Until recently I didn't really watch CSI new york, it was in catching a few of the newest ones that I actually begun to think that the show might be worth watching, since before that I was a hardcore only watch csi vegas junkie. When I saw lindsey and heard her act I felt a lot of the things expressed in this thread. Theres something off about her acting, it doesn't seem natural enough like she's forcing it and needs to relax a bit. It grates when she tries a joke, or to convey a deep emotion.
However, puzzling enough I've started watching the episodes from the beginning, currently up to season 2 epsiode 14. So far she's doing a really good job this episode, taken a few stabs at danny and it all seems very natural. Completely different to when she attempts a laugh on the newest ones. In fact up to episode 12, season 2 I noticed no problems with her portrayal of the charater (though maybe a less flexable acting seems more natural on a rookie?).
That was my initial impression of her as well. I went back and forth about the character--I was pretty lukewarm about her, but I didn't notice Anna's stilted acting until "All Access," in the scene where she put her hand on Danny's shoulder and the one where she got upset. Anna was so unnatural, so awkward--I could tell she was reading from a script, and it wasn't impressive in the least.
Acting hiccups aside, being the second half of danny would be a very dangerous position for any actor. Fan girls are going to pick at any hole in the charater or actor. The fact that there are some questions about her acting means that it looks very bad for lindsay's future.
I guess to some extent that's possible, but I feel she draws just as many people because they like that the Plain Jane got the hot guy. Personally, I wouldn't mind if Danny had hooked up with Angell (before she and Flack got together) or Maka or Aiden. There was actual chemistry there. My problems with Lindsay aren't that she's with Danny--aside from the fact that she sucks energy out of his character like a vampire.
I'm not sure she can go on like she is. The solutions however are a bit dire. I think if they were to find a way to end the charater they should do it the best way possible for the charater and the show. Her leaving would just be a let down, I think the best way would be a dramatic death, preferably with a neat spin on it. Something that uses danny's brilliant portrayals of emotion to its best advantage, so no matter how you felt about her you still feel sad she's dead.
I also think keeping the baby around afterwards, and maybe a few 'seems like happily ever after' scenes before the dramatic event would really give the writers the drama they crave. After all, not much is as heart jerking as a grieving despondent male having to raise a baby and work and wondering how on earth he can even manage to get up in the morning (see the movie 'Jack and Sarah' for a example).
I think that would be a great way to get rid of her--and with the acceleration of the romance, I can't help but think it would be a great twist for Danny's character and his development. Not only would he be devastated by the loss of his wife, but he'd be left to raise a baby on his own. The story possibilities are limitless.
Certainly, it would be more interested than watching Danny and Lindsay bicker at each other over diaper changing duties and play date shifts for seasons on end.
I love that idea. Good Danny drama combined with Lindsay never being on the show again is a win-win in my book. Everything about the character since S3 has been more about Danny anyway so it would make sense to have her death revolve around Danny too.
Yeah, I think it would be great for him. At this point, Lindsay is dead weight--she adds nothing to the show, save for carrying Danny's child. The whole "demonstration" thing is played out. There's been little to no development for her in two seasons. Let's just say it wouldn't be a loss if she was written out.
Like in "Manhattan Manhunt" when she had a mini fit when Mac told her to go back to the lab to process evidence. It was like she thought doing so was somehow beneath her or something. I mean, it was all hands on deck and everyone had to do their part to help catch the guy, and she whines about processing evidence instead of staying at the crime scene.![]()
That was a truly odious scene. Here were all these dead teens, and all Lindsay could think about was that Mac didn't let her process the scene and sent her back to the lab instead.