Why is This? Your Theories


CSI Level One
Anyone else noticed that Nick and Greg have never worked a case together? Sure they've worked together on team cases or with another CSI, but never just the two of them. They're the only ones.

So, I pose this question to you: why? What theories do you have as to why Nick and Greg have never been assigned to a case without another CSI? Does Grissom keep them apart for a reason? Is there something else going on that means they can't be assigned together? Is it protectiveness or lack of trust? What do you think?

Note: the characters, not the actors, are the topic here. Please keep this in mind before you post.
maybe it's a maturity issue, that's what I think anyway.

With Nick, there's always been that little bit of a 'babying' with Grissom and him, right from the start when he wouldn't let him go solo on a case and sent Warwick instead. Nick maybe isn't as mature, and I think that Grissom has always been more protective of him than the others, and as he's had 2 or 3 near death scrapes, that has just made him more protective. And as for Greg - I think Grissom sort of 'tolerates' him and his wacky ways :D

I don't think it's a lack of trust with Nick, but with Greg maybe it is a bit about a lack of trust. He's younger than the rest, isn't as experienced. And maybe he feels he's better off with one of the more mature CSI's.
I kind of get what you're saying.

It's like they're both immature in their own ways.

Seeing that it took a little while for Grissom to trust Nick going solo, he may not trust him with wild-and-wacky Greg quite yet.

Though, by now I think it would be fine. IMO
I have to agree with Twins. After all, Grissom trusted Greg with Sara, even after Sara had been suspended for DUI. And Nick has been working solo for many years now, and Greg is into his second (going on third) year as a CSI making him borderline CSI 2. Maturity might be an issue with Greg, though he has matured a lot over the last season, but I don't think it's a factor with Nick.
Well they did work together in "Fallen Idols" this season. Grissom is always involved in everybody's cases pretty much because he is their supervisor. But I think immaturity was a reason in the past, but Greg has certainly matured after what he went through this season, so I see no excuse now.
"Fallen Idols" still counts as Nick, Greg and Grissom. What I mean is a case where Grissom hands them the assignment and will only ask questions in the lab, not attend the crime scene. Thus far we haven't had a case like that with these two.
Plus, "Fallen Idols" was a group case. The entire team was on it. Nick and Greg just worked a little bit together on the investigation.

Just a B-story case where you really never see them interact with anyone but each other. Think about all the other B-story cases. With Catherine and Warrick, Grissom and Catherine, Warrick and Nick, Warrick and Sara, etc.

Where the A-story gets all the attention and is the opening scene and most of the time it's Grissom's case. Then the B-story happens and it's just small and either a solo case or a two-CSI case.
Finally someone has asked this question! I've often wondered this myself, (leaving aside the fact that I am a Nick/Greg shipper because this isn't about that) it seems strange that they're never assigned a case as a duo, when all the other characters regularly work cases with eachother. It's true, the only time Nick and Greg have worked the same case is when most or all of the team are on the same case.

I've mentioned this very fact to Carol in a written letter and to David Rambo in an email, but neither saw fit to reply to me.
Well, look at what happend to both of them when they were alone...kidnapping and mob beating. Both of which almost killed them. So, maybe it is saying "Ok, well if that happend while you were alone, you two together would have some random thing happen to you" Or something, it must be a safety thing. =\
I don't think it's a safety thing. Every CSI has had something happen when they were alone, and Gris himself was on a case with Sara when she got attacked. I think it would be stupid if he kept them apart just because he thinks they can't take care of themselves.

Thinking about the show and writers I can think of many reasons, but in the terms of them being CSI's, I can't think of any logical reason they would be kept apart.
I'm not Nick/Greg shipper. Anyway, it not about shipper on this board.

Nick hasn't been go solo for 2 years now. He don't trust no cop except Brass for watching his back. He still got the fear in him, if he get kidnapped again. That is why Grissom is protect of him.

Greg, I can't think of right now, I will get back on him.
That's why we're posting here.

Us Nick/Greg shippers want to hear other explanations to why they're kept apart.

Because we're bias and automatcially think that it's because they're dating or that they like each other. lol And Grissom or Ecklie knows and they're not allowed to work alone together.

The explanations I've heard so far are interesting, but not exactly what I think is going on.

Any more ideas?????
Please take note that this is not a ship thread/question but a regular non-ship question for ship discussion please see "Shipper Central". Thank you.
Yeah, as far as I'm concerned I want to take the shipping issue OUT of this discussion and find out if there are reasons other why they don't work together. If Cath and Sara never worked a case together and the question was asked, would minds automatically jump to shipping? I think not.

Some of us, besides being shippers, genuinely love the 'buddy' relationship between Nick and Greg and feel cheated that we're missing out on seeing them work a case as a duo.
We've discussed this a lot in the Nick/Greg thread, but we brought it here to get other people's POV's too.It's not about shipping...

My mom seems to think it's because they like to goof off too much, and Grissom thinks they need supervision :p

That would make sense. Greg seems to bring out the 'goofy' in Nick :lol: