Which Character Can You Live WITHOUT?

hmm.... ok nobody shoot me, but right now i don't like Grissom. I don't like GSR (AT ALL!) but that's not the biggest reason. he's not the same anymore. last season, he didn't have ONE case with bugs... AND HE'S AN ENTOMOLOGIST!! (is that spelt right?). Grissom used to be the head of the team, everyone needed his help, but now the team has grown up and they don't really need Grissom that much anymore. I don't really want Grissom to DIE, but... i just REALLY don't like his character anymore. bring back the nerdy, geeky, bug-loving science nerd we all love, and i'll be good!

someone i could live without... sophia. i never really liked her. i only reason i did like her was because she was getting friendly with Grissom:p lmao. but yeah, her character never really seemed to... fit in with everyone else? i don't know. maybe because they didn't really give her a background or something. either way, i could live without sophia.
^ :lol: Jorja_rain they'll get it eventually. :p
last season, he didn't have ONE case with bugs... AND HE'S AN ENTOMOLOGIST!! (is that spelt right?). Grissom used to be the head of the team, everyone needed his help, but now the team has grown up and they don't really need Grissom that much anymore. I don't really want Grissom to DIE, but... i just REALLY don't like his character anymore. bring back the nerdy, geeky, bug-loving science nerd we all love, and i'll be good!
I totally agree, he used to be the main guy, but now that role is spread out amongst all of them really. Umm. Yes. I don't have anything else to say. :rolleyes:
I think that I could live without Warrick. He was so nonexistent last season and with so many open questions (is he divorced yet? He stopped wearing his wedding ring) I could take or leave him.
xanessa said:
Jorja_Rain said:
^it is STILL So-F-ia.
I think they're saying Sophia to bug you. LOL

Well, I really hope they do, otherwise it's pretty ignorant. Maybe I should start writing Krisam....or...Nyc........or...Wharrick :lol:

Btw, as noted above, I am most certainly not the only one who's bugged by this :p
Bugged by it or not alot of people spell names differently, it happens and it will more then likely continue to happen. You really have two choices nicely point out its spelled differently (as they may not know it) or recognize it for what it might be mistake and let it be (especially if it bugs you that much) there is a third quietly pm the person and let them know again nicely the correction.

But rebuking people for the problem is not a good idea it maybe seen by them as an attack (ie flame) depending how the tone is taken. You know how you mean it and the tone you are saying, the net is a wonder but its also a problem.

Before anyone thinks they are being yelled at or warned you are not its advice.
I think women just love to dispise each other.

It's a media affectation built to support the whole low-self-esteem industry. (Fad diets, plastic surgeons, pharm industry, yada yada) Put us wimmenfolk at each other's throats, considering each other as "threats" or competition, instead of educating, encouraging and strengthening one another - I mean where's the profit in that, right? Besides, guys, catfights over Skinnerian vs Pavlovian behavioral models just aren't as much fun as hairpulling over a boyfriend-in-common, right? :lol:

On thinking about it...The only character I would jettison would be the mostly-invisible-anyway Tina. The whole Warrick "marriage" thing has been the most pointless plot contrivance the series has had, and it's gone nowhere, done nothing. The only thing I can come up with to explain it is that perhaps they intended to take it somewhere meaningful and then suddenly actors/actresses became unavailable for certain episodes, or the direction of the really pertinent plots simply nudged "WTR" into irrelevance. In fact I have decided WTR has devolved into the less substantial Warrick/Tina Failure, or, appropriately...WTF. :cool:

Seriously, even the characters I love to hate (McKeen, Ecklie, etc.) are like that rare exotic spice or sauce in the curry/pad thai/etc. of life that, on its own, stinks to high heaven...but in the context of the dish, gives it that proverbial je-ne-sais-quoi that it would lack without said spice. (Can you tell I like to cook? :lol: )

Drop the Tina contrivance, keep the rest, and I'll be a happy camper. Just don't eff with my Lab Rats. :devil:
I can live without Sara. I just don't like the whole GSR thing and there is just too much drama for me with her character. *Runs and ducks from GSR fans*
definalty Sara. I don't know why but i just don't have the attachment to her as I do with the other cast members.
Sara and Warrick. I dunno why, they just don't do that much for me. The charactors are ok but I dunno, I wouldn't be that bothered if either of them left. *hides from Sara & Warrick fans*