Why Lindsay must stay? => Such a good question?
=> Because threads which talk about her character are those I prefer read on this board (I’m a lurker)…So, if she go…well…no more threads about her, no more those good discussions I love to read…such a shame.
I find this funny: the fact there is so much talk about her character (whether there are positive points or negative points) tends to prove that she must stay on the show, that people show interest on her character, that the character is an important part of the show.
If there was nothing to say about her character, no discussion at all about her, her storyline, no interest…So, that would probably mean that such a character must probably go. Obviously, that’s not the case in here. Funny part is that’s it seems to be peoples who want her to go, that talk the most about her…
, that’s not why I do love her character and why I want her to stay.
She’s refreshing. At the beginning of season 2, she was the newest. I was looking after her. And now, I’m still looking after her.
She’s still a refreshing character because she’s different than the other characters, well, simply because of what she is. She is dynamic, enthusiast, and sensitive, wily, clever, funny, cheerful and also determined, sometimes aggressive, with a sturdy character…And all of this can define her through season 2, season 3 (yeah even in season 3 with maybe the exception of 3x03 to 3x14…but there is an explanation, I will talk about this later…) and season 4!
Well, she does have character. She’s not perfect, absolutely not; she has some faults, some flaws…like everyone…It’s that the problem with the character of Lindsay? Is she too realistic? Like could be anyone with her good side, her bad side, her wrong side and her annoying side….And not like should be any fictional character in some people’s mind…Always doing the good thing at the good time…
By ‘good things’ I’m mean ‘the things people want (or don’t want) the character do, not as the ‘perfect thing to do’ in a moral sense…In fact, I can’t thing about any fictional character who can do such things.
For me, she has enough consistency to exist in the show even if there was no Danny, or no D/L!
She does have good chemistry with the other character on the show (not only with Danny!) with Sid, Sheldon, and Flack (I’ve never seen anything wrong between them, in fact, I remember that they have a lot of good banters: COTP, People With Money, A Daze Of Wine And Roaches, Child’s Play…). And she has a really good chemistry with Mac and Stella.
Whether or not we've actually seen any fall out from it, she was what I would qualify as 'mean' to Adam now on two separate occasions, both of which have been brought to light time and time again.
Am I the only one who found the socially awkard scientist line funny... ah well.
=> uh, no I actually really loved that exchange, and that line was really funny! It was the first time I’ve seen something other between them, than a scene where they’re just doing their job…Okay, Lindsay maybe was not the best one to say such things to Adam given what she did in OH, SN…But she did have her reasons, that you understand, or not…At least there is an explanation. What exactly are Adam’s reasons to be late?…besides there was no angry tone in their lines…It was just Anyway, when I’ve seen this exchange, I just enjoyed it and didn’t come with so much questions
=> Is there a problem if I ask what the other occasion is where she’s a ‘mean’ to Adam? I’m sorry if it has been brought lo light ‘time and time again’ but I just don’t remember? I probably missed something. What was the name of the episode?
She is enthusiasm about the scientific part of her work; she seems always ready to learn new things. She loves doing her job!... I see people coming with OH and SN…but her behaviour during that period had an explanation…
Her line to Mac in trapped was really funny, because she obviously knew that she would have do that part of job, she was absolutely not trying to escape it…
=> About her being selfish => I’m not sure that’s something who can really define her character. She had shown a lot of concern toward other people (Danny: Trapped, RSRD, SD, The Deep, Child’s play, All in the Family…; Stella: All access…; Sheldon: The Deep… ; ...)
She wants to know about Aiden. Okay, I read someone saying that in that conversation with Stella, she was fishing for information about Danny's relationship with Aiden. Well, I never came with such explanation, but why not…that can be one right interpretation. When I’ve seen that scene, I thought she was just making statement, not asking question. Like those things you can say to people who just lost someone, but you, you didn’t know the person, but you’re just showing concern, respect…Something a little more concerned than the basic and a in someway stupid statement ‘I’m sorry’ … She also have that kind of conversation with Sheldon. She asks him how well he knew Aiden, once again, something common people ask in such situation. It allows people to share, to remember good memories. I find this sweet, nice, being concerned and absolutely not being selfish…
She was kind of out of place, because everyone around her was affected by the death of someone she didn’t know. But she was there, doing her job, and she was also showing concern for what the team was going through…I find that great that, in the end, she was at the bar…like every other member of the team…because, now, she’s a member of that team!
In SD, In front of the warehouse, she was there and did nothing, yeah, like most of the cops around her…There was an hostage situation, there’re not so much things she could have done, at least she was ready to act if necessary (bullet proof vest, gun…). And I don’t think she was really selfish in the end of the episode while dragged Danny away…Danny was already moving by himself when she arrives at his side, she saw him moving, so she just helped him. In real life, the best thing to do would have been to make him stop moving…But that’s not the first time we see things like this in CSI: NY, and that as nothing to do with Lindsay…
For the “I’m sorry, (…), you took my shift” => she’s just make a statement because she feels guilty. Now, saying ‘I’m sorry’, and saying that you feel guilty, is that the same thing than being selfish? Yes in some way, because by saying this, it’s just a way to have people telling you ‘that’s not your fault’! But it’s come with whoever made that kind of statement not just Lindsay! And is that really selfishness? If you really mean you’re sorry? I find this more a way to reassure yourself, to feel yourself relieve…Someone really selfish doesn’t even bother himself by saying ‘I’m sorry’ ... But that probably was not the best moment to do such statement, but that probably something which was running through her mind since she knows about the hostage situation, so, she just said the thing the first time she’s been able to say it…(besides it was the last time they appeared in the episode…so that was her last chance
There are a lot of people who don’t understand why she walks away in SN but not in Manhattan Manhunt => she reacts in two different ways because there are two different contexts. In Manhattan Manhunt, she wants to investigate the crime scene because that’s the reason why she does that job. But such crime scene reminds her her own drama. And maybe by resolving such crime, it’s like she resolve her own drama. A way to move forward. She’s determined to find a reason for such crime (Why? : In Stealing Home). And she’s angry when she can’t do anything in such situation (Manhattan Manhunt, All access). But when she had a chance to do something to prevent someone (a young girl like her friends, and the waitress) to be killed she does it (3x02).
Then there is OH, SN…She’s enable to deal with some part of the job…There is a change in her behaviour…But there is an explanation…We know she received a phone call (we learn this in 3x14 and in 3x03 she said she had to work some stuff out that she thought she had put behind her…) She probably is reliving what’s happen years ago...a jump in her past …when she was a teenager…she probably have a problem to deal with what’s happening to her…but she refuses the help of other person (Danny, Stella…)…Which made her act like a brat, and a teenager…and kind of selfish…
Then 3x18: her case is closed, the killer now is in prison and we didn’t see her acting like in OH or SN since that case is closed.
“Who honestly yells at her boss, "Leave me alone!"??? Really?”
=> Well, Lindsay!
And I guess everyone who came through big personal problems at particular moment that they really don’t care about being fired. People who can’t deal with their feeling in such moment, so, they act out of character. They have so much anger they said things which will hurt them and people around them (like self-destruction). And who after, when the anger is gone, after they had broken down, have to deal with the consequences of their act, of what they said…Unless, they have in front of them someone with enough intelligent and enough kindness to understand them and give them a second chance…As was Stella for Lindsay!
We still don’t have an explanation with her thing with ‘mothers/ but not with fathers’. It seems to have nothing to do with the murder of her friends … But it’s probably doesn’t help her to face grieved mother in her situation. But there is some continuities with that thing (In Stealing home, she’s really sweet with the father…and in BOO, in the scene with the suitcase, when the mother grabs her arm, and she froze, like scared and that in her look, she begs the officer to take away the mother…)
I can understand that people who don’t like her character have been annoying by her whole drama thing during season 3…’333’ and Mac in season 4 was kind of annoying me…But I enjoyed watching The things About Heroes…
“Lindsay was missing from three episodes last year and I didn't miss her one bit and think the show would be fantastic without her.”
=> I don’t understand how it can be a good reason for Lindsay to go, especially when it said by people who don’t care about the character or dislike her…I mean it’s logic…I don’t dislike Adam, I enjoy some of his scenes when is there, but when is not here (like in All in the Family), I don’t miss him, and I can still enjoy the episode. But I missed Lindsay when she was gone, I was still looking the show, but not with the same fun that when she is here…I was like: “just three episodes and she will be there again”…The episodes were okay, but any of the three were fantastic…What did annoy me the most is that it was like those episodes had been written as Lindsay never existed, no continuity, but that was not Lindsay/Anna fault…She wasn’t there!
I watch CSI:NY since season 1, I didn’t have problems with the characters. I liked all of them…The show was okay, but I wasn’t stunned…It was okay, if I missed some episodes…But in season 2, when they added Lindsay, I became addicted to the show…There was something different…Her character…For all the reasons I wrote above.
But I’m aware it’s not just Lindsay that made the show really great, that the whole team!
“This is beginning to sound like my ipod stuck on repeat, but people who dislike her for the most part have given reasonable, thoughtful reasons why and they keep repeating themselves over and over.”
=> As people who like her!
So, this thread is an endless discussion???!…Everyone is stuck on their opinions. Well, it’s okay, I don’t think that those threads are really made to have people change their mind about the character…just express their opinion…So, it’s normal that people repeat themselves…
Since I read that board I (if it’s even possible) just love her character more and more. So, I’m always curious to read those threads.