Why Lindsay Must Go

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CSI Level One
Well everyone, I gave her a chance to prove me wrong, I gave the writers the opportunity to prove me wrong, alas, no one heeded my challenge, but all is not lost! The fate of Kim Delaney keeps me ever hopeful.

We have the Anna/Lindsay thread for discussing the highpoints of both the character and actress, we have the Aiden or Lindsay thread to discuss the merits and failures of each, but now I propose a thread dealing specifically with why Lindsay should go.

Is she a detriment to the show and beyond saving, do the majority of her scenes with other characters lack impact or emotion, does she attempt to convey the wrong emotion at the wrong time, is the acting just not up to snuff, is her delivery poorly executed, unnecessarily drawn out, etc.

Honestly (surprise), I wasn’t a Lindsay supporter before tonight’s episode, but her moments tonight ranged from flat, through false, and finally just wrong. Her opening moments with Danny were humourless, Carmine is always spot on with his acting and yet he almost looked pained while delivering the line about marriage, as if they were on take 15 and it still wasn’t working. Later in the episode when she discovered the information that would break open their case she did her usual slow reveal as if she was a small child waiting to be patted on the head for eating all their vegetables. I wanted to yell, not this again, just spit it out Lindsay, just spit it out; you are all on the same side. Finally, in the scene with the father Danny struck the right note, looking sympathetic to his plight, but not Lindsay she didn’t even stir, not one bit of heartache crossed her face. Danny looked sad, Lindsay look unmoved and that may have been when I shoveled the last bit of dirt on her coffin. My only question in that moment was where I place the blame, with Anna or Lindsay.

I just wanted to discuss this issue in a non-contentious environment, where everyone is of who steps in here knows what is in store, so if you want to come in and say otherwise, well great, but I ask that you leave you emotions at the door. The thread title makes it clear that there will be no love fest in here, it won’t be bashing, just opinions not in support of the character. In other words, I wanted a place where people were free to discuss Lindsay’s faults without feelings getting hurt, without people taking it personally, and I just don’t think comments of this nature would be welcome in the Anna Belknap/Lindsay Monroe thread. That is fair, but neither do I think extended discussions about Lindsay belong in the Aiden or Lindsay thread. So, this is a place to vent, a place to come clean, a place to say your piece, either way, or at least I hope so. I just want some good old talk about what you feel is wrong with her (or right), and not simply I hate her because she replaced Aiden or I love her because Anna seems sweet.

She was awful tonight, once again. I think they were trying to make her steely and tough, but she just comes off as uptight and square. There's no nuance to Anna's portrayal of her. Charlene was so obviously not guilty (like she said, who kills someone and leaves her phone number on him???) that she just looked anal and stupid in that scene. Even when the father was talking about the death of his daughter, Lindsay showed no compassion.

Honestly, I've tried to like the character. There have been glimmers of potential--gamely digging into the tiger dung in "Zoo York" and the interesting angle she worked the case in from "Cool Hunter"--and a lot of me wonders if I'd like her more if she was played by a different actress. Perhaps, but I guess we'll never know.

I see what the writers are trying to do with her and Danny, and I'm always game for a good flirting relationship on a show I like, but Carmine's energy level seems to deflate with each interaction they have, which makes it hard for me to buy the lines when they're delivered with so little enthusiasm by one of the participants. Anna is more convincing than he is in those scenes, but one person can't carry a flirtation.

I think everything went wrong here--casting, character development, dialogue. She was introduced too soon, probably, but it's been over half a season and things seem to be getting worse, not better, which is what makes me agree with the title of the thread.
I hated the opening scene w/ her and Danny. That line I could see coming from a mile away and was so forced.

And I agree w/ Top about Charlene. And what about her still liking her for it because the woman had an attitude? Ah, hello Lindsey you're in NY everyone has an attitude, espically when they're being questioned for murder. *eye roll*

She just seems so juivinal.
I was willing to give Lindsay a chance and even was willing to give the character the benefit of the doubt and pin some of the blame on the writers (ie., how they keep throwing her at Danny) but in some of the past few episodes she's been painful to watch. In her scene with Stella in Live Or Let Die where they interrogated the three male suspects, I cringed nearly everytime she spoke, but especially when she said that she hadn't been able to forget how the victim looked. The line felt forced and didn't have the right conviction with it. It seems recurring that Lindsay doesn't have the right tone or conviction with much of her actions and words and that makes her a character that I have no desire to care about.

In a way, I think it's unfair to viewers for the show to keep forcing such an undeveloped character on the audience, after all, I watch the show as something of an escape...to get my mind off things at the end of the day and enjoy a bit of entertainment. It's well within my rights to expect the show to be well put together and I find that this whole Lindsay thing strikes a dissonant chord within the show.

So, I agree, Lindsay needs to go. If they simply *must* have another main female CSI due to, I don't know, feminist reasons, then ok, bring another one on. But take the time to develop this character and find a proper actress that can fulfill the acting range needed for such a character before you introduce her to the show. Trust me, as a woman, I'm not going to be offended if the team is a little testosterone-driven for a few episodes or even the length of a season. Also, I have a hard time believing that the reason they have two women and two men is to be equal...Miami doesn't seem to have a problem with being a lopsided team and it's all part of the same CSI franchise.

Later in the episode when she discovered the information that would break open their case she did her usual slow reveal as if she was a small child waiting to be patted on the head for eating all their vegetables. I wanted to yell, not this again, just spit it out Lindsay, just spit it out; you are all on the same side.

I think Danny wanted to yell at her too. His comments felt like they had more of a snide undertone. Way to get your man, Montana, annoy the crap out of him.
Lindsay character has nothing. She is basically a leech, she sucks (not literally of course) off people so her character can survive. It's annoying, pathetic and just very, very painful.

This episode was horrible. She shows no emotion what so ever. Ookay, fine, maybe here and there but that's it. I've seen beginners act better than her!

Personally, it has to be Anna. She is just not fit enough to take the role of Lindsay. Not only that, but Anna's voice does not sound threatening at all and that is something she can work on. Yet, she doesn't. Just like every other episode.

I've come to the point where I even dread seeing her name in the credits. Please. For the sake of the fans and our sanity, replace her.
I like Lindsay, but I agree with whoever said her voice isn't threatening enough. With her tone of voice and how she likes to explain things, she seems like she should be an ME.

If Hawkes is now a CSI, I am not sure why they had to bring in a replacement for Aiden at all. Even if they were to get rid of Lindsay's character, I hope they wouldn't replace her. I don't care for Maka's character either. Maybe it's the acting, but Stella has been the only female detective that has come across as being sincere to me.
I have to agree with the general concensus (yes, typo, I lost my dictionary) here and agree that her scenes - especially when she 'flirts' with Danny - seem so false. There's no natural spark there and the more they force it upon us, the more I dislike Lindsay. At first I wanted to like her, because I loved Anna in Medical Investigation, but I really don't. And that makes me sad.

But the fact still remains that Lindsay is pretty useless. She's desperate for Mac's praise, desperate for Danny's affections, and never really interacts with anyone else. Curious, very curious.
BittenByTheWolfe said:
In her scene with Stella in Live Or Let Die where they interrogated the three male suspects, I cringed nearly everytime she spoke, but especially when she said that she hadn't been able to forget how the victim looked. The line felt forced and didn't have the right conviction with it.

That line was awful, and Anna's delivery even worse. I suspect Melina or Carmine could have sold that line, just barely, but maybe, but I, too, cringed when Anna said it.

It seems recurring that Lindsay doesn't have the right tone or conviction with much of her actions and words and that makes her a character that I have no desire to care about.

In a way, I think it's unfair to viewers for the show to keep forcing such an undeveloped character on the audience, after all, I watch the show as something of an escape...to get my mind off things at the end of the day and enjoy a bit of entertainment. It's well within my rights to expect the show to be well put together and I find that this whole Lindsay thing strikes a dissonant chord within the show.

The show just doesn't gel in the same way it used to. For lack of a better description, Lindsay sticks out like a sore thumb.

So, I agree, Lindsay needs to go. If they simply *must* have another main female CSI due to, I don't know, feminist reasons, then ok, bring another one on. But take the time to develop this character and find a proper actress that can fulfill the acting range needed for such a character before you introduce her to the show. Trust me, as a woman, I'm not going to be offended if the team is a little testosterone-driven for a few episodes or even the length of a season. Also, I have a hard time believing that the reason they have two women and two men is to be equal...Miami doesn't seem to have a problem with being a lopsided team and it's all part of the same CSI franchise.

Agreed--quality over quantity in this case. Honestly, Stella can carry the lone female CSI role as well as Calleigh can on Miami. I'd rather they take the time to develop a woman who is a character in her own right. Someone in the Aiden vs. Lindsay thread called Lindsay a Mary Sue, and I think that was spot on. We've heard she was a star in Montana, she comes in and impresses the boss right away, and sets her sights on the hot babe in the lab. And oh yes, she's got a dark secret. On paper, she sure does sound like a Mary Sue straight out of a fanfic. The problem is, there's nothing more to her character as of yet beyond that.

I think Danny wanted to yell at her too. His comments felt like they had more of a snide undertone. Way to get your man, Montana, annoy the crap out of him.

I noticed that too, and sympathized with his irritation.
Danny belongs to Flack. The man will be more than happy to prove it, if only smexing was allowed on the show. End of discussion.


Okay, seriously ... I love Anna Belknap, especially when she was in Medical Investigation. :) However, I'm not a fan of Lindsay. Especially NOT Danny/Lindsay. No offense to the shippers, really, but I don't see the relationship getting on ... definitely not after this latest episode. The marriage thing? Very painful just to listen, much less watch. Now I'm certain Danny's plain stringing Lindsay along, although the gal might have a crush on him. Poor gal.
Lindsay reminds me of a child that constantly needs reassurance and to know that her parents i.e Mac and Stella are proud of her.
Her interactions with Danny seem forced and even Carmine is showing that in his acting with Anna. I have to admit I didn't like Anna in Medical Investigation and im liking her even less in CSI:NY. She doesn't seem to have the conviction that Danny or Stella has.
If Lindsay were played by another actress I think that she would have the potential to be a character that fits in better. She has no outstanding qualities apart from annoying the life out of the CSI's, Danny in particular.
BittenByTheWolfe said:
It seems recurring that Lindsay doesn't have the right tone or conviction with much of her actions and words and that makes her a character that I have no desire to care about.

Exactly. I always think how well the lines would go over if given to another cast member. She never seems to get the scene right and her delivery is sometimes hollow and sometimes uncomfortable, not simply for me to watch, but for Anna to deliver.

In a way, I think it's unfair to viewers for the show to keep forcing such an undeveloped character on the audience, after all, I watch the show as something of an escape...to get my mind off things at the end of the day and enjoy a bit of entertainment. It's well within my rights to expect the show to be well put together and I find that this whole Lindsay thing strikes a dissonant chord within the show.

I think you are right, Lindsay's addition hasn't done anything to better the show and it is not simply her performance being off, she tends to throw everyone off their game. She is more an intrusion than a viable member of the team.

So, I agree, Lindsay needs to go. If they simply *must* have another main female CSI due to, I don't know, feminist reasons, then ok, bring another one on. But take the time to develop this character and find a proper actress that can fulfill the acting range needed for such a character before you introduce her to the show. Trust me, as a woman, I'm not going to be offended if the team is a little testosterone-driven for a few episodes or even the length of a season. Also, I have a hard time believing that the reason they have two women and two men is to be equal...Miami doesn't seem to have a problem with being a lopsided team and it's all part of the same CSI franchise.

It does seem the casting and scripting were a rush job and that is unfortunate, because there was truly no vacancy to fill. Hawkes stepping into the field eliminated the need for another CSI so soon, if at all. I too would be fine with a testosterone driven show for a season if it meant better casting and character for a second female lead.

I think Anna was a great choice she really filled the empty space left behind by Vaness ;)
I also really like Lindsay. I mean when she first came to the lab like no one liked her (Danny) and the only one who was nice to her was Stella. She proved that she's a great investigator when she talked to the woman in the end of Dancing With The Fishes.
She really has a good attention to details. ;)
I don't really see a reason why she should leave :)
I think it is fine that you like her, I don't have a problem with that nor, I believe, does anyone else who shares my opinion. :)

I think the character has her supporters and her detractors and both are vehement in their respective stances. The concern for the show is that her character was not meant to divide the audience, her role was not to be that of agitator, but it has turned out that way. There are those that find Lindsay endearing and there are those that find her annoying and her portrayal painful. Generally speaking I think when it comes to the character the opinions are pretty evenly split. I don't know anyone in my personal extended circle that enjoys the performance or the character, both on the board and off. That is notable and something people involved with the show should know.

I am a believer that all opinions are valid whether I agree with them or not.

EDT: *sigh* In response to a post in another thread dealing with this one, there is no bashing going on in here. It is not fair to declare that you both respect other people's opinions and then declare those opinions bashing. I don't think anyone in here has posted anything other than well thought opinions that are just as valid as those that glorify the actor and her performance. It is offensive to declare other people’s intellectual musings attacks on either the character or the actor.
I have no clue why she should leave either, but everyone is entitled to its opinion. I have discussed this character with some of my friends and all of them (who don't post here and are not necessarily huge CSI NY fans) like her and the freshness she brought in the show. She is different than the other CSIs she is working with and it was a welcome change to all those intense, angst-ridden characters.
Kimmychu said:
No offense to the shippers, really, but I don't see the relationship getting on ... definitely not after this latest episode. The marriage thing? Very painful just to listen, much less watch. Now I'm certain Danny's plain stringing Lindsay along, although the gal might have a crush on him. Poor gal.

It was a line that had potiential, maybe, though it kind of came out of left field. But Carmine's delivery was so flat. You bring up an interesting point about Danny stringing her along. He might very well know she's interested, and being Danny, he wouldn't discourage it. Leading her on isn't nice, but Danny is so desperate for everyone to like him and care about him that I could see him doing that.

JDonne said:
There are those that find Lindsay endearing and there are those that find her annoying and her portrayal painful.

I think that is my problem. Her delivery is so bad that I have started cringing when she comes on screen and starts speaking in most of her scenes. And she's getting worse, not better. She was horrible in the last two episodes.

I am a believer that all opinions are valid whether I agree with them or not.

EDT: *sigh* In response to a post in another thread dealing with this one, there is no bashing going on in here. It is not fair to declare that you both respect other people's opinions and then declare those opinions bashing. I don't think anyone in here has posted anything other than well thought opinions that are just as valid as those that glorify the actor and her performance. It is offensive to declare other people’s intellectual musings attacks on either the character or the actor.

Please do keep that in mind. Anyone remember the anti-Danny thread? It coexisted just fine with the threads praising Danny's character. Positive and negative opinions are allowed here, so long as it's not just "Anna/Lindsay sucks!" and left at that or criticizing the fans of the actress/character, which no one is doing here.
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