Why Angell must GO

I've never seen anything wrong with Emmanuelle's acting, but I've only ever seen her in CSI: NY and Smallville. I've always liked her as an actress. As for the women on the shows being unrealistic...yeah, in the way they dress, sure. And those heels are nutty, but eh, it's a TV show and that's what you're going to get. I like Angell and think/hope no matter what happens between her and Flack, she's not going to just be reduced to his love interest.

I happily participate in the suspended belief most shows require of their viewers, to some extent... perhaps I'm just a little bitter since this season has been asking a LITTLE much of my forgiveness. :rolleyes:
I happily participate in the suspended belief most shows require of their viewers, to some extent... perhaps I'm just a little bitter since this season has been asking a LITTLE much of my forgiveness. :rolleyes:

Haha true that....a detective here and there who is beautiful and is running around in three inch heels, I can deal with...but this season just makes me want to tear my hair out.

Angell actually seems to fit the part pretty well though. She seems like a pretty tough detective, and growing up with brothers might have given her that background. Either way, we can't really say much more until we see more of her this season....but from what I've seen so far she seems to fit in pretty well.
Sorry. I don't agree. I like EV and I love her character. Epescially when she banters with Flack.
For a while, I thought Angell needed to go, but I am not sure now. There are times that I think EV could be a better actress, but I have seen worse acting, so I know she isn't the worst (in my opnion only). So, eh, either way. I wouldn't be heartbroken if she left, but I'm not jumping for joy with her staying.