*waves to everyone* hello! can't wait to get into this conversation!!
ok, i think Sara would be best with Nick. why? here's my reasons:
-Nick's always there for her DURING the stuff happening. Empty Eyes for example. Grissom was there AFTER everything happened. i remember i read a magazine thing about GSR and season 7 and the interview person was asking Jorjia and Billy questions. there was one question asking how they think Nick will handle the news of GSR, since he's always been there for you. That was the only character they asked about. (thought that was cool...)
-Nick makes her smile and laugh. She has a good time with Nick. I can see them just hugging and loving each other.
-They're chemisty is AMAZING!! even if you don't like Snickers, you have to admit that they do have good chemistry.
-they're different. Grissom and Sara are too similar. ya ya, it's good to have stuff in common, which sara and nick do, but they are also different. if you're dating someone who's exactly the same (which grissom and sara practicly are) the relationship's pretty boring. nothing to explore. but when she's with Nick, she seems to let go. Sara needs someone who wouldn't be able to keep the secrect that they are together for a year. if she was with Nick, he's shout it from the roof tops!! and that's what she needs; someone who's crazy about her. she needs to be loved.
-Nick gets out. Sara never gets out. i remember in 'You've Got Male' sara phoned Nick at the end of the episode. they obviously went out. with Grissom... they, what, watch movies in the comforts of they're own home. Sara needs to get out.. and Nick would LOVE to take her.
(i have alot more reasons.. i'll post them later!! lmao!)
and i agree with
NicknGris on Greg and Sara. They seem to have alot of fun together, but i have alot of fun with my brother. they are really cute together. i could see them dating for a little bit if their were in high school; experimenting on who they like. but i can't see them settling down together, and i think that's what Sara needs.
LMAO!!! wow, i wrote alot!! haha. well, i'll shut up now and let you guys talk!!