Which Character Can You Live WITHOUT?

:lol: I can live without Sara,bad character with a beer belly :lol: If she leaves I dont care.The only person for me is Grissom ;)
Jorja_Rain said:
^Jorja really should be on the L World then, where they will appreciate her little belly cuteness :D

With you on that!

I can definitly go without Nick or Warrick. I have like totally nothing with either one of these charachters!
bad character with a beer belly
:eek: Umm, *whispers* but WP has a beer belly. :p *fantasises about the belly* :rolleyes:

I have chosen. It took me a while, but Catherine. I could still watch the show if she wasn't on it, but I'm not sure I would be able to if Sara's not on it, which I guess is entirely possible. :(
Grissom has a sexy beer belly
and man can have that,but not woman
So much for double standarts. How old are you, 13? Jorja can have whatever she wants to have, besides, never heard of beer bellied women being more than welcome in the gay community? :p
Jorja in a bikini? What? Where?
*Looks around for mods* Yes...the topic at hand.
I think I answered this one before but I keep changing my mind about the characters :rolleyes:
I can never make my mind up about Sofia so I suppose Catherine's my least favourite of the moment. My least favourite main character anyway.
^one last thing *hides from mods* The Jorja bikini pics are in the jorja pic thread

So, seems like most people on here could live w/t one of the women. Is that due to the fact that most people on this board are heterosexual women? And if so, does that also hold true for the general CSI audience or is it just an online phenomenon? *has nothing to do and therefore time to ponder ridiculously unimportant questions* :lol:
Jorja_Rain said:
So much for double standarts. How old are you, 13? Jorja can have whatever she wants to have, besides, never heard of beer bellied women being more than welcome in the gay community? :p
:eek:I think I`m older then you are :devil: feb 22 1954 almost the same age as Billy
Jorja_Rain said:
^Then you should no what irony is.
I know what that is,but my English is not so good to discus her on the board(I`m Dutch) :lol:but I love Billy`s belly :lol:
Rocky11 said:
Grissom has a sexy beer belly
and man can have that,but not woman

Hey Rocky I'm with ya' on Billy, but it seems this summer he's thinned way down, but look's fantastic, as usual :p and for me, I try and keep my sexual orientation.. politics ..religion..income and place of employment private, because this is a fan-site, and I think inappropriate, and have nothing what-so-ever to do with CSI!:rolleyes: but, I do agree with the ones who said they all play off one another, so it would be hard to choose at this point, who should stay and who should go! :confused:

As much as I think that everyone is needed, I could do without Sara. Everyone seems to have their place within the team, but she's been reduced to 'Grissom's Girlfriend' and nothing more. I remember when she had more importance - Nick's rival for promotion, Greg's mentor, etc. But now...