Why Lindsay REALLY Must Go (Pt. 2)

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chaostheory08 said:
I just hoped they didn't kill-off Aiden. I mean, maybe she could guest star in one episode:

Aiden: Hey, I'm back in town. Want to go our for drinks sometime?
Whoever: Sure. I'll bring the gang with me.

And she could meet Lindsey....

:confused: ummm, maybe I'm misreading your post, but Aiden was killed off in the episode Heroes. So no meeting between the two characters. I often wonder what a meeting between the two of them would have been like.

I'm so glad I own Season One on DVD! It's so nice to be able to watch an episode without wanting to cringe.
Personally, I would hope that if Aiden had never left, we would have been spared Lindsay in any form. There would have been no need to add anybody, much less her.

That's what I meant--I wonder how the show would be in season four if Aiden were still there and Lindsay had never existed.
Carrieattheprom said:

:confused: ummm, maybe I'm misreading your post, but Aiden was killed off in the episode Heroes. So no meeting between the two characters. I often wonder what a meeting between the two of them would have been like.

I'm so glad I own Season One on DVD! It's so nice to be able to watch an episode without wanting to cringe.

Well, what I was trying to say was -- how I wish that they didn't kill off Aiden. I know she was killed and saw how everybody -- especially Danny -- reacted to the news.

It should be interesting to see how she would interact to her "replacement". And how she would be protective over Danny, since she's like a sister to him... the only person who can whack him up the side of the head haha.
I do still wonder why TPTB decided to kill Aiden off. It definitely wasn't necessary as a means of giving the character closure; rather drastic, in fact. They could very well have left her alive and well with the possibility of her returning one day, even if it's just for one scene or two. I think TPTB may have gone that route with Aiden because they were worried people weren't going to endear to the new girl and start demanding that Aiden return to the show. So as long as Aiden was still alive, that possibility was always there. Now that she's dead, well ... the threat's gone. :p (That's just my opinion, of course.)

Aiden and Lindsay are as different as night and day. As chaostheory08 mentioned, Aiden is still the only character on the show who has ever had the guts to smack Danny up the head and get away with it. :lol: That alone said so much about their friendship. I utterly believe TPTB would have paired Danny up with Aiden if Vanessa Ferlito hadn't left; all the signs were there in season one.

So. Who wants to bet this thread will be buzzing on Halloween night? :lol:
I am with you, Kimmychu. We'll all be descending on this thread tomorrow night. :lol:

I guess killing Aiden off was to stop speculation that she would return one day. I liked "Heroes", but I felt her death could've been dealt with better. Aiden only appeared in flashback, I always felt that we should have seen more of her. Maybe they should have had Vanessa appear in the preceding episode, to set things up for her death in "Heroes". She could even have appeared in the episode after "Live or Let Die", to talk about DJ Pratt resurfacing. The impact of her death would have been stronger on the team and on the audience if we'd seen her in present-day scenes, rather than in flashback, IMHO.

One of my fave Danny/Aiden scenes is the part where she tells him that she's way out of her league. What a smackdown! Only Aiden had the guts to do that. She and Stella are so cool. :cool:

To bring this thread back to Lindsay, I guess most of the fault lies with TPTB, for not coming up with a proper backstory for her. And the whole Montana thing was just...ugh. It was cute the first time, but it got tired really quick. And the rest of the problem lies with Anna's emoting. Lindsay's emotinal state may have looked real good on paper, in the script, but Anna just doesn't have the depth to bring it out, IMO.

Which brings me back to this...I wish we knew who else was once considered for the role of Lindsay, because was Anna Belknap seriously the best choice? :lol:
Lessien_Tinuviel said Which brings me back to this...I wish we knew who else was once considered for the role of Lindsay, because was Anna Belknap seriously the best choice?

I never thought of that I agree I would love to know who she outdid :confused: to get on the show besides the fact that Hill got a good word in for her.
Maybe the girl who died was Aidens long lost identical twin who had been living with Aiden and was doing some P.I work for her to track down DJ Pratt (whatever his name is) and got killed. THEN Aiden fled NY in fear...
Kimmychu said:
So. Who wants to bet this thread will be buzzing on Halloween night? :lol:

Interesting you should write that, I had been thinking that myself whilst also wanting to be open minded about it. ;)

Just the thought of a storyline that might require either a lot of Lindsay, or an emoting Lindsay is not good. I'm finding that for me, it's become increasingly difficult to remain open minded about her performances, even though I'd like to. Both Lindsay's storylines, the writing and Anna's performances seem past the point of redemption.

I really do wonder what season's 3 and 4 would be like if Aiden was still around? It's strange because actually Aiden was only really in one season whereas Lindsay has had much more time than that now, and yet the character just isn't resonating in the same way with some of the fan base. :confused: Maybe they aren't supposed to as they are so different, but it still makes me wonder what TPTB were trying to achieve with Lindsay? Was she supposed to be the lighter, younger more hip character to go with the lighter, brighter look of NY in season 2? Because if so, it didn't really pan out.
Lessien_Tinuviel said

Which brings me back to this...I wish we knew who else was once considered for the role of Lindsay, because was Anna Belknap seriously the best choice?

Well, she didn't make it in Numb3ers so they gave her CSI NY. Lucky us! :rolleyes:
Oh, dear. She was considered for a role in Numb3rs? I didn't know! The two series that I know of Anna starring in are Medical Investigation and The Handler, both of which were canceled pretty early on in the season. :p
Well, she audition for Numb3ers. That I remember... It was in her interview. Let me go find it. :p

Got it:

Belknap: Basically the way it works out here is that you get auditions and you go in. I knew Hill [Harper, Dr. Sheldon Hawkes] was on the show. I can't remember if I talked to him about it before or after I went in [to audition]. I was actually auditioning for Numb3ers--they needed somebody new on that show--and I didn't wind up getting that and then they were like, "Well, what about CSI: New York? So I was like, "Great!" So I went in, and I think they videotaped it and sent it off to [executive producers] Jerry Bruckheimer and Anthony Zuiker, and then I got it.

From here.
Uh huh. I did not know that. Thanks Lorelai for digging up the article. :D

Oh my...oh my, oh my. I think the Numb3rs role that Anna auditioned for was most likely for the character of Megan Reeves. Not to bash on Anna, I'm sure she's a real nice person (just not a great actress :p), but I am so glad that TPTB of Numb3rs did not choose her to play Megan, (if it was in fact that role she auditioned for) because I don't think Anna has the depth to portray a character like Megan, who is smart, independent and can more than hold her on among a whole team of men. She can even shake down criminals just by pushing their buttons, can you see Anna doing that? Hehe.

For those of you who are not familiar with Numb3rs, Megan Reeves is played by Diane Farr. In the show, Megan is the profiler among the team of FBI agents. She's like one of my favorite female characters on a TV show, right up there on my list with Stella. ;)
Rereading that interview further drives home the point that there was so much potential for the Lindsay character and how badly the writing and portrayal killed that potential.
Interesting--I had forgotten she mentioned that the director of "Zoo York" had suggested she and Carmine bump into each other. Since then, I've seen it mentioned as "accidental." I think the plan was to pair up Lindsay and Danny from day one, before they even checked to see if the actors had any chemistry together. Oh, and Kimmy--I agree with you about Aiden. They killed her off to solidify Lindsay's position once they saw how unpopular the character was. I definitely suspect that's the case.

It's interesting because up until this point Lindsay and the "Dindsay" relationship has been marginalized. It's being trotted out for Halloween, but other than that, it's been in the background. I'm grateful for that, but it also makes me think it's not viewed as a strong point of the show. If it was, I'd think it would be highlighted more.

And, much as Danny was marginalized in terms of character development in season three, his screentime was never cut in the way Lindsay's has been this season.
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