Who is your least favorite character?

Re: Who is your most unfavorite character?

The worst one by far is Jo.
She does not fit neither with the others nor with the show. Her character is just an egoistic know-it-all irksome show-off. Don't know whether it's her acting or it's been written like that.

The second one is Hawkes - for the same reasons everyone's mentioning.

I think the show would have been better off without both of them.
Re: Who is your most unfavorite character?

Of all the characters, Lindsay has been by far my least favorite character, even if I enjoy her in an odd kind of puppy-love way. Just the way she has played out since joining in season 2 has become a complete bag of spoiled potatoes at best, especially since Danny Kinkapoodles has become a sort of one-dimensional shell of his former self.

I totally agree! If TPTB wants to improve the ratings, they must kick Lindsay out! She is annoying and unpleasant, and brings nothing to the show. I cannot understand the rationale of keeping such an unpopular character on the show.
Re: Who is your most unfavorite character?

I liked Hawkes when he was in charge of the morgue because he could be a bit quirky and cool with the jazz playing in the background and such but they really killed his individuality when they took him out of the morgue and tried to make him a CSI.

i totally agree. he was good in the morgue, then he just went all preachy moral high ground and it's got progressively worse as the seasons have gone on and now every time he opens his mouth you want to switch off to avoid getting a lecture. people who say mac is sanctimonious may have a point but compared to hawkes he's positively laid back.

sela wards character has no game, she cant fight and she doesent have a colorful past.

i'm not saying you're wrong on this because everyone should be entitled to their opinion, however...

how do you know she has no game? has there really been an opportunity for her to show she has? hell, what IS game for that matter? how do you define what it is and who has it? and what prevents her from qualifying?

as for fighting, again this season so far has presented jo with approximately zero fight scenes - this doesn't show she can't fight, just means they haven't asked her to. so how can you say she can't fight? and for that matter, as a csi, why should she be able to fight? sure being able to defend yourself in a job like that is to be expected and given that she was in the fbi and then hired by the nypd i would imagine she knows perfectly well how to handle herself, but ability to fight is pretty irrelevant in the scheme of what makes a good character.

as for the colourful past - again, how do you know? so far very little of her past has been hinted at - her kids, her ex, her leaving the fbi under suspicious circumstances after playing whistleblower - but that doesn't mean it's not there. for that matter, stella's past wasn't that colourful - the orphan thing was trotted out a few times but that's no different to jo's fbi thing, and most of stella's "past" was in fact created by the show (the fire, the abusive boyfriend killing, etc etc) so wasn't past at all but present. mac doesn't have a colourful past either - he was in the marines and his wife died on 9/11, that's hardly hold the front page tabloid scandal.

basically what i'm saying is you haven't given reasons for what you're claiming and without those i don't think your claims stand up, also i don't think those claims have any real relevance on what makes a good characters as they're either (a) absent from the plot or (b) prior to the plot.

the show wouldnt get bottom low ratings :S

you mean those bottom low ratings that make it number one in its time slot pretty consistently this season? hmmm.
Re: Who is your most unfavorite character?

I like all the characters on this show, each has had their own moment to shine and their own uses, so for me, this thread is just too much negativity. Don't see why I have to hate a character, so far none of the characters have done anything evil or horrible, so I like them all.
Re: Who is your most unfavorite character?

^ Yeah, I remember feeling that way...

Mac, Danny, Hawkes, there said it. All = characters I'm pretty much done with thanks, on account of being way too frustrated way too long. (well, Hawkes to a much lesser extent than the other two but still). Pretty pissed off that Flack was thisclose to joining the heap till I finally saw "To What End". S7's better than S6, no doubt, but that's not saying much and it has miles to go, imo.
Re: Who is your most unfavorite character?

Lindsey and Stella. Reasons have been stated in other posts. I'm sort of surprising myself by thinking about Hawkes too.....He IS rather boring...

Re: Who is your most unfavorite character?

I'd prefer taking perhaps the inverse approach for a thread, ie. who is your favorite character, but, I'll answer the question :p.

I actually think a show and characters are more interesting when you don't necessarily like or agree with them all of the time. Every character on the show I've liked and disliked on various occasions. Usually it's still somehow in service of/some facet of presenting whatever an ep is about. Most would still be interesting to chat and/or butt heads with on some point or other over a drink or three.

That said. My response on a general level would hafta be Montana Lindsay Monroe Messer. I don't hate her. But I have been, over the years & over and above the rest, the most consistently irked by how she's written, used, and performed. That seemed to be heightened after DL became such a prominent factor in her material as well. I keep hoping for better. But that's just IMO. Some like her quite fine as she is. But for me, she's not one I'd be happy to have a drink with after work, let's say.

...for me, this thread is just too much negativity.
I agree.
Re: Who is your most unfavorite character?

I actually think a show and characters are more interesting when you don't necessarily like or agree with them all of the time.

yep, i agree, it makes it more interesting for sure.

...for me, this thread is just too much negativity.
I agree.

i don't mind it as long as it's tempered with, like you suggest, a thread doing the inverse, and also i think as long as you don't get too many posts that dislike *everyone* (in which case, what's the point?) - i don't mind it as a bit of silly fun (and let's face it this is a net forum so unless we're all plotting some global uprising it's likely that a bit of fun is the general aim), but i guess it could get too negative.
Re: Who is your most unfavorite character?

The worst one by far is Jo.
She does not fit neither with the others nor with the show. Her character is just an egoistic know-it-all irksome show-off. Don't know whether it's her acting or it's been written like that.

Agreed - I thought that she was way too confident - she has only just got her new job there! She was condescending to Adam (in my opinion), and she was a tad overpowering rather than entertaining. :confused:

People are saying that they don't like Lindsay, but I think it's just a matter of the writers trying to find something for her to do, which isn't good.
Re: Who is your most unfavorite character?

Don't have an unfavourite character, but I would like shake by the throat whoever it was who deceided to kill off Aiden, Angel and let Stella go.
Re: Who is your most unfavorite character?

Don't have an unfavourite character, but I would like shake by the throat whoever it was who deceided to kill off Aiden, Angel and let Stella go.

Well, I'm not sure whose decision it was for Aiden to leave, but the producers pulled the plug on Angell, and Melina herself decided not to bring Stella back this year. :)
Re: Who is your most unfavorite character?

aiden's actor vanessa ferlito missed her family in th REAL NEW YORK (they film in la) so she quit.

angells actor emmanuele vaungier or something like that got fired due to budget cuts due to main casts rising pay

stella quit because she missed her family and they gave a crappy contract deal
Re: Who is your most unfavorite character?

i think the most potential would be in hill harper, just the writers should make him do somehting else. anna belknap should just go back to acting school, she just tests stuff and acts like a mom, jo is not fit for assistant supervisor
Re: Who is your most unfavorite character?

Just as a reminder peakchua that you have up to 24 hours to edit a post. This eliminates double posting. :)

My least favorite character since the end of season two has been Lindsay. There's nothing truly interesting about her (even when we did get to see a bit of her ~traumatic past~), and the fact that the actress who plays her has no idea how to act truly makes her less appealing than she already was.

Around late season 5/early season 6 is when my interest in Hawkes and Stella started to die down. At this point I wouldn't mind if Hawkes decided to leave.
Re: Who is your most unfavorite character?

Stella, was my favourite charactor. I dunno why but she irritated me so much. Now Hawkes is my least favourite.