Why Aren't You Posting?

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I picked "Other": I am still interested in the show and the forum, and I have time to post, I just don't think of as many new things to say that I haven't said before--so I just post less.

Now I'm going to read through the other responses in the thread and I might edit to add something. ;)
That person was being downright insulting. If you start out rude people are going to get defensive, it's human nature. You can't just be insulting and expect people to respond polietly. It's not the way to make a good first impression, IMO.

EDIT: This stupid cold medicine really slows my typing time. Ah, well.

As long as I'm editing this: This little war with Lindsay & D/L is getting on my nerves too. I just know coming in the next morning what the fan's response to her scenes(alone and with Danny) will be. It's getting to be headache that the fan base is so divied.

In the words of MST3K: "Just repeat to yourself it's just a show, I should really just relax." I don't see why both sides are at odds with each other.
I post quite a bit here, mostly on the "Wet Mac, and "Gary Nibble worthy thread :devil:, what can I say, the Handsome God is to sexy for words, and very caring when it comes to helping others. ;)

I also admit I've gone into a few other threads here, and made some mistakes of posting things in the wrong places, but the Mods have been great and are understanding. Though I feel like an idiot. :p :p :rolleyes:

there is one thing I would love to see in here, and that is NY You tube, they have it in the Miami section, Shipper, and I would love to see it here, as I have lots of hot video's of Gary/Mac....sorry bias here, aren't I. Can't help it. :D :D

Great Topic Mrs.G :)
I also picked "Other." I do not read most of the individual actor/character threads and I avoid shipping threads completely. I read the episode review threads. But mostly, I like to post in humorous threads like Captions or Quotes You Wouldn't Hear. Since I like all three CSI equally, I split my time between all Forums. But now that I finally got hired after several months of loafing, I will have to cut back some.

Edited to add: Another reason is the occasional slow-down of the server. I hate it when it takes a couple of minutes or more for a thread to come up or a post to go through.
I don't post a lot for a couple of reasons. First, my time is very limited. I am working full time and going back to school when I'm not working so I manage to squeeze in some time.

Second, I agree with some some of the people in the way that they are treated in regards to d/l. I know that many people don't like Lindsay (Very Obvious) but if I want to express my opinion about the couple, i feel like I have to walk on eggshells to state my opinion. I shouldn't feel like that. Also I happen to agree that Det. Angell shouldn't be on the show and of course in typical fashion, was pretty much blasted out of the thread.

I do post on the naughty picture thread but that's about it on the New York forum.
Awesome feedback. I really appreciate that you guys are speaking up. I've only got a quick minute right now, but will respond to more of the posts when I come back.

There is one thing in particular that caught my eye:

catey1234 said:
Speaking of attacking other members for voicing their opinion, in last week's review of the episode thread, somebody tried to defend Lindsay, and was roundly put down by another member for their opinion. I believe someone put it "Another newbie crawling out of the woodwork to defend an episode where Lindsay sucked". How is that not attacking an individual?
You're right. That would certainly steer a person away from posting here and is the sort of thing we shouldn't tolerate around here. I didn't catch that post. But I do think working to eliminate negativity like that is something that is essential to keeping the peace around here. I'll try to keep a better eye out for those sorts of discouraging remarks and if anyone has a post like that directed at them, please call it to my attention or Tops.

Also, maybe we can all be responsible posters and remind each other to play nice, even if that means saying that to someone who shares the same view as you, "Hey, that wasn't cool."
Several people have posted since I did, so I'll just post again rather than edit.

I agree with PerfectAnomaly re: the Lindsay/DL issue--me not agreeing with you doesn't mean I'm insulting you.

MrsGiovinazzo said:
No one needs to censor their views.
Exactly. Love him/her/it, hate him/her/it, couldn't care less about him/her/it--all opinions, all worth the same, and nobody should have to stop posting because someone disagrees with them--even if other message boards never get that opinion.

catey1234 said:
Speaking of attacking other members for voicing their opinion, in last week's review of the episode thread, somebody tried to defend Lindsay, and was roundly put down by another member for their opinion. I believe someone put it "Another newbie crawling out of the woodwork to defend an episode where Lindsay sucked". How is that not attacking an individual?
Sweetheart, you're talking about me, and that's not how it went. My response was to a person signing up on the message board just to attack the reviewer--not the first, nor the last I'm sure. It's tiring to see someone come in just to be a hypocrite--it seems like every time the review points out problems that the reviewer sees with Lindsay, we get a shiny new member out to set her straight. It wasn't the most venomous attack against the reviewer to be sure, but do forgive me for being annoyed.

Carrieattheprom said:
That person was being downright insulting. If you start out rude people are going to get defensive, it's human nature. You can't just be insulting and expect people to respond polietly. It's not the way to make a good first impression, IMO.
^^What she said.

MrsGiovinazzo said:
I didn't catch that post.
It wasn't in this forum.
Great thread MrsG. :)

I picked 'Other', mainly because I don't post too much in the NY forum anyhow. However I do lurk around here. The reason I don't post much here has partially to do with the animosity between the Lindsay/DL fans and other posters who don't prefer the pairing or the character. It just leaves a bit of a bad taste in my mouth that there are so many problems over such a small portion of the show. And this is coming from an observer of the forum, not someone who is on one side or the other. (Which is why didn't pick 'felt attacked for stating opinion') That's just how I feel, honestly. It's unfortunate that some feel they are being attacked (both sides included) and that it creates some tension. I love how passionate people are about their favorite characters and I love how honest people are about a character they don't like.

I have nothing wrong with people disliking or liking a character and posting their opinions on the matter. I really hope that people would express their thoughts one way or the other. It makes this board much more interesting and as was said, it would be mind-numbingly boring if we all had the same opinion. I personally haven't seen much 'attacking' taking place, though sometimes a few make it through the cracks I'm sure--the Mods in this forum are stellar and really do their best to curb it. I just don't prefer the bad air I sometimes feel when visiting here. However I normally love reading what's been said because this forum has such a great vibe 90% of the time. (Laid back, fun, intelligent discussions etc) You're all very cool people in here. :)

The other reason I don't post much is kind of weird. :lol:

I've been watching the show since it started and have rarely missed an episode. Sometimes, if I read a message board, I tend to overthink what I've just seen. Sometimes I like to just watch the episode, if that makes sense, lol. It's the one show where if I like it, I like it and if I don't, I don't and I'll leave it at that. For example, with Miami, I'll wonder what everyone else thinks about this, if anyone caught the plot hole, why did that character say that and how out of character was it, was this plot too hard to follow, etc. So instead of enjoying my favorite show, I find that I enjoy it less.

This way, if I steer clear of the forums, it's a lot easier to watch an episode and really enjoy it. Again, I'm not sure if it makes a lot of sense. :p
I voted for "I feel attacked for my views when I post." Personally, I don't post in the NY forum anymore because I don't like how we as DL fans are attacked simply because of our opinions/beliefs (IMHO).

I fully respect those who dislike DL/Lindsay/Anna - as the old saying goes, "Whatever floats your boat." However, I feel that we as DL fans are attacked simply because we support the relationship as well as Lindsay/Anna. To me this is unethical. No one should be afraid of posting their thoughts on a forum. I have seen many a post where a DL/Lindsay fan voices their opinion, and others immediately jump down their throat. That's the sole reason why I will not post anywhere else besides the DL thread (and occasionally other shipper threads) - there I am not attacked for my views, and I feel I am in the NY forum.

I wish there was a thread simply for the placing of the spoilers and a second thread for the voicing of opinions on the spoilers. That way, people who simply want to know what's going to happen don't have to wade through a minefield of negativity.

I completely agree with catie, and I think this is something that should at least be taken into consideration.

And maybe it's just me, but I've found that almost all the topics in the NY forum have become anti-DL in one way or another. I think that if a few rules were changed here and there, some threads in the NY forum (namely the spoiler thread) would be a nicer place to visit.

Just my two Canadian cents :)
I picked "Other", 'coz I'm a long time lurker. Have just started getting into the habit of voicing my opinion. So hopefully you'll see me around a lot from now on. ;)
I picked "losing interest in the forum". Mostly because (as stated by others already) there are only so many ways to say things: how great Gary is, how wonderful Mac/Peyton are together :D, how gorgeous the assorted man flesh, etc. It is just starting to feel like the same thing, over and over, just rehashed a little bit differently.

There is also the Lindsay hate. I am not a huge fan of Lindsay - I think the writing for her has been atrocious and I am still reserving judgement on her acting. So while I generally agree with the "wasn't Lindsay awful" sentiment, I do have a hard time with the (for lack of a better word) swamping that happens when a pro Lindsay post is entered. It kind of feels as though the sentiment is to smother the pro-Lindsay poster into oblivion or to send them back from whence they came.
It's kinda hard not to be pro or anti-Lindsay in places like the spoiler threads and the discussions of episodes because Lindsay is a character in the show, she's part of it, so naturally there are going to be comments about her.

Mrs. G, go to the CSI Files News Items and look for the topic with Top41's review of "You Only Die Once." That's where the exchange happend.
I'm glad nobody has (yet) voted for "the moderators are biatches." :lol: MrsG and I talked about getting this thread started yesterday, and hoped that we could address problems people are having in the forum, and see if we can resolve what might be keeping folks away.

Obviously, we can't fix busy schedules. :lol: Sorry, guys!

The other issue seems to be what MrsG and I figured: the elephant in the room, the people who like Anna/Lindsay/DL vs. those who do not. We have to figure out a way to make the forum an inviting place for everyone.

Here's how I see it from where I sit: there are a lot of anti-Lindsay posters here, and they passionately express their views and will debate them, which puts people who like Lindsay on the defensive, leading them to either walk on eggshells (I've seen a lot of "Sorry, but I really liked Lindsay in this episode!" posts) or go on the offensive and say things like, "Everyone is so unfair to Lindsay! You all hate her just because she's with Danny and you're wrong." The second provokes a reaction in those that dislike her and they respond and then the hostility just builds.

What I'd like to do is find some sort of solution that makes people that like Lindsay more comfortable with posting in the forum, but doesn't censor those that dislike her. We've all got a right to our opinions, right?

Is there room for compromise? People who don't like Lindsay: is it possible to maybe try to contain the anti-Lindsay sentiment to the "Why Lindsay Must Go" thread and the episode grading thread, places you'd naturally evaluate the character? Not as a rule--obviously if a thread comes up like, "Things you'd like to see less of in s. 4," and Lindsay is one of those things, by all means post it, but I have noticed dislike of Lindsay spreading here, there and everywhere on the forum.

People who like Lindsay: would it be possible to try not to take offense at posts that criticize the character? To not hurtle accusations at people who don't like her ("you don't like her because x, y and z and you're not being fair) or get defensive about people not liking her.

For everyone: remember, this is just a character on a show. Her presence on the show isn't going to ruin your life, nor are people who dislike her expressing their opinions going to hurt you. The same goes for the D/L pairing.

Splitting up the spoiler thread into spoilers in one thread/spoiler discussion in another: I'm not totally opposed to this suggestion, but one of the things MrsG and I like to do in this forum is keep discussion as free-flowing as possible. That's why we're not in every thread posting "stay on topic!" everytime something ventures even slightly off topic. But if you guys think that would be a big help, it's definitely something to consider.

Those are just my initial thoughts on the matter. Feedback is appreciated, and thank you for posting in this thread. And newbies--welcome, and please do post! :)

catey1234 said:Speaking of attacking other members for voicing their opinion, in last week's review of the episode thread, somebody tried to defend Lindsay, and was roundly put down by another member for their opinion. I believe someone put it "Another newbie crawling out of the woodwork to defend an episode where Lindsay sucked". How is that not attacking an individual? The newcomer was less than tactful in being dismayed that it was another review with a slam of Lindsay, but if you are just voicing your opinion, why attack?

I do have to dispute this. For starters, it didn't happen in the NY forum, so neither MrsG nor I could mod it. It happened in the CSI News Items forum, in response to one of my reviews. The "newbie" mentioned in passing that my reviews always featured a paragraph criticizing Lindsay (which was inaccurate) and then pointed out two spelling errors in my review and stated that the site should hire an editor to catch such egregious things as two spelling errors in an 1800 word review. It was hardly a constructive argument; it was meant as a slam and treated as such.
Is there room for compromise? People who don't like Lindsay: is it possible to maybe try to contain the anti-Lindsay sentiment to the "Why Lindsay Must Go" thread and the episode grading thread, places you'd naturally evaluate the character? Not as a rule--obviously if a thread comes up like, "Things you'd like to see less of in s. 4," and Lindsay is one of those things, by all means post it, but I have noticed dislike of Lindsay spreading here, there and everywhere on the forum.

Thank you Top. That's a big problem. Speaking for myself, I don't go into the "Why Lindsay Must Go" thread, because I know what's going to be in there. However, a good example is the "LR", "Has Danny Got His Balls Back" or something like that, and other threads that have nothing to do with Lindsay or DL being filled with the DL/DF debate. It's stifling at times.

For everyone: remember, this is just a character on a show. Her presence on the show isn't going to ruin your life, nor are people who dislike her expressing their opinions going to hurt you. The same goes for the D/L pairing.
This is true also. However, it's distressing to read posts that say Lindsay should be killed off and so forth. Simply because a character is romantically linked with another character for the time being shouldn't warrant a death sentence. Offering to send flowers to TPTB when they kill her off is going above and beyond criticizing a "character."

Criticizing the actress by saying her "acting skills suck" and other such things go beyond the scope of character critique. Anna and other actors shouldn't be attacked, when they are professionals and we are merely "Monday morning quarterbacking" their appearance. That's not right.
Okay, here I go, I'm sorry I posted about the newbie. I did say the newbie was tactless in the way they went about what they said, the part I objected to was "crawling out of the woodwork". I read the review, did not realize it wasn't part of the New York thread, because New York reviews are generally all I read and I had clicked on the link at the bottom of the review. So, I apologize for bringing that out to people's attention, but it is things like that, the back and forth that needs to stop, on both sides.
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