Why Aren't You Posting?

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CSI Level Three
Moderating this forum is taking less and less time. And not because my speed reading skills have increased exponentially. Rather, there simply aren’t that many new posts to read each day.

The decline in activity has been present for some time, but with the start of the new season for those living in the US and Canada, I would have expected to see a considerable increase. Right now, the afternoon following the airing of a new episode, most of the threads are completely devoid of any sign of life.

Rather than ignore this trend, I’d like to address it, determine the cause(s) for it and see if there is anything we can do to increase the level of activity in the forum.

Please answer the poll, then let us know which answer you selected and why. Be as specific as possible. Saying, “The show is lame and this board sucks” really doesn’t tell us anything, nor is it likely to reflect your true sentiments or you wouldn’t be here.
I have to admit that I only just got my account, but I lurked quite some time...

And I always get the feeling here that those like me, who are actually big fans of Anna Belknap, tend to be either ignored or kind of attacked...

I may be wrong, but I just got the feeling. I still got an account, and I do hope that I am mistaken.

It's just that this board has a tendency of being Anti-Anna... And I am totally Pro-Anna.

You may ignore my post here, thinking she is new and hasn't anything to say...

I threw in my two cents worth.
Work has been pretty demanding lately, and it looks like premiere and iexplorer are not compatible because having both make the first one to block and, after all, I'm supposed to be working.

I made most of my post there because my home conexion fails, so I still make some post, but I admit not as much as I wanted.
Deb, this is a good thread, although I hesitated to post.

I answered "I feel attacked for my views when I post." I'm sure that's not surprising, considering that I am a fan of Lindsay and the Danny/Lindsay romantic pairing.

It's unnerving to enter Talk and enter any thread, any thread, save the pro-Lindsay thread, and read overwhelmingly negative anti-Lindsay or anti-DL sentiment. I understand DF fans comprise a large contingent of the board; however, DL fans are often criticized for their views. I'm e-friends with several of the pro-DF people, you included, and know nothing's personal. However, others don't have thick skin and feel they're being personally attacked when every post they add is jumped on by no less than five individuals. Pro-DL posters are treated with contempt and are condescended to. You, personally, don't act that way, Deb, and I'm glad you don't. I'll defend you. You know that.

The Talk environment grew toxic a while ago. That's why I left. It lost its fun and appeal.

I'm back, because I won't be scared off. I'll post my pro-DL, pro-Lindsay posts, because that's who I am. There's a lot of people here who are afraid to voice their true opinion, so I guess I'll take the heat for them. It's no big deal.

Personally, we want TPTB to know that every member of CSI:NY is appreciated.

So, I guess I'll wait for the protest posts to start. Thanks for wanting to know what's up, MrsG.
I love New York, I have enjoyed it more than the other CSI's for awhile now...

And that is why I am trying my best to avoid spoilers, and I typically only post in spoiler threads on message boards. I still read the ny forum, for the episode reviews and stuff. Its difficult to keep spoilers in those threads, even when the mods are really good.

I do agree that this forum has some issues. A lot of rules are being broken, there is swearing, making fun of actors themselves, and it is a very anti-lindsey board.

Now I don't care myself, people can express themselves as they like, and I am not offended by bad language or anything and it certainly isn't the reason I don't post here as much. But I can see how people might get driven away by stuff like that. I am not sure there is much anyone can do, its people's opinions...and most of the posts are well written, not just trash talking.

I am not a huge Lindsey fan, I can take her or leave her, and I am not suggesting people can't express their dislike for a character or storylines, and I am not trying to offend anyone, just sharing my observations.
I was going to click the 'not enough time' option until I realized I'd posted more in the last few weeks than I had all summer.
But it is still a timing issue for me, as I don't get to see the ep until Thursdays so I have to stay away from the board until then.
I don't know why posting here.
I love csiny, and I try to post when I can. But I french ( sorry.. it's far away lol )
Please don"t close this forum !!!!!

What I try to say is just, I try to get my opinion for all episode of csiny, but it's difficult for me to explain why I love this one or why I hate this one..
I love csiny, I'm smacked girl and Taylor's girl lol.
I try to be must present in this forum. Because I love it
I tend to lurk rather than post but I still check the forum and vote in the rating poll after each new episode. RL has intruded heavily in the last few months but I never miss Top41's review and like both the spoiler thread and the grade the episode thread. If I have time I check the Locker Room, too!
celtess said:
What I try to say is just, I try to get my opinion for all episode of csiny, but it's difficult for me to explain why I love this one or why I hate this one..
I share that problem. Sometime I want to say something but my english vocabulary isn't as extense as my spanish, so I feel like anybody will understand and chose not to say anything. That's why I don't make reviews for the chapters or take serious conversations, I think english fluent won't understand me.
I came back to this forum in anticipation of season 3 released on DVD.

Reading a few threads to catch up, I was startled to learn that the anti-Anna/Lindsay sentiment has built up to outright hatred in some circles. Now, I've been a fan of Lindsay since "Zoo York"; and I'm not seeing this horrible acting, lousy personality, etc. that gets reported. Granted, my attention is more than partially directed towards looking for plot holes... :)

After "You Only Die Once", I kept my Lindsay-observation to two sentences in my thoughts on "Time's Up" - people were on her case for mentioning she was a third-grade hopscotch champ, which I thought was an interesting tidbit; and hardly deserving of derision.

But yeah, being an Anna/Lindsay/DL fan makes this board feel a little bit like a minefield, and I don't know how to tap-dance.

Side note- what's a DF fan? Is it what I think it is...?
CSI_NY_Addict said:
And I always get the feeling here that those like me, who are actually big fans of Anna Belknap, tend to be either ignored or kind of attacked...
I had a feeling that may be a strong contributing factor. I can't speak to the issue of being ignored, as people simply respond to whichever posts strike the urge to respond. But the issue of feeling attacked is one that comes up frequently.

Just so that everybody is clear on the policy -- It is perfectly acceptable to disagree with the opinion of another poster. That's the nature of intelligent discussion. We don't all see things the same way. If we did, this would be one supremely boring universe. However, it is never acceptable to devalue another poster for the views they espouse. Anytime an instance of harassment comes to view, the moderators of this board will step in and make sure no one is being called names, told to shut up or whatnot.

You may ignore my post here, thinking she is new and hasn't anything to say...
Not at all. Thanks for speaking up and I hope we see you move from lurker to active poster.

Deb, this is a good thread, although I hesitated to post.
:lol: The irony of that isn't lost on me. When people hesitate to post in response to the question, "Why aren't you posting?" that signals that it's time for a sit-down, or as close to that as we can come in an online setting.

It's unnerving to enter Talk and enter any thread, any thread, save the pro-Lindsay thread, and read overwhelmingly negative anti-Lindsay or anti-DL sentiment. I understand DF fans comprise a large contingent of the board; however, DL fans are often criticized for their views. I'm e-friends with several of the pro-DF people, you included, and know nothing's personal. However, others don't have thick skin and feel they're being personally attacked when every post they add is jumped on by no less than five individuals. Pro-DL posters are treated with contempt and are condescended to.
Criticism of an individual for their views is certainly something we can work on. It's not the policy of the forum to allow such criticism, so I hate to see people feel that that's how they're being treated.

However, the coming onto the board and reading overwhelmingly anti-Lindsay or anti-D/L sentiment isn't something that we can curb. No one needs to censor their views. If a large contingent of the board is anti-Lindsay, then it stands to reason that a large percentage of the posts related to Lindsay will be negative.

I'm back, because I won't be scared off. I'll post my pro-DL, pro-Lindsay posts, because that's who I am. There's a lot of people here who are afraid to voice their true opinion, so I guess I'll take the heat for them. It's no big deal.
You go, girl! That's what it takes for everyone to peacefully co-exist around here. I don't want to see anyone leave because they feel they can't speak their mind. Please , please speak your mind. We can all have differing opinions and as long as we voice them in a way that is respectful of one another, there is no reason for conflict.

Personally, we want TPTB to know that every member of CSI:NY is appreciated.
That is one thing this board has over the other boards out there. TPTB do read this board. Discussing the show on smaller off-shoot boards may bring the feeling of comfort in numbers when your view is the only view supported by that board, but if you have something you really want TPTB to know, this is the place.

Thanks for wanting to know what's up, MrsG.
:D With the amount of time many of us have invested in this place, we really need to work through any issues, instead of just letting valuable members walk away. You're one of those I hate to see go elsewhere for your posting fun.

A lot of rules are being broken, there is swearing, making fun of actors themselves, and it is a very anti-lindsey board.
The swearing is something we could try to enforce, if it's a problem for people. I'll own up to being an offender, myself. However, this site does have a sister site devoted to Star Trek and you'd be amazed at what flies over there. I think some things like swearing (in limited doses) kind of depend on the character of the board and the comfort level of those who post on it. If someone drops a dirty word in a sexual context, we usually say something about it. But if it's an articulate post where someone is so excited about having just viewed "the best f***ing episode ever," that they forget to censor their f-bomb, that sort of thing tends to slide.

As for making fun of actors, it is okay to critique an actor's performance or abilities and, in that context, negative remarks about the real person (as opposed to fictional persona) are fine. But even then, it's not really useful to discussion to simply say someone sucks as an actor. Generally, comments along those lines are supported with specifics.

The anti-Lindsay thing really can't be helped. If that's how people feel, that's how they should post. Those who like Lindsay should never take it personally. If you like her, that's fantastic. Sing her praises and counter any criticism of her character with your own examples and instances of things you enjoy about the character.

Side note- what's a DF fan? Is it what I think it is...?
A D/F fan is a Danny/Flack fan. There is a contingent of the fan base that feels Danny was paired with the wrong person.
I'm still posting, but I have to say I am losing some interest. Part of it is there are only so many ways and times a person can say how much they like or dislike a character, how hot so and so is, etc.

The majority of it stems from the whole Lindsay and D/L aspect of the board. I assume I'm someone who probably makes those who love Lindsay and D/L feel "attacked." However, I feel I go on the offensive when someone who loves Lindsay and D/L are telling me that I should have their opinion, or that I should give Lindsay and D/L a chance. Or if someone has obviously not taken the time to read people's arguments on why they dislike the character and/or the romance and then posts that we're all just in love with Danny and are jealous, or we are slashers who hate Danny paired with anyone but Flack.

To my knowledge I've never "attacked" anyone because they simply express a love of Lindsay and/or D/L. I've seen very little, if any, of that on the board as a whole. However, I've seen a lot of posters who love Lindsay and/or D/L act like victims and even apologize for expressing a positive opinion on either subject. It's starting to get really tiring being unfairly blamed (not individually, but as part of the "anti Lindsay and D/L" group) for others' inability to deal with a board that supports having real discussion with opposing viewpoints. I was once told by a psychologist, "No one can make you feel anything, you have to let them."

I suppose this falls into the category of a "protest post," but I didn't write it for that. I'm just trying to be brutally honest.
I had a bad feeling that the "Lindsay D/L war" was going to get mentioned.

I haven't seen any anti-Lindsay people attack pro-Lindsay people, but maybe I wasn't paying enough attention. As PerfectAnomaly pointed out, the thing I've seen more of is the pro-Lindsay crowd getting upset over all the posts that are anti-Lindsay, and claiming we aren't giving her a fair chance.

I know it sucks when people diss your favorite character(and the actor who plays them). I've had it happen to me in other fandoms. It does sting, but those people are entitled to their opinions and should be free to express them. The pro-Lindsay D/L crowd can sing the praises all they want, but I'll never agree with them.

I'm still posting here since the new season started, but I am losing interest in the show. The plots aren't holding my attention they way they used to. Next week's episode looks really painful, cute moments with Adam aside. It looks like it'll be a forty-five minute ad for the Second Life thingy. I'm sorry, but I just don't know about that. I'm nervous about where this thing with Drew is headed, I'm not too happy with the spoilers I read for the 333 plot either. I seriously might skip next week.
I used to love the spoiler thread, but it is not a good place to go anymore. While I realize everyone has opinions, it is a very negative place, with a lot of swearing and repetition of the anti-Lindsay rhetoric. While I appreciate not everyone likes her, the abuse the character and the actress take in that thread itself is disheartening. I wish there was a thread simply for the placing of the spoilers and a second thread for the voicing of opinions on the spoilers. That way, people who simply want to know what's going to happen don't have to wade through a minefield of negativity.

Speaking of attacking other members for voicing their opinion, in last week's review of the episode thread, somebody tried to defend Lindsay, and was roundly put down by another member for their opinion. I believe someone put it "Another newbie crawling out of the woodwork to defend an episode where Lindsay sucked". How is that not attacking an individual? The newcomer was less than tactful in being dismayed that it was another review with a slam of Lindsay, but if you are just voicing your opinion, why attack? That's what is wrong, Lindsay/Anna is a very polarizing character, and anytime anyone tries to defend her, they are attacked. It just is not a friendly place to post outside the pro-Lindsay areas. And frankly, there aren't too many areas where you can do that, so I don't post that much outside where I have to.
I don't have as much time to post as I wish, but I consider that I do post here as much as possible. I have over 300 posts since July, that's not a little. I live in Europe, but I try to keep up.

Not my first CSI board, but the one I chose to remain in simply because I think no one is going to try to shut me up here. ( yes, I have been shut up on other great boards, so I just left)

Reasons for not posting more are many and colorful.
1. I feel that if I don't have anything smart to say, I should just shut up.
2. A little smtg called feed back. It gets lonely sometimes. Not to mention the 'locking' posts, such as : yay, I love the hair/top, pants, he's cute/ sweat, she's pretty, squee etc. Not much to reply to that. I 'll say that I love x or don't love y once or twice a day. But I suck big time at small talk. :lol: So, give me something to grasp to. I love to quote sentence by sentence & elaborate on that. Agreeing or not... though it’s safer to ignore the post I don’t agree with.
3. I don't really fit the description of "nice person" :)devil:), and I don't even try. :p So, I don't speak everything that's on my mind, or worst, I do, and I make half the people on the board think I'm an evil b!tch. :lol:
4. We're not allowed to double post. ;) Just kidding, not looking forward to see this forum spammed up. :lol: :lol:
5. I only post in a limited number of treats, based on my available time and my interests. It's good for my health too.

6. I mostly post pics / caps, and making and uploading them can be quite the time consumer.
7. My post are long. :lol: How many words in my last reply for 'Time's Up'? I don't type that fast! :lol:
Sometimes I want to say something but my English vocabulary isn't as extense as my Spanish
Same here. English is not my first language.
9. I get distracted a lot. :p I finish a post 45 min after starting it.

PS. See, even this post (300 words ?), took me forever. :lol: Not gonna read this again so sorry for the mistakes. :eek:
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