Who Said It?

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Hey. cainesugar happy birthday. You are correct. It was Eric... I checked and didn't see anyone else name him, but if I'm blind as a bat I'm sorry.
cainesugar it is your turn. :)
Thanks. It's funny becayse after AI guessed a ton of people went way out and guessed. We all didn't see how simple it was, lol. :lol:
Also, thanks for the birthday wish, as it is still my birthday here in the USA. I can't think of anything, my turn's up for grabs. :)
well since your turn is up for grabs I'll take it!

C1:"You need some help?"
C2:"Nah. I could undress a dead man in my sleep."
C1:"Leaving that one alone."

I hope I can post quotes with more than one person talking.
Actually you're right. :lol: It does sound like something Eric or Ryan or Speed would say though. That's why i picked it. :D Your go! :)
yeah that's why my first guess was delko. i knew i had seen it not long ago, it's from season 1 right? but i wasn't sure who said it :)

so here's the next quote

x: Cute girls.
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