CSI: Stay - GREGGO! He is just adorable. He makes the show 100 times more interesting to watch. He's super hot too!
If he left the show, I wouldn't watch. Sara, I love all the scenes with her and Greg *points at icon*. Nick, he's so hot. And he has a great voice. (Oh Mandy..
) Warrick, I like him.. He's definatly not my favourite but I don't have a problem with him. Catherine, I like her too.
Grissom, CSI wouldn't be CSI without Grissom. I'm sorry but I think its true.
Brass, I love him.
Leave - Ecklie, ew. He's mean!!! Sofia, I don't see why she's on the show. So she can take up screentime?
CSI: Miami. Stay - RYAN! He's the reason I started watching Miami. He's so hot!! And adorable.
Just like Greg, if he left, so would I. Calleigh, she kicks ass!
And I love her scenes with Ryan. *points at banner* Alexx, she's a cutie too! Always there for people when they need it. She's like everyones mom. Aww! Eric, he can he can stay. I like the tension/friendship between him and Ryan.
Leave - Horatio, I'm getting sick of his dramatic lines and his sunglasses!! I wouldn't mind if he stayed. (I guess
) But I have enough people in the stay option so i'll put him here. :lol: Natalia, ewww. She is a waste of screentime. She should have been fired. End of story.
CSI: New York. I dont really watch it.