Who should leave and Who should stay on the show?

Vegas - all stay

Miami - all stay and bring Megan and Speedle back (he's not dead :rolleyes:)

NY - all stay (with one exception) and bring back Maka, Pino, & Aiden (she'd not dead either :p). As for who goes: It has to be Lindsay - IMO, she just doesn't fit in. :(
kaylyne said:
For CSI: And somebody PLEASE bring Ann Donahue back to the original.
Take her! She's all yours! But I should warn you, she's turned Miami into a soap opera. I'd gladly trade her for anyone.
kaylyne said:
For CSI: Just give me back the lovable main characters that we had before mid-season 5 and I'd be ecstatic. Keep Sofia as a detective. Also bring me back O'Riley, Vartann, Eddie, Sam and Jacqui. Keep Greg in the lab because he had a much brighter personality and was much more fun to watch than Hodges is now. Keep Wendy too - she's cool. And somebody PLEASE bring Ann Donahue back to the original. Trade her for Goldfinger and Rambo!!

For Miami: I've only seen a couple episodes, but please bring back Kim Delaney. Then I might actually watch the show.

ITA with everything you said on LV, kaylyne.

Don't watch Miami but yes...please give us Ann Donahue back.
DragonflyDreamer said:
Take her! She's all yours! But I should warn you, she's turned Miami into a soap opera. I'd gladly trade her for anyone.
Ann had done pretty well on LV before she went to Miami, though. She had also participated in the writing of some of the best LV episodes of all time. So I'd like to have her back, too. ;)
No one writes for Marg like Ann does. We'd be more than happy to take her :) She gave us some of the best CSI ever seen.

Oh and Erica - hot avvie. Marg+glasses = hot.
LV -
All of the characters should stay. Greggo needs to stay in the field. As much as his brightness might have faltered, as Hodges so bluntly pointed out, he matured a load in the field. Plus, he's got more airtime now. *praises TPTB*
There is one thing that I'd like though: Ecklie needs to come back. He needs to inflict more horror upon Grissom and Sara's life, just because it was really fun yelling at him for it. ^^

Miami -
Once again, all stay. I'd like some more Natalia time, though, please. ;)
And H...Dear gawd man, she died, get over it.

NY -
Danny needs to go 'buh-bye'. Why? I have no idea, but he annoys me. Therefore, buh-bye.
Ann had done pretty well on LV before she went to Miami, though. She had also participated in the writing of some of the best LV episodes of all time. So I'd like to have her back, too. ;)
Ann D was also great with Miami up until Season 4, when the quality of the writing plummeted. Before then, she had written some wonderful episodes and created some compelling storyarcs. Miami really misses the writing/producing of Steve Maeda in my opinion (he left towards the end of Season 3). Ann's writing was fine when he had some influence on the show. I think he was more aware of what the audience likes to see.
Las Vegas: No one... everyone is perfect and works magic on the show. The relationship between each and every character is phenomenal.

Miami: Ummm-- Natalia. She has no chemistry with the characters and even though I think she's pretty, there's just something incredibly empty about her. The rest of the cast is amazing though... I'd like Speed back though. :)

New York: Everyone is fantastic here. I'm glat that Aiden is gone-- never warmed up to her. Her badass attitute wasn't very charming in my opinion. Other than that, I don't really like Peyton either. I'm very biased as a Smacked shipper... but I just don't find her a nice character. I don't really know why; maybe it's because to me- she doesn't have much chemistry with Mac. He looks bored and hesitant when he's with her-- even in bed! :lol:

Ooops. I said too much.
Nobody should leave with the exception of Eckley!
Am I the only one who LIKES Ecklie? :p

My thoughts:

CSI - I dont want anyone to leave. The show is in its 7th season now, and Ive gotten used to all of them. Those playing small or major roles, it doesnt matter. Taking one out will leave a gaping hole. I know actors are thinking of leaving, and they will one day. Theres no denying that. I'll feel weird for a while because Im used to seeing all of them there, but I'll get over it. Change might be good.

NY - None either. The last person I'd want to see leaving is Sid. I love him. And his glasses.
I like Ecklie. In the same way that I like Stetler from Miami.

Hmm... Las Vegas... Well, I don't like Sara all that much, but I don't really think she needs to leave the show.
New York: I think the cast is great the way it is. Nobody needs to leave.
Miami: Natalia needs to go. I've tried to like her, I really have. But I just can't. She just doesn't fit in with the rest of the team. There's no chemistry. Now, having said that, if Eva leaves the show, she needs to get a job on another show that I like, because she's an amazing actor :)
So lets start at the beginning with LV- the team are great and should all stay. But can we please get rid of Ecklie because I hate what he did to the team and I just want to see him gone.

Miami- I think they should all stay they work so well together, Natalie is just finding her feet so well see on that front

NY- I don’t actually watch ny that much but what I have seen is good (all stay)
(this is the random thaughts of my daughter and me) :lol:
In LV, I think Sofia should leave because I think she is over shadowing Brass. Plus her voice annoys me. Not very good reasons I know but it's the best I can think of at the moment. ;)

If i had to pick a person/or two to leave the show i'd deffinatly pick Grissom as one of them, he just annoys me so much you don't know how much. I just think he's condescending and thinks he knows everything he just get's on my nervs. :) Sorry but that's how i feel, people will disagree there and that's perfectly fine. I would also like to see Sara leave she's annoying as well, and i know some people would like the directors/creaters/writers to delve a little into her past but i don't think they should, i also don't like the fact that Grissom and Sara get together i'm slightly creeped out by that. I know i probably sound horrible or rude or...but i'm not trying to be.

As for who should stay, deffinatly Catherine, Greg (who should have more screen time and be out in the feild more), Warrick and Nick.

CSI Miami

Natalia, don't like her really either so i think she should go also i've gone off Eric as well so i'd like to see him leave.

For staying Ryan should deffinatly stay love him, Calleigh's ok don't mind her and Valera i like her.


I don't think there's anyone i would like to see go in this, i like them all, oh apart from Jane Parsons, so i think she should go.
CSI: Stay - GREGGO! He is just adorable. He makes the show 100 times more interesting to watch. He's super hot too! :D If he left the show, I wouldn't watch. Sara, I love all the scenes with her and Greg *points at icon*. Nick, he's so hot. And he has a great voice. (Oh Mandy.. ;)) Warrick, I like him.. He's definatly not my favourite but I don't have a problem with him. Catherine, I like her too. :) Grissom, CSI wouldn't be CSI without Grissom. I'm sorry but I think its true. :) Brass, I love him. :)

Leave - Ecklie, ew. He's mean!!! Sofia, I don't see why she's on the show. So she can take up screentime? :(

CSI: Miami. Stay - RYAN! He's the reason I started watching Miami. He's so hot!! And adorable. :) Just like Greg, if he left, so would I. Calleigh, she kicks ass! :D And I love her scenes with Ryan. *points at banner* Alexx, she's a cutie too! Always there for people when they need it. She's like everyones mom. Aww! Eric, he can he can stay. I like the tension/friendship between him and Ryan.

Leave - Horatio, I'm getting sick of his dramatic lines and his sunglasses!! I wouldn't mind if he stayed. (I guess :rolleyes:) But I have enough people in the stay option so i'll put him here. :lol: Natalia, ewww. She is a waste of screentime. She should have been fired. End of story.

CSI: New York. I dont really watch it.