Who Said It?

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Damn i posted a millisecond to late. :lol: Alot people posted in sucha short time....


Oh crappers. I double-posted. So sorry! It was an accident! I apoligize to the Feds....
Guys...slow down a bit on your posting. We're getting the same character guessed multiple times, also I'm seeing a few chatty type posts in here. It makes the game harder for eveyone to follow if there's too many non-game related posts.
Huh. I looked through all the guesses and didn't see her name, but if you're sure, I'm going to guess Erica Sikes instead.
Hey that happens alot. ESPEIALLY when your trying to talk about a new episode airing, WHEN IT'S AIRING.

I'm gonna guess Cal.
^That was Lora (Hunter) But it was a good guess.
I'm sticking with Eric. :D
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