Who Is Your Favorite Guest Star?

Melinda Clarke and also the guy who played Paul Millander in the first season of CSI. He was creepy as hell but that was exactly the point so he did a great job.
Joy22 said:
also the guy who played Paul Millander in the first season of CSI. He was creepy as hell but that was exactly the point so he did a great job.
Matt O'Toole played Paul Millander, I totally agree he was great and really creepy. He is one of my favourite guest stars on CSI.
Melinda Clarke - Lady Heather. No question about it.She's the best.
I don't pay too much attention to guest stars and I don't know if he is considered a guest star cause he was only in one ep but I'm a Grey's Anatomy fan and I love T.R. Knight and he was on an ep of CSI. It was XX and he played a mentally challenge guy who's brother killed himself, his name was Zero on it. Anyways it was so sad with him and he did an amazing job.