Why Angell must GO


The character is boring. She brings nothing to the show. Furthermore, she takes screentime away from contract cast members such as Hawkes and Flack.

Det. Maka was characterized better in TWO episodes than Angell has been in six. All of the others are characterized far better, including the vics/perps each week!
To me, the character is not boring, I think she has a lot of potential. I do think she brings something to the show, she must be doing something right to have captured the imaginations of quite a few people round these parts already. Yeah, at the moment she's quite a blank canvas, but I definately find her interesting, interesting enough that I'm already wondering about and hoping for information about her and her past. At the most basic level, there was need for another Detective for when there was two cases anyway.

I can't really speak on Det. Maka, because I've never sat down and watched the episodes she's in, but you complain about her not having a developed character, and then about the screentime she gets? To develop a character, you need to give them screentime. I would think that's the most basic rule of development. :rolleyes: Besides, I don't think she gets that much screentime, she gets less than several of the other recurring characters (Adam, Hammerback & Peyton). As for the victims/perps, they need to be characterized as much and as quickly as possible because they're only around for one week! And if you're not interested in them, then you aren't intersted in the outcome of the case, which is what the show centers around.

I just see it as thought they're going for a slow and steady development with her. Like you said, they need to make sure they have adequate time for the series regulars, as well as time for recurring characters like Peyton who are involved in current story arcs.

I think it's a little soon to be calling for her head, even if she hasn't particularly interested you so far.

Just my opinion. :)
I definately prefer Maka over Angell as well..I dont think she takes screentime away from anybody though.
I am not a fan of Angell in the least bit..I must be missing something. :rolleyes: When I see her in a scene I tend to not pay attention until its over. Blah.
From the few episodes I've seen her in I really like her..She is not a basic character and Maka could be in another episode no matter her presence,right?..She is a new character on the show,simple and nice..I don't think she should go..
I like Angell. She seems to bring out the old Danny, who I've been sorely missing since the introduction of Lindsay. The reason that Maka has more development was because her background was instantly introduced - she's a cop, she was shot, she's friends with Danny, and she's got chemistry with him. Right now all we know about Angell is that she's a cop, and she's got chemistry. I don't believe it would be too hard to level her and Maka's playing field.

To be honest, I would like to see Maka back, even if it did mean writing Angell out, but I'm quite content with her and I really, really hope that they don't use her as a cheap plot trick.
I hope she stays.
she takes screentime away from contract cast members such as Hawkes and Flack.
I don't think that's true. She's a detective so if she's working Hawkes' case they're in those scenes together. And since there are almost always two cases per ep, Flack is the detective assisting the CSI's on one case and she's on the other.

I believe the character can be quite interesting and perhaps even become a more permanent cast member. She looks like she has a good sense of humour and I can't wait to see her in upcoming ep's.
I'm definitely in the pro-Angell group. ;) That's not to say there are no negatives to the character, but I still think she's worth keeping around.

Kelly Hu left NY, so I personally don't see the appeal of wishing she'd come back--it's just not likely. Sure, she was a fun character, but I think Angell is a fun character too. ;) I'd like to know more about her, like why she's a cop. I'd also like to see more of her being the young, inexperienced detective--her scenes with Mac in "Not What it Looks Like" immediately come to mind. :)

As for her taking screentime from anybody--the only person who I can actually believe she'd take time from would be Flack, and even that I don't really see. I certainly don't think she takes time from Hawkes, considering that they have completely different jobs and all that. Plus, Angell has been in, what, six episodes this season? That's only like a third of the episodes thus far, so she's not there every week. If the detectives don't get a lot of screentime because of the science in that particular episode, then it doesn't matter if she's there or not. Most of the time, Flack seems to be on the main case, and he's still the main detective. Plus, he can't always be on both cases, so there needs to be a second detective around. Maka was fantastic during seasons 1 and 2, and Angell is doing a great job so far in season 3. :D

So, that's my two cents on why Angell should stick around. ;)
Count me in on the pro-Angell group too. ;)

I liked Det Maka (not sure what she has to do with Angell being there :confused:), but I doubt she'll be back. According to IMDb, Kelly Hu has a new show this year, a TV mini series, 2 movies coming out, and 1 movie that's completed. I was surprised to see she was only in 4 episodes over 2 seasons. Looks like her plate's pretty full. :eek:

I don't feel that Angell is taking any screentime away from Flack. He's a regular cast member and he's in every episode. Angell's not in every episode. I also don't really see how she is taking any screentime away from any cast member. Flack rarely ever works two cases at once and she doesn't take away from any of the CSIs screentime because she works the cases with them.

Lately, I'm loving her working with Danny. They work well together and it's a refreshing change. Although I always love it when Flack works with Danny. :p
I was just thinking during "Heart of Glass" how much I enjoyed seeing Angell again. I miss Maka and one of the reasons I enjoyed Maka so much was that she was a strong female character who played well off the regulars without TPTB making it a big deal that she was "a strong female character." Does that make sense? Anyway, Angell fills that same bill. She may not be the most exciting character, but she is strong, smart, and has a sense of humor. And if it came down to choosing, instead of choosing Angell over Maka or vice versa, I would choose Angell over Lindsay. I probably wouldn't have even noticed Lindsay wasn't there in the last few eps, except for Anna's name in the creds. The other characters haven't even mentioned her.
I admit it, I am not too crazy about Angell.

Since she has come on the show, I have seen less of Flack and Hawkes than ever before. I feel that the writers have brought her to the show and basically said: "This is Det. Angell, here she is, deal with it."

I actually think her character would be developed more if we saw less of her. If we saw less of her we may find out more about her background.

Just my .02

*****And isn't this is a Angell must go thread?******
Yeah, but these always wind into a discussion about the character, unless there's enough people that dislike then.

Why must Angell go? She shouldn't. She's hot and I like what I've seen so far.
Coming out of lurkdom... While i'm neither pro nor anti Angell, I gotta agree that there's been nada development of her. Six episodes and the only thing I know is that she snarks and banters with the rest of the cast. Nothing else. No hobbies, no background, no history. Chemistry? Can't tell. She's gotta have more dialog than just case details for me to know.
*****And isn't this is a Angell must go thread?******
Yep, but like with any thread in here, discussion is welcome, and so both sides of it will be present. ;)

I actually think her character would be developed more if we saw less of her. If we saw less of her we may find out more about her background.
Wow, I'm sure you know what you mean, but you have me totally confuzzled. :lol:

Since she has come on the show, I have seen less of Flack and Hawkes than ever before. I feel that the writers have brought her to the show and basically said: "This is Det. Angell, here she is, deal with it."
I still don't understand the sentiments that she's taken screentime from other characters--they still seem neglected even when she's not there, so I think it's a general writing problem rather than having to do with Angell specifically.

As for the 'here she is, deal with it' thing--how else would they do it? That's what they did with Maka, Vicaro, Scagnetti, Thacker, etc--it's just that, in seasons one and two, they had more than one other detective. ;)
Since she has come on the show, I have seen less of Flack and Hawkes than ever before. I feel that the writers have brought her to the show and basically said: "This is Det. Angell, here she is, deal with it."
IMO, I just don't see this?? :confused: Like I said before, Flack's in every episode and Hawkes would only work with Angell, not be pushed aside for her. Hawkes is a CSI and Angell's a detective, so you've lost me on that one. :(

I actually think her character would be developed more if we saw less of her. If we saw less of her we may find out more about her background.
Huh??? :( I don't get it. How exactly do you learn more if she's there less?

I get the feeling that some people see Angell as a threat to DL. They haven't done anything with Danny and Angell that shows she might be a threat....yet. :p

Why must Angell go? She shouldn't. She's hot and I like what I've seen so far.
I totally agree with you. :D
And isn't this is a Angell must go thread?
Yes, that's the name of it but it's still open to debate. I feel that not only do posters have the right to say why she must go, I also have the right to say why I think she shouldn't go. ;)
I'm pretty indifferent to Angell, I don't like her but I don't think she should go. She's like a piece of art in your living room, you are aware it exists but it's not something you spend a lot of time thinking about in your day to day life.

1CSIMfan said:
I get the feeling that some people see Angell as a threat to DL. They haven't done anything with Danny and Angell that shows she might be a threat....yet. :p

You know, the same thing could be said about the anti-Lindsay group in regards to this upsurge in love for Angell's character, who was pretty much non-existant until she was supposed to have some interaction with Danny.