. Mac is not even a New Yorker; he is from Chicago. And isn't Adam from somewhere else. And I realize Stella's backstory is that she was raised in NYC, but she doesn't really come across as specific to New York if you know what I mean. I don't think I even know where Hawkes is supposed to be from originally, but again while he comes across as a city kind of guy, I don't think he comes off as a "hardcore" New Yorker. In other words, I think the characters of Stella and Hawkes could be transferred to CSI:Any City and could come across as from that city. I am not sure the same could be said of the Danny or Flack characters who, as I said above, are really the only two who I think come across as "hardcore" New Yorkers. Possibly Sid also seems like a true New Yorker. Oh and Peyton is from England.

So, I don't really think that they need Lindsay to provide contrast -- they already had plenty of non-hardcore and even non "New Yorkers."
I'm trying to process Stella "looking weepy" Melina's never played her like that. Unless we're talking about All Access, and the reason Stella had been crying then was because her boyfriend turned psycho and she was forced to kill him.

Yeah, the show's called CSI:NY, not CSI:Any Big City. Don't like New Yorkers, watch LV or Maimi. And like privatename said, Danny and Flack are really the only "hard core" New Yorkers in the cast. Lindsay was not needed to provide contrast.

Lindsay also was not needed to balance out the male/female ratio. She went from being a main character to a love interest for Danny. It's pretty much her sole reason for existing. She was only a plot device in Snow Day. And she's in the opening credits!

We're only two episodes into the new season(with the third episode airing tonight) and so far she hasn't even left the lab yet. She's still useless!
Without getting into spoilers (since the grading thread isn't up yet):

~ After "You Only Die Once", I am strongly reminded of why I post in this thread. Anna's acting is awkward, and there was one scene that was particularly painful to watch--I literally cringed. *dies a little bit inside*
Tonight's episode is another blatant example of what has already been said. Repeatedly.

Spoilers for ep. 3 "You Only Die Once" are included.

The scene with Danny geeking out over the "Batmobile." Carmine Giovinazzo was funny. Anna Belknap made me think how obvious it was that she was struggling to get through the dialogue. It also illustrated how great the scene would've been if Adam had been geeking out with Danny. AJ Buckley does geeking out like no one else.

It's obvious TPTB are going for her as comic relief as opposed to emoting. Too bad she can't pull off funny either. That scene where she figured out what the substance was or whatever she was trying to do was just vomit inducing. Not only did AB suck out loud at being excited about finally getting it right, it just made Lindsay look self-absorbed again. Screeming "YES!" and "I ROCK!" because she did her friggin' job?? No one else on the team pats themselves on the back and acts like a grade school show off because they figured out a piece of evidence. If anyone else on the team had done that exact same scene, it would have come off funny, not annoying and smug.

TPTB also seem determined to have at least one obligitory D/L scene in each episode. Unfortunately, it's impossible to tell they are a couple. They act like co-workers, and Danny still seems somewhat dismissive of her.

All of the attempts to make her a likeable character just keep spotlighting how useless and detrimental the character and actress are to the show.
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