Why Lindsay REALLY Must Go (Pt. 2)

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You'll enjoy the Lindsay-free episodes, Stardust! :D They really showcase how unnecessary she is to the show, and how much she drags it down when she's around. The team feels so cohesive without her. That wouldn't be true of any other character's absence. Adam, who's a new regular character, was missing in two eps of s. 4 and he was definitely missed!

I'm going to keep an open mind about "Boo" because I'm excited about a Halloween episode in general and the storylines sound cool, but what I saw of Anna rehearsing didn't really fill me with hope. She's so wooden under even the most average of circumstances that putting her in an episode where she has to get fired up and scared seems risky at best. But I'm guessing the idea is that Danny's reactions are so great that he'll make up for her.

I've noticed her lack of screentime this season, as have others. I think that's the best thing this show could do with her, short of getting rid of her. She's really been marginalized this year, and it's about damn time.
^^Not only did I not miss Lindsay when she was gone, I enjoyed being able to watch an episode knowing that she wouldn't be showing up at all. You don't realize how much you're just waiting for it until you don't have to.

Taken from the CSI Files interview with Eddie:

CSI Files: In the commentary for "Consequences," you mentioned that Lindsay (Anna Belknap) "sold Flack out" by giving Mac evidence. Do you think Flack is still holding a grudge over that?

Cahill: I don't think so, no. I don't think it was ever a grudge. I don't think Lindsay was excited about giving that evidence away. I don't think it was one of those, "Hahaha, I solved the case and I get to take out one of my colleagues." I think there was a struggle in there for her.
...Really? Maybe I should re-watch the scene...

Ok, I just went and re-watched it (that part is ~20 minutes into the episode with commercials)--first, I'm not sure I know why Eddie even said she 'sold him out' in the first place since Mac was the one who said it was Flack and the split second they showed of Lindsay seemed to either be surprise (I guess?) or...something else. I can't tell if we're supposed to believe she'd already seen Flack's name on the paper or not. As for it being a 'struggle' for her, I definitely didn't see that in the scene--like I said, we only get a split second of her reaction as they pan up to Gary (for a much more believable response, I suppose).

I was watching that scene and the earlier one Lindsay was in and thinking 'you know what, the acting isn't bad'--I know, I know, stop the presses. But then when I actually thought about it, it wasn't bad because she was simply reading lines with no real individuality to them (the substance is this, the drugs were destroyed)--and when I went to post this, I realized that I couldn't even accurately interpret what Lindsay was supposed to be thinking in the second scene. *sigh* Just when I think I might start to see things differently...

I must say, though, having seen the best and the worst when it comes to Lindsay (oh geez, please say we've seen the worst!), I much prefer her in those types of scenes--granted, anybody could do the lines, but at least she didn't stick out like a sore thumb with fungus under the fingernail.
Not only did I not miss Lindsay when she was gone, I enjoyed being able to watch an episode knowing that she wouldn't be showing up at all.

That's the sad part of it. She was gone, but the show went on like she was never there. Perfectly smooth entertainment. The team was fine, whole. Those episodes are the prove that she is just not needed or necessary.

I can't tell if we're supposed to believe she'd already seen Flack's name on the paper or not.

Maybe she looks shocked... You never know. But really, she says that she spoke with 2 people who witnessed the incineration of the drugs and the mixing agents, so she's been all over the case but missed Flack's name, black on white on those papers. :lol: Okaayy! And if she was struggling she must have known. If she missed his name ( he was the credited det.) then there was nada to struggle with, and the look she gave Mac was shock. Getting dizzy here. :lol: Whatever, flip a coin! :lol:

PS. She wasn't struggling, she was almost asleep. The whole episode I had the feeling she had some Xanax for breakfast. :lol: Was it just me?
^^That part I can understand, since Anna was very pregnant by that time (I have no idea how she managed to hang on for even more episodes--my ass would have been gone already :lol:), but that scene with Mac seemed more like she was bumfuddled than struggling with anything. Personally, I would have either a.) known it meant there was a dirty cop and delivered the information carefully to Mac (with a knowing look) or b.) tried to think of other excuses (the dealers had kept some from the same batch elsewhere, etc)--I wouldn't have waited for Mac to come to the conclusions and then reacted (granted, that's on the writers as much as the actors, but still...).
In the commentary, I do think Eddie was joking about her selling him out, but he talked about it long enough--he also made some mention of how she slid the paper over to Mac in one scene and how she didn't even have the guts to speak it--that I thought it was worth asking. I think Eddie was being generous about it being a "struggle" for her, but then, that could have been what was on the page (that didn't translate to the screen) or what he thought the character would have naturally been going through.

I agree with you Faylinn--at her best Anna is generally just reading the lines with very little behind them, not messing them up but not giving them any depth or flair either. She's simply not a very talented actress, but hey, as long as she isn't ruining scenes like she does when she tries to emote, I can live with her performance. However, I do worry about "Boo" since she'll be called on to emote. I wonder about her reduced screen time, and I hope the trend continues.
Top41 said:
or what he thought the character would have naturally been going through.
Another missed opportunity for the writers to add some depth to the show, you know? Complicated relationships and interactions would be very interesting, but sometimes it's like they don't even bother.

I have to tell you guys--I was watching 4.02 and 4.03 with my mom today, and she commented on Lindsay's expression not changing and the fact that they seemed to give her idiotic lines just so she had something to say and we'd know she was in the scene. My mom FTW! :lol:
Faylinn, your mom's so cool, watching CSI:NY with you. :D

My mother always goes, "ew, that's gross!" when she sees me watching the show. And she's a nurse... :lol:

Hmm, I never really thought about it, but now that you mention it I have to agree. If Lindsay didn't have any lines we'd probably not notice she was even there. I'm tunnel-visioned on Danny and Flack sometimes. :p

That's the sad part of it. She was gone, but the show went on like she was never there.
That is very true. Usually when cast members are absent from the show for a few episodes, the absence is noticable, i.e. Grissom from LV. But with Lindsay, the transition was so seamless it barely registered in my mind. :lol:

I don't have much hope for Anna's emoting prowess in "Boo", either. Sometimes I wonder which other actresses they were considering for the role of Lindsay. Hmmm...
Faylinn, your mom's so cool, watching CSI:NY with you.
She mainly just wants to have Flack's and Mac's babies--and Hawkes', but she tries to hide it. Don't lie, mama, you know you want a little sweet, chocolate lovin'. :p

But yeah, she's not impressed with Lindsay and hates the Danny/Lindsay crap. She always goes "why can't they just stick to CSI-ing?" in a pained voice. :lol:

Usually when cast members are absent from the show for a few episodes, the absence is noticable
Personally, even though Adam was only in 1/2 of the episodes last season, when he was gone two in a row at the beginning of S4, I missed him--watching the episodes and feeling like something was missing because they never went to him for results (whenever they were struggling for an answer, I'd be like 'ADAM, DAMNIT, GO TO ADAM!'). :( Maybe it's just me, but I think that says a lot about a more minor character that I'd miss him more than Lindsay.

Sometimes I wonder which other actresses they were considering for the role of Lindsay.
Me too. But I also wonder what things would be like right now if Vanessa hadn't left the show. *sigh* :(
Don't lie, mama, you know you want a little sweet, chocolate lovin'.
Everyone needs a little sweet, chocolate lovin'. :D

Thank goodness TPTB decided not to put the D/L relationship front and center this season. *claps* I commend them for that. During the hiatus I was getting worried that we'd see Danny and Lindsay getting all lovey-dovey this season.

Yeah! I missed seeing Adam when he disappeared after the season premiere. :( Speaking of Adam, I love your "Who's your daddy?" banner, Faylinn! He's so cute.

Me too. But I also wonder what things would be like right now if Vanessa hadn't left the show.
For a while in the first season, I liked the chemistry that Flack had with Aiden, and was open to the idea of the two of them hooking up with each other. ;) One of the Flack/Aiden scenes that comes to mind is the motorbike scene in the 1st season finale. Hehe.
They really showcase how unnecessary she is to the show, and how much she drags it down when she's around. The team feels so cohesive without her. That wouldn't be true of any other character's absence. Adam, who's a new regular character, was missing in two eps of s. 4 and he was definitely missed!
Oh yeah yeah. You can feel it right away. That she's not there and she's not actually missed. Unlike when it's Sid or Adam for example. You always look out if he'll have a scene or two. And the episode seems lacking without them.

For me, I could take Lindsey in the lab than in the field. Less scenes.

She's really been marginalized this year, and it's about damn time.
They marginalized Danny last season. They know what a bust that was. Now I think they have their screws on staight.

As for it being a 'struggle' for her, I definitely didn't see that in the scene--like I said, we only get a split second of her reaction as they pan up to Gary (for a much more believable response, I suppose).
Maybe there was... on paper anyway. But she didn't show it. LOL.

I love it that Adam is everybody's go-to guy. That one way or another they'll be going to him or him going to them for information. He even ventured into the locker room to give Sheldon and Danny results (and take Danny's wet phone).

My mom watches CSI:NY, too. Both of us have been Gary fans since forever! :lol: Doesn't even know what Lindsey is there for. LOL.
Lessien_Tinuviel said:

My mother always goes, "ew, that's gross!" when she sees me watching the show. And she's a nurse... :lol:

HA, my mom too. And she's also a nurse!:lol:

I don't have much hope for Anna's emoting prowess in "Boo", either. Sometimes I wonder which other actresses they were considering for the role of Lindsay. Hmmm...

It make me kindda wanna watch everyone else's audition tape. Did they not get the role because they were bad? I mean did they hold the script directly in front of their face while auditioning?

Faylinn said:
I also wonder what things would be like right now if Vanessa hadn't left the show. *sigh* :(

My friend and I had a long talk about this. We decide that if she were still here Lindsay would still join the team but she would eventually leave because she would never really click with anyone and she would know it.

Truthfully though if Vanessa was still on the show and Anna had joined I think Anna would have stuck out as the weakest link a whole lot more than she already does. I mean her having to act beside Melina AND Vanessa:eek::eek::eek:... *shudders* I mean she would REALLY stick out like a sore, swollen, infected thumb
Thank goodness TPTB decided not to put the D/L relationship front and center this season. *claps* I commend them for that. During the hiatus I was getting worried that we'd see Danny and Lindsay getting all lovey-dovey this season.

Has it even been mentioned this season? I mean, I remember with Griss and Sara last season there were these occasional references where you knew that they were together but it wasn't shoved in your face. But with Danny/Lindsay, all their interactions so far this season, I can't tell whether they're supposed to be still together after Snow Day, whether Snow Day was a once off, or whether we're even supposed to remember that Snow Day actually happened.
Hmmm. That got me thinking. Aside from the slightly flirtatious moment in the season premiere during the spray-on condom scene (hehe, classic :D), I don't think we've seen any hint of a romantic relationship between Danny and Lindsay. That's from my own perspective, of course. If I was someone who'd just started watching the show this season, I don't think I could tell that they are (or perhaps, were) a couple.

Well, the fact that the lab blew up in Snow Day went unmentioned in Can You Hear Me Now?, so I guess we can't expect TPTB to remember that Danny and Lindsay slept together in that episode too. :lol:

Either way, I'm glad they stopped shoving the D/L ship into our faces. :D
I just hoped they didn't kill-off Aiden. I mean, maybe she could guest star in one episode:

Aiden: Hey, I'm back in town. Want to go our for drinks sometime?
Whoever: Sure. I'll bring the gang with me.

And she could meet Lindsey....
As for it being a 'struggle' for her, I definitely didn't see that in the scene--like I said, we only get a split second of her reaction as they pan up to Gary (for a much more believable response, I suppose).

Maybe there was... on paper anyway. But she didn't show it. LOL.

They should try subtitles. "Lindsay is shocked and struggling! For further info : look at Mac." LOL Or bubbles like in comics. :lol:

Faylinn said:
I also wonder what things would be like right now if Vanessa hadn't left the show. *sigh*

:( Perfect, like S1 was. In complete and absolute balance.
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