Why is This? Your Theories

I can definitely see the goofing off factor possibly being a reason. But overall they still do their job, they are just able to have a fun conversation while doing it.

I think Grissom sees them both like brothers almost and knows how much brothers can get into trouble. :lol:
I see a lot of goofing around with Warrick and Nick too. Though Greg is a different story. I still don't see it.

If Grissom gets to work with Sara (his girlfriend) then Nick and Greg can work together. No matter what their relationship is. Now, it doesn't have to be romantic. They could just be two frat brothers. Grissom still shouldn't keep them apart.

Unless it was a higher power, like Ecklie.
I have also emailed David Rambo and he dis reply, saying he agreed that Nick & Greg make a good team. It was a short time after that that Fallen Idols aired. So I don't have an explanation why they havne' worked together, I wish I knew but I have written to TPTB to ask that it happen. I wonder if they are just overlooked? The writers have the same parings on their minds all the time and don't deviate from that much. Nick is always with Catherine and Warrick while Greg is with Grissom or Sara. It's lke we are still stuck in season 5.

The only other explanation I can think of has to do with the actors themselves, like maybe freindship issues but we are not here to discuss them.
See, I've heard these rumours before, about George and Eric falling out in real life, and I don't for one second believe them. So I can't see that as a reason why they don't work together. Besides, if I was TPTB and I wanted them to be on a case together, regardless of their off-set friendship (or not) I'd tell them that they were getting paid good money to read the script I'd written and that they'd better suck it up and get on with it. I wouldn't pander to such pettiness. I don't think anyone on a show as massive as CSI would. TPTB have already shown that they don't take crap by firing Jorja and George that one time.

That's why the 'G&E asked to be kept apart' argument doesn't fly with me. Nevermind the fact that just after the rumours started George practically lifted Eric off his feet on stage at that awards show.

So no. It's something else.
I don't believe the rumors either, I just wondered but I think G & E are professionals and would not jeapordise the show for selfish reasons.

Myabe the writers think they work better with others. although that is nonsense considering the great banter they have always had in the first 4 seasons.
Well, G/E would be a good explanation.

But we're still trying to figure out why Nick and Greg would be kept apart.

I can't think of one reason why.

Not the writers decision, but Grissom's. As if they were real people.
maria19 said:
Yes, well in this case I think the chemistry just wouldn't be right to be honest.

For them to work a case? Can you give your reasons? Seriously, I'd love to hear your opinion.

As far as I'm personally concerned, back when Greg was in the lab and Nick used to come in to get his stuff processed those scenes used to pop, they were great. And I want more of that.
Exactly!! Nick & Greg's scenes when Greg was in the lab showed a lot of chemisty, they've always played off each other very well and were fun to watch. Why should that change because Greg is in the field?

I have another theory - that both guys are just so hot individually that having them on screen together would be too distracting to a lot of female (and some male) viewers plus their combined hotness melts the camera equipment. (see Avi)
Wojo said:
I have another theory - that both guys are just so hot individually that having them on screen together would be too distracting to a lot of female (and some male) viewers plus their combined hotness melts the camera equipment.


We have a winner!!
^ Indeed, that's a pretty good theory :D

I don't know, but maybe that's because Greg is still a little wild -even though he has changed a lot in 7 years, and Nick is the complete opposite. Although they are both hot, they're also different species.

This said, they're both young. And the proof is this:
Greg needs supervision, and Nick, although he's been a CSI for quite some time, now, always seeks approval from his peers -and especially from Grissom.
I don't think they're ready to be partners yet. They need to grow up a little first.

The two of them together, even though they are professionals, could lead to explosive situations.
I think Nick grow up fast, but he doesn't trust himself out in the field when someone he know, (Assumed Nothing, Boom) He got himself in trouble. Least Nick got sense of humor, he doesn't let evil take over him, (Graves Danger.)

Greg grow up too fast and he got too serious, he lost his sense of humor. I'm tried to figure why he is back in the lab for the last two episode. Greg told Grissom, Ecklie want him work with the dayshift. I think it more to it then that. I think Ecklie and Undersheriff got something to do with it, they don't trust Greg out in the field, they put him back in the lab, (I like him in the lab better then he does in the field.)

I read somewhere on other board, not this board. One fan said, Greg make too many mistake and I'm trying to figure where did he make mistake, beside the bathroom scene.

A lot of fans on other board want Greg back in the lab. There is a rumor, doesn't mean it truth, Hodge went back to San Francisco. I would 50/50 fans want Greg back in the lab where he is funny and he will get more screen time when he just stay in the lab. He hasn't been on screen time since fifth season, when the teams break up.

Where do you hear the rumor about George and Eric don't get along? They get along just fine. Did the media cause trouble? I don't hear anything.

Let me tell you a secret, if you want to find out how the teams don't get along. One thing, they pretended to get along with they work at the set, they look cold towards each other and tense around each other then you know they don't get along.

O/T Look at George Peppard and Mr. T on the The A Teams, they didn't get along at all since fourth season, that is why the A-Teams went downhills. George is hard to work with.

Back on Topic, Nick and Greg did work together, Fallen Idols and the other episode, I can't think off, the burning trailor that the guy set on fire.
First of all this has nothing to do with the topic, Greg does not make mistakes (except in viva las vegas) and he is as good as anybody else as far as the job goes. Please,let's stay on topic, this is not a character anaylizing thread. :mad:

Fallen Idols (as pointed out before) was the entire team on the case, we are not talkng about a few scenes here and there but an entire case with just the two of them - that has NEVER happened.
Greg does made two mistake, remember Viva Las vegas, he went to the bathroom, but he recorrect his error. Second, The drugs he make mistake, but again he recorrect that.

I don't know why they don't work together that much. I guess Nick miss his Greggo, as a friend, not as a couples.

What about Catherine and Sara? They didn't work together. Sara and Nick didn't work together 'till close to the end. Sara and Warrick didn't work together since when Grissom left. Grissom and Sara work together all the time the whole episode 'till he left for his vacation.
Those mistakes Greg made (the toilet in viva las vegas and the drugs in who shot Sherlock) were at the start of season FIVE, before Greg actually became a CSI. (WSS was his proficiency) We're now going into season eight.

Greg is now a pretty great CSI which he's proved over and over again. So PLEASE don't drag up events from three years ago.

*ticked off*